代做COMU1052 Introduction to Strategic Communication 2025代做Java程序

2025-02-28 代做COMU1052 Introduction to Strategic Communication 2025代做Java程序

Introduction to Strategic Communication (COMU1052)

Sem 1 2025

Assessment details

Learning Reflection

Mode Written

Category Notebook/ Logbook, Reflection

Weight 25% 1000 words (2 reflective journal entries, 500 words each)

Due date 16/05/2025 4:00 pm

Submit both reflections by no later than 4pm Friday 16 May 2025 (see Blackboard for details)

Learning outcomes L01, L02

Task description

This assignment task involves students reflecting on their learning and writing two reflective journal entries. This experience helps to build reflective practice, which is emerging as a vitally important component of strategic communication. It is through reflection that today's communication practitioners and experts become more attuned to the challenges of implementing best practice approaches.

Through reflection, professionals adopt more critical perspectives on developments in the field, and develop as flexible, adaptable, and strategic members of their organizations and consultancies.

In our second week, you are to prepare one learning journal entry. Entry #1 will be a pre-reflection on the course, Entry #2 will be written throughout the course time and it will be a post-reflection on the course.

Your tutor will provide detailed guidance and instructions on how to complete the two entries.

This needs to be a critical reflection. Therefore, you will need to move beyond merely describing your learning experience. Instead, you should aim to highlight, explain, and analyse the changes in your understandings and approaches as a result of your learning experience. Unfold the moments when you consider you came to deeper realisations and understandings (the 'aha moments'). Assess the implications of what you have learned for your future professional practice.

Here is the schedule and structure for your journal entries:

Entry #1 Pre-Reflection (complete by Week 2)

As you begin studying this course, record your reflections on:

What do you think is involved in strategic communication?

What has shaped your current thinking about what strategic communication is?

What do you think are the key challenges of strategic communication and particularly public relations today?

What value do you think strategic communication brings to an organisation – of whatever kind (Nonprofit, corporate, political organization etc.?

Entry #2 Post-Reflection (complete by Week 11, See Blackboard for details)

As you are coming to the end of this course, record your reflections on:

Now, what do you think is involved in strategic communication?

Which aspects of the course learning experience have been most helpful in shaping your current thinking about what is involved in public relations? (The lectures? The tutorials? The workshops? The textbook chapters? The video interviews with PR professionals? The assignment tasks?)

Which aspects of the course learning experience have been most challenging for you, and why?

Now, what do you think are the key challenges of public relations in the contemporary organisation?

Now, what value do you think public relations brings to an organisation?

Student use of AI in Assessment 1

This assessment task evaluates students’ abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Case Study Analysis

Mode Written

Category Essay/ Critique

Weight 25% 1500 words

Due date 4/04/2025 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes L01, L02

Task description

This assignment task is designed to enable students to demonstrate their understanding of key elements of effective, best-practice, public relations campaign design, and to apply this understanding through critically analysing a public relations campaign case study.

During the lectures and tutorials, a best-practice communication campaign planning framework will be provided. This is an individual assignment. The student will undertake a critical analysis of a case study public relations campaign plan that will be provided.

Each student needs to prepare a 1500-word report of an analysis of a case study. This case study will be made available via learning resources on Blackboard in Week 4. Your purpose in this report is to present a case on whether or not the campaign plan is effective or not – whether it contains (and effectively applies) the components of campaign design identified via best practice frameworks.

An important part of this assignment is demonstrating your understanding of best practice frameworks (for example, the framework that contained in the course textbook by Silverman & Smith). Your paper will be assessed on the quality and depth of your critical analysis. Ensure the critical analysis is explained and justified. The report should not be simply descriptive.

The report should also include recommendations for improvements to the plan. Suggested amendments and inclusions to the campaign plan should be provided, with specific examples of redrafted elements included.

Ensure that all sources of information used in this report are acknowledged via intext referencing and a list of references (using APA 7th edition referencing format). The report should be prepared in Microsoft Word format. Ensure that the file is named as follows: FamilyName,FirstName_StudentNumber_CourseNumber_AssessmentTask.docx. The document itself should be formatted with 1.5-2 line spacing, minimum size 12 font (preferably Times New Roman), and 2.5cm margins.

Student use of AI in assessment 2

Assignments have been designed to be challenging, authentic and complex. Whilst students may use AI technologies, successful completion of assessments in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance.

A failure to reference AI or MT technologies use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. If you are using AI or MT tools, collate all prompts and responses with the URL and date in a single PDF document as an appendix and submit it along with your assignments. To pass assessments for this course, students will be required to demonstrate detailed comprehension of their written submission independent of AI or MT tools.

Campaign Pitch, Documents, Peer Group Evaluation

Mode Written

Category Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Presentation

Weight 50%

Due date 23/05/2025 4:00 pm

Campaign Pitch Presentation: In-class presentation in Week 11 and 12 tutorials

Documents and Peer Group Evaluation: Due by 4pm 23 May 2025

Learning outcomes L01, L02, L03

Task description

This assignment task is designed to enable students to demonstrate their understanding of effective, strategic, engaging, best-practice, public relations campaign design – particularly how to develop a campaign plan, and present a pitch for this campaign plan.

During the tutorials, peer groups for this assignment task will be formed. Each peer group will research and develop a public relations campaign plan for a client organisation, and present an oral pitch of this campaign plan. (Groups will be formed by the end of Week 5 in tutorials where continued attendance is strongly encouraged as tutors will guide group work and documentation activities).

For the purpose of this assignment, the peer group should take on the role of a PR consultancy – so you should 'create' a consultancy for the peer groups. The public relations campaign being developed should be for a real organisation OF YOUR GROUP’S CHOICE (to be discussed with your tutor).

It is expected that each member of the peer group will sustain a strong level of engagement with the work of the team, will show a degree of respect for the opinions/input of others into decision-making, will demonstrate a willingness to take on responsibilities and complete these on time, and will adopt a collaborative approach (working well with all team members - avoiding passivity, submissiveness or domination).

Each member of the peer group is required to share equally in the development of the communication campaign plan, in presenting the pitch, and in preparing the supporting documentation to be submitted.

Information from academic sources should be used in the preparation of this assignment. Sources used should be acknowledged following appropriate academic referencing process. A reference list should be provided in the campaign pitch Powerpoint/Prezi slide presentation.

There are three components to be completed:

1. Supporting Documents for Campaign Pitch Presentation (2,000 words maximum)

You are to prepare the following documents:

A consultancy credentials document (SWOT analysis and Problem/Vision statement, links and reference page to research identified, campaign schedule and budget).

A document which contains the Powerpoint/Prezi slides used for the pitch presentation (and any other supporting materials used);

You are to bring to the pitch presentation a printed copy of the presentation slides (you may scale slides to fit to 1-2 pages) for your tutor, who you will present to.

NOTE: Ensure that you clearly include the full names and student numbers of all members of the peer group on a title page/cover page. The material should be prepared in Microsoft Word format. Ensure that the file is named as follows:

ConsultancyName_TutorialDayandTime _CourseNumber_AssessmentTask.docx Ensure that all sources of information used in this report are acknowledged via intext referencing and a list of references (using APA 7th edition referencing format).

2. Campaign Pitch Presentation

The pitch presentation should be 15 minutes, with a further 5 minutes at the end allocated for a question time. (As a team, you should develop a strategy for addressing questions – prepare potential questions and answers, and nominate who should respond to which types of questions.)

The pitch presentation should provide an intelligible and clear account of the PR campaign plan. You should address the following:

Introduction: A brief introduction about your PR consultancy/team, your credentials, and any relevant information about your PR consultancy.

Where are we now? A clear, and concise, account of the current situation that the client is facing; the situation analysis (including, for example, an assessment of major competitors, supporters, opponents, public perceptions of the organisation, and key publics for this current situation); the problem/opportunity to be addressed through the campaign.

Where do we want to be? A clear, and concise, account of the purpose for the campaign (this should be visionary, but realistic for the organisation); the design of the campaign (e.g. how it positions the organisations); the goal of the campaign (e.g. why the campaign is needed and the predicted outcome/s); the objectives (and how these will shape the development of the campaign).

How will we get there? A clear, and concise, account of the messaging strategy (the key messages for the specific target publics); the communication tactics (i.e. how the messaging strategy for the target publics will be executed; the campaign schedule; the campaign budget.

How will we know we've achieved good outcomes? A clear, and concise, account of the plan for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign (this should link to the campaign objectives); how successful outcome/s of the campaign will be determined

Conclusion and question time: Provide a clear summary statement of the campaign purpose, key strengths/uniqueness in the campaign design, and the end outcome/s that will be achieved. (Include the Powerpoint/Prezi slide with the reference list here.) Then, open up a Q&A time.

The presentation should be professional in approach. Aim to enliven the material and present it in an engaging, persuasive manner rather than reading information from a script. Ensure that the presentation incorporates Powerpoint or Prezi slides (or similar) – and that these are of a professional standard. You should rehearse the pitch presentation to ensure it is well-paced and keeps within the allocated time. Rehearsing will also ensure that there is a smooth flow between presenters. Following the presentation and question-time, the peer team will then participate in a brief feedback process on their plan and pitch.

3. Peer Team Evaluation (Buddy Check)

Each student is to provide an evaluation of each member of the peer group via Buddy Check. This will be outlined further and will focus on contributions of each member to the group work and the outcomes the group achieved, the group's performance in presenting work as an integrated whole, the way in which the team members interacted and worked together.

Student use of AI in assessment 3

Assignments have been designed to be challenging, authentic and complex. Whilst students may use AI technologies, successful completion of assessments in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance.

A failure to reference AI or MT technologies use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. If you are using AI or MT tools, collate all prompts and responses with the URL and date in a single PDF document as an appendix and submit it along with your assignments. To pass assessments for this course, students will be required to demonstrate detailed comprehension of their written submission independent of AI or MT tools.

Recording of Oral and Practical Assessment

All presentations will be recorded for marking purposes via recording facilities available where the assessment takes place (eg. ECHO360, Zoom, camera device)

Recordings will be retained by the School of Communication and Arts for at least 12 months from the release of the final grade for the course.

Recordings will be stored in a secure manner and will only be accessed by authorised school staff for the purposes of:

Moderation of marking;

Provision of feedback to the student(s) recorded; and/or

Re-marking following a successful re-mark application.