代做Media Production Foundations Assignment 2 Checklist代做Python程序

2024-06-04 代做Media Production Foundations Assignment 2 Checklist代做Python程序

Media Production Foundations Assignment 2 Checklist

l A TWO MINUTE Moving image piece (video/images/audio) that communicates a narrative- must include graphics and accurate captions that supports the video

Ø Must be two minutes long

Ø Must use graphics and audio to deepen the story telling of the image

Ø Must contain subtitles (captions) and abide by the accessibility guidelines

l A critical reflection of 500 words (+/-10% 450-550 words)

Ø includes supporting media materials

Ø analyse your creative process (must include referencing)

Suggested Procedures:

Find another person from class and work together and select a subject that matters to them

Ø it could be a hobby of yours, an issue or something abstract such as something from/like Assignment One

Ø Actively consider the relationship between your subject (to the other person) and their chosen topic

Ø How best can you structure a story about it

Make sure you:

l Think about the most interesting part of your story concept -how do you get passion for the topic in a way it relates to others

l Think about the best technical elements to aid the storytelling- how can the specific graphics or sound chosen can deepen the moving image experience

l Make sure the piece meets the Accessibility Guidelines of AUT- especially with the subtitles (Suggestion is to follow the instructions to create an ‘unlisted’ Youtube video, edit the automatically generated subtitles and then place that on your Adobe Portfolio Page)

l Don’t forget to keep the notes on the experiences crafting the story paying attention to how you critically reflect on the process (mini journal- will be used later on for the final presentation)


l Project must have a structured narrative that combines resources of moving image/video (INCLUDING AUDIO)

l Graphics and accurate captions that support the video

l Final presentation may include further media content (e.g. still images) as part of the overall design

Although you are most likely going to working with a peer/buddy- the assessment will be based on YOUR INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO