代做IFB106TC, Demand Forecasting and Management 2024

2024-06-04 代做IFB106TC, Demand Forecasting and Management 2024

Module code and Title

IFB106TC,   Demand Forecasting and Management

School Title

School of Intelligent Finance and Business

Assignment Title

Case Study: Amazon Web Services

Submission Deadline

3 June 2024

Final Word Count

800 words


Submission deadline: Monday 3 June 2024

Your answers to the case study must be submitted via Learning Mall Online to the correct drop box by 5 pm on Monday 3 June 2024. Only electronic submission is accepted and no hard copy submission.

All students must download their file and check that it is viewable after submission. Documents may become corrupted during the uploading process (e.g. due to slow internet connections). However, students themselves are responsible for submitting a functional and correct file for assessments.

Introduction: Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing company. It offers cloud products and services to businesses worldwide. For a specific region, AWS provides ten cloud products. Their demand data from 10 October 2021 to 1 March 2024 are provided in the Excel sheet "dataset1" (This data file is available on XJTLU Learning Mall online). The manager assigned you a task to choose one out often products, and your choice is product  1807ffa2c1c84035f4346c3364104dd1 (you can name it product A). Build a forecast model, and make a forecast for the period between 2 March 2024 and 7 June 2024 considering the following questions.

For this case study, students should be grouped in groups of 5-6 students. One group member must be designated as the group leader for leading the project group. Any changes of members of the project group should be communicated to the module leader.

•   For Questions 1 and 2, each group must submit a group report in Word format  (70%).

•   For Questions 3, each student must  submit an indevitual report in Word format  (30%).


1.Model Building. Based on the historical data provided in the sheet "dataset1", build a forecast model and explain how this model is built. (Group question  40 Marks, 400 words limit)

2.Model Evaluation. Work in a group and evaluate the forecast model built in the previous task. (Group question – 30 Marks, 300 words limit)

3.Forecasting and Visualisation. Using the forecast model built in task 2, predict the demand from 2 March 2024 to 7 June 2024. Then, consider the actual demand data from 2 March 2024 to 7 June 2024, which are in the Excel sheet "dataset2". Show a time-series graph with the actual data and values that the forecast model would predict.

(Indevitual question – 30 Marks, 100 words limit)

Submission Date

The report and calculation details must be submitted to Learning Mall by 5 pm on Monday 3 June 2024 (Beijing Time)

Marking Rubric

The report is marked for the five tasks mentioned above (i.e., model building, model evaluation, forecasting, visualisation, and inventory management).



Model Building:

There is evidence of a proper understanding of various forecasting models. The explanation is understandable and in-depth.


Model Evaluation:

Appropriate and correct methods are adopted for model evaluation.


Forecasting and Visualisation:

Forecasts for future demand are correct and clear demonstrations. The plot is clear, and detailed explanations are provided.


Performance Descriptors


Point Scale

Criteria to be satisfied



   Outstanding  work   that  is  at  the  upper   limit  of performance.

   Work  would  be  worthy  of  dissemination  under appropriate conditions.

   Mastery of advanced methods and techniques at a level beyond that explicitly taught.

   Ability to synthesise and employ in an original way idea from across the subject.

   There is evidence of an outstanding contribution.

   Excellent presentation.

   Outstanding   command   of   critical   analysis   and judgment.


70 - 79

   Excellent range and depth of attainment of intended learning outcomes.

   Mastery of a wide range of methods and techniques.

   Evidence of study and originality clearly beyond the bounds of what has been taught.

   There   is    evidence   of   an    excellent   individual contribution.

   Excellent presentation.

   Able  to  display  a  command  of  critical  thinking, analysis, and judgment.


60 - 69

   Attained  all the  intended  learning  outcomes  for  a module or assessment.

   Able to use well a range of methods and techniques to come to conclusions.

   Evidence  of  study,  comprehension,  and  synthesis beyond the bounds of what has been explicitly taught.

   Very good presentation of material.

   Able to employ critical analysis and judgment.


50- 59

   Some  limitations  in  the  attainment  of  learning objectives but has managed to grasp most of them.

   Able to use most  of the  methods  and  techniques taught.

   Evidence of study and comprehension of what has been taught

   Adequate presentation of material.

   Some grasp of issues and concepts underlying the techniques and material taught.


40 - 49

   Limited attainment of intended learning outcomes.

   Able to use a proportion of the basic methods and techniques taught.

   Evidence of study and comprehension of what has been taught, but grasp insecure.

   Poorly presented.

   Some grasp of the issues and concepts underlying the techniques   and   material   taught,   but   weak   and incomplete.