Submission Requirements:
You must include the following paragraph on your title page:
I confirm that this assignment is my own work.
Where I have referred to academic sources, I have provided in-text citations and included the sources in the final reference list.
How to avoid academic misconduct
You should follow academic conventions and regulations when completing your assessed work. If there is evidence that you have done any of the following, whether intentionally or not, you risk getting a zero mark:
Plagiarism & poor scholarship
· stealing ideas or work from another person (experts or students)
· using quotations from sources without paraphrasing and using citations
· working together with someone else on an individual assessment, e.g., your work is corrected, rephrased or added to by another (both parties would be guilty)
Buying or commissioning work
· submitting work as your own that someone else produced (whether you paid for it or not)
· copying the work of another student
· using resources or aids that are not permitted for the assessment
· submitting work, e.g., laboratory work, which is partly or completely made up. This includes claiming that work was done by yourself alone when it was actually done by a group
· claiming to be another student and taking an assessment instead of them (both parties guilty)
Specific formatting instructions:
You must type your assessment in Arial font 11, with single spacing.
Assessments submitted after the submission deadline may incur penalties or may not be accepted.
Additional submission information – check you have done the following:
Consistent font, spacing, page numbers, formatting and subheadings
Correct format and location throughout the essay
Harvard referencing system used correctly in the reference list
Summarising the results of research
Paraphrasing the contents of research findings
Spell check
Spell check the essay
Proof-reading completed
Grammarly has been used to check the essay