
2025-02-18 Databases代做、代写SQL设计编程
Databases for Management
Information Systems
Assignment 1
Assignment Type:
Percentage of Module Mark:
Due Date:
The Development and role of Database Management Systems as part of the Decision-Making
Individual Report and DBMS
processes within an Organisation
Organisations today, small, medium and large depend on digital datasets as part of their day-to-day
activities. Database Management Systems as a software solution, play a key role in managing
transactional/operational data. Such systems hold very little value if they are not utilised correctly to
support effective decision making. In this assignment, identify one real-world organisation and
provide the following deliverables for that organisation:
1) Introduction
[Text and references, 1 Diagram + AI Journal], [1 PDF], [5%]
a. State your organisation and provide a clear set of functional requirements(s) for its ICT
infrastructure which your assignment will be focusing on e.g. customer support via
chatbots, HR ICT systems to manage the addition of new staff. For your functional
requirements, a decision-making element needs to be embedded. Max 5 references.
b. To complete this section, use any AI tool that you wish. Write up max 200 words in your AI
Journal on how you leveraged an AI tool to deepen your understanding on your area of
interest within your target organisation. Provide your top 3 AI queries & responses and
attach at the end of this introduction. Use some of your 200 words in your AI Journal to
comment on these AI queries.
2) Background Research
[Text, diagram and references + AI Journal], [1 PDF], [15%]
a. For your specific scenario (target organisation and functional requirements) undertake
general background research into the different ICT platforms/solutions which may
interact with your DBMS. Develop one diagram that shows all the components
interconnected, with your DBMS as the central component. Max 10 references.
b. To complete this section, use any AI tool that you wish. Write up max 250 words in your AI
Journal on how you leveraged an AI tool to deepen your understanding on the application
of different ICT solutions within your target organisation. Provide your top 3 AI queries &
responses and attach at the end of this background. Use some of your 250 words in your
AI Journal to comment on these AI queries.
3) Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
[Text, ERD, Video + AI Journal], [1 Video and 1 PDF], [15%]
a. Develop 1 ERD using crow’s foot notation with max 7 entities. All attributes, relationships,
cardinalities, modalities need to be stated.
b. Max 5-minute video (screen capture recording) of you describing your ERD, the logic
behind your ERD and how you found AI useful/or not in helping you to develop your ERD.
c. To complete this section, use any AI tool that you wish. Write up max 300 words in your AI
Journal on how you leveraged an AI tool to develop your ERD. Provide your top 3 AI queries
& responses and attach at the end of this ERD. Use some of your 300 words in your AI
Journal to comment on these AI queries.
4) DBMS Solution
[MySQL database, Video + AI Journal], [1 MySQL database, 1 Video and 1 PDF], [45%]
a. Using MySQL create a database and develop the associated tables, relationships etc based
on your ERD.
b. Populate your tables with dummy data, minimum 20 rows of data per table. If you wish to
import publicly available data, please reference the data source e.g.
c. Provide all SQL scripts in your PDF (for repeating SQL queries such as insert, only one copy
is sufficient for unique inserts).
d. Export your database (including tables, structures and data). I will import this database for
e. To complete this section, use any AI tool that you wish. Write up max 500 words in your AI
Journal on how you leveraged an AI tool to develop the MySQL database. Provide your top
5 AI queries & responses and attach at the end of this DBMS. Use some of your 500 words
in your AI Journal to comment on these AI queries.
f. Max 10-minute video (screen capture recording) of you describing your database, the logic
behind your SQL queries and how you found AI useful/or not in helping you to develop
your database. The more knowledge and understanding you can convey of your database
the higher the marks.
5) Organisational reports to support decision making
[Reports, CSV files + AI Journal], [3 Video, n CSV files and 1 PDF], [20%]
a. Develop 3 reports based on the data within your database.
i. Each report will need at max 1 chart/table etc.
ii. Export the relevant data from tables into a CSV files
iii. Import that data into MS Excel to generate your Graphs
iv. Max 250 words per report and highlight its potential has part of an organisational
decision-making process.
v. Each report requires a max 2-minute video describing its value and how you leveraged
AI to assist you in making this report.
b. To complete this section, use any AI tool that you wish. Write up max 250 words in your AI
Journal on how you leveraged an AI tool to develop these reports. Provide your top 3 AI
queries & responses and attach at the end of this section. Use some of your 250 words in
your AI Journal to comment on these AI queries.
- Maximum 2,500 words excluding AI Journal, references and cover page
- All external sources of information must be referenced (Harvard referencing style).
- Font - Times New Roman size 12.
- Spacing- 1.15.
- Table of Contents.
- Follow the Assignment zip file structure. Do not alter it.
- Each video must be recorded by you with your own voice.
- Submit online via Canvas and in one single ZIP. Only zip files will be accepted.
Cover page to include the following:
• Report Title.
• Student Name.
• Student Number.
• Course Code.
• Lecturer Name
• Module Code .
Databases for Management
Information Systems
Assignment 1
Guide Description
Fail Very poor, clearly inadequate coverage of material, badly prepared, poor quality and
confusing. Lack of understanding as to how organisations function and the need for
databases. AI was not used effectively. Very limited supporting logic or references.
Pass A clear target organisation was provided and a rational for databases was given.
However, no critical analysis of how decision making may be enhanced was provided. A
basic coverage of the subject area, very basic MySQL database with a limited set of
supporting references and videos.
3H A clear target organisation was provided and a rational for databases was given with
supporting decision making rational. AI was used but at a basic level, limited critical
thinking and supporting references, the videos did not convey a very high level of
understanding. Very basic MySQL solution provided with limited value reports.
2H2 A clear setting with functional requirements and decision making have been clearly
explained. Reasonable analysis in the usage of AI. The MySQL database is developed to a
good standard but limited usage of SQL key functions. AI was used also at a good level
but did not critically assess their usage of AI in the AI journal.
2H1 Clear exposition of domain and a good selection of references. The AI Journal is logically
constructed and demonstrates an excellent usage of the AI tool. The MySQL database is
excellent but lacking the higher features of SQL functions. The 3 final reports cover a
good spectrum of topics but lack the content which would be of real benefit to their
target organisation.
1H Outstanding. Thorough coverage of the subject matter i.e. ERD, MySQL, AI Journal and
supporting videos are all logically constructed. The 3 final reports clearly add real value
to the target organisation. Perceptive analysis and assessment accompanied by
interesting/original ideas or new perspectives. Excellent report.