代做FIT5057 Project Management Semester 1, 2024 Assignment Two代写Java程序

2024-06-01 代做FIT5057 Project Management Semester 1, 2024 Assignment Two代写Java程序

FIT5057 Project Management

Semester 1, 2024

Assignment Two – Team Assignment

Project 4: Applications for Credit

Assignment Title: Streamlined Digital Application Process for Prior Credit

Deliverable 1: Project Integration Management

Task 1.1 Project Charter

Project Title: Streamlined Digital Application Process for Prior Credit

Project Start Date: Projected Finish Date:

Budget Information:

Project Manager: Name:



Project Objectives:

1. The objectives of the Streamlined Digital Application Process for Prior Credit project are:

2. To develop a user-friendly digital platform. that can be used by students in applying for prior credit.

3. To provide an automated processing system prior to the credit applications by students.

4. To lower the administrative burden on Monash University.

5. To bring an overall student experience.

Main Project Success Criteria:

1. The project is completed on time, under budget, and to quality standards.

2. The digital platform. is simple, effective, and accommodating to students and staff.

3. The project reduces staff administrative strain and improves student experience.

Project development approach:

Waterfall will be used to create the project. This method completes each project step before moving on.

Deliverable 2: Project Scope Management

Task 2.1 Requirements Traceability Matrix

Task 2.2 Project Scope Statement


Streamlined Digital Application Process for Prior Credit


Crediting prior learning and experiences is a lengthy and wasteful process at many colleges and universities. Students must submit lengthy paper applications, attach supporting documents, and navigate many school offices (Kothandapani, 2023). This project-based method slows student applications. Manually assessing applications and supporting documents is a big administrative burden. A new digital platform. from Monash University will speed up prior credit applications. Streamlined Digital Application Process for Prior Credit would create an online platform. for students to submit prior credit applications, add documents, and follow their applications if funded (Eliakina, 2018). An electronic database of completed applications and accompanying documents would speed review. Safeguard student data. The new digital platform. speeds application processing by eliminating data entry and department routing (Lee et al., 2018). It should greatly minimize staff administrative effort and free up resources for other important tasks. Most importantly, the digital application process helps students evaluate their academic performance and adapt it to their degree requirements faster. Modernizing systems and processes to benefit current and future students is the goal.


Functional Requirements

• The digital platform. must be user-friendly and easy to navigate.

• The digital platform. must be able to process prior credit applications automatically.5

• The digital platform. must reduce the administrative burden on staff (Martínez Sánchez & Pérez Lechuga, 2020).

• The digital platform. must improve the overall student experience.

Non-functional requirements

• The digital platform. must be secure and protect student data.

• The digital platform. must be accessible to students with disabilities.

• The digital platform. must be scalable to accommodate future growth.


1. Schedule

2. Project charter

3. Risk register

4. Scope statement

5. Budget

6. Work breakdown structure

7. Communication plan


− Training materials

− Digital platform.

− User manual

ASSOCIATED RISKS (Min 1 per deliverable)

Training materials

• The digital platform. may not be completed on time or under budget.

• Digital platforms may be difficult to utilize.

• The digital platform. may not safeguard student data (Beheshti et al., 2021).

Digital platform.

• Please note that the user manual may be unclear.

• The user handbook may not include step-by-step digital platform. instructions.

• User manuals may not contain troubleshooting.

User manual

• The training materials may not be entertaining or informative.

• Training materials may not cover all digital platform. features.

• Training materials may not be available in several forms.


− The university's IT department authorized digital platform. security.

− The digital platform. is acceptable to staff.

− Digital platforms are familiar to students and straightforward to utilize.

Deliverable 4: Project Cost Management

Task 4.1 Cost Model

Labor, technology, and implementation are included in the Streamlined Digital Application Process for Prior Credit cost model. Four $100,000-a-year full-time workers are needed. This budget includes $50,000 for hardware and software (Reddy et al., 2022). Travel, training, marketing, and outreach cost $25,000–$10,000. Labor, technology, and other costs total $360,000 to design and implement the digital previous credit application platform.

Task 4.2 Cost Baseline

Previous Credit A $215,000 streamlined digital application process is envisaged and the budget forecast covers all project costs. Four full-time workers will cost $400,000 for the project. Extra $50,000 for hardware and software. For travel and capacitation, effective training and execution cost $25,000 (Javaid et al., 2022). Promoting the new method to students costs $10,000. Launch personnel, technology, and deployment cost $215,000.

Task 4.3 Summary of Assumptions

− The project team will work full-time.

− Hardware and software will cost $50,000 for this project.

− The effort needs $25,000 for travel and training.

− Project marketing and promotion will cost $10,000.9

Deliverable 5: Project Risk Management

Task 5.1 Risk Register

Task 5.2 Probability & Impact Rationale

The probability and impact of each risk were qualitatively assessed. Each risk's probability ranged from 1 to 5, with 1 being unlikely and 5 likely (Ibrahim et al., 2015). Risk impact was rated from 1 to 5, with 1 being negligible and 5 being substantial.

Task 5.3 The Matrix & Analysis

Analysis indicates that the highly or most significant risks that may face the Streamlined Digital

Application Process for Prior Credit include:

− Connectivity disruption

− Internet loss

− Power outage

− Student filing a lawsuit

− Sick member

Deliverable 6: Project Quality Management

Task 6.1 Quality Standards/Requirements

• The digital platform. must be easy to use.

• Digital platform. must automatically process previous credit applications.

• Digital platforms should reduce staff administrative work.

• The digital platform. must improve student life.

• The digital platform. must protect student data.

• Digital platforms must accommodate disabled students.

• Growth requires digital platform. scaling.

Task 6.2 Metrics and Measurement

− Scalability issues

− Staff satisfaction

− Number of user errors11

− Security breaches

− Time to process credit applications

− Student satisfaction

− Accessibility issues