代写CCIT4085 Information Technology Fundamentals (ITF) 2023-24 Semester 2 Mini-Project代写C/C++程序

2024-06-20 代写CCIT4085 Information Technology Fundamentals (ITF) 2023-24 Semester 2 Mini-Project代写C/C++程序

CCIT4085 Information Technology Fundamentals (ITF)

2023-24 Semester 2

Mini-Project (25%)

Project Description

This is a Mini-Project to apply information technologies to analyse and present data. Students are required to apply related techniques learnt in the course to complete the Mini-Project. Moreover, each student is expected to self-learn at least ONE practical skill, apply it in the Mini-Project, and submit an individual self-learning report.

Required Skills

▪ Data analysing skills

▪ Image editing skills


▪ Group Size: 3-5

▪ All group members have to come from the same class.

▪ Students are responsible to form. groups themselves. Lecturers will NOT be responsible to form. groups for students.


Each group should submit the group information and topic (via SOUL) by 23:59, 25 Feb. 2024.


Group presentations will be done during Lesson 11 and Lesson 12.

Submission and Due Time

Submission: PowerPoint file, Excel files and Image files (in group basis), Peer Evaluation Form. (in individual basis)

Due Time: 23:59 on the day of Lesson 12. (*Zero mark will be given to late submission.)

(Students are encouraged to submit a draft two weeks before the due time. The draft could be used for consultation purpose and will be formally marked if students submit the Mini-Project late. If students submit the Mini-Project late and do not submit the draft, zero mark will be given.)


You may choose ANY topic. Below are some possible areas:

• Education                      • Labour market               • Sports

• Games                          • Music                            • Natural Resources

• Financial market

Part 1. Data Analysis

Relationships and patterns among data should be identified. Correlations could be found, and trends could be predicted. At least one graph or chart should be presented in an Excel file.

Part 2. Image Editing

THREE images related to the topic should be included in the report. The images MUST be edited by using GIMP.

Presentation Outline

Section                                     Contents to be included

Duration                                      20 minutes

Cover page                                   Course name, year & semester, class number

    Project title

Background                                Briefly describe the background of the topic

Data Source                                 Include  the  data  source  used  in  the  project  (e.g.,  URL,  page

number of a book/journal)

*Data collected by using Microsoft Forms could NOT be used as data source in the Mini-Project.

Data        Analysis        and


    Briefly describe the process of data analysis

    Present data analysis results (e.g. table(s)/graph(s)/chart(s))

    Draw conclusion(s) from data (e.g. correlations, trends)

    Prediction(s) (if any)

*Captures from the Excel file should be shown and the Excel file must be submitted on the due date.

Image Editing (three pairs of images)

    Show the original images and edited images

    Briefly mention the functions/features used to edit the images

*The image files should be shown during the presentation and must be submitted on the due date.