代做Advanced Project Management (ENGG10007) Case Study Term 2代做Prolog

2024-06-20 代做Advanced Project Management (ENGG10007) Case Study Term 2代做Prolog

Advanced Project Management (ENGG10007)

Case Study

Term 2

The assignment of 2500 words

(26 April 2024)

You have complete autonomy regarding the level of detail you wish to incorporate into this homework assignment. Your response should take the form. of a technical report that is both concise and comprehensive. The report will be submitted electronically to Turnitin on Aula.

In your coursework, utilize appropriate models or diagrams, ensuring they are tabulated, with references made to them in the body of the text. At the end of your coursework, include References and a Bibliography. All material sources must be acknowledged to inform. the reader, provide appropriate credit to the authors, and avoid plagiarism. Referencing should occur not only for direct quotations but also when paraphrasing the ideas of another writer. Although there are numerous referencing systems available, you are required to use the Harvard System.

Please ensure that you use either MS Word (.doc) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) file formats. We recommend submitting your work at your earliest opportunity to avoid any last-minute panic when submitting electronically.

This exercise requires you to employ creativity, knowledge, and the ability to conduct research, as well as effectively answer the questions.

APM Case Study

Your task is to perform. your own case study on project management in manufacturing, construction, engineering, or other services. There are plenty of online sources, newspapers, reports, and many local enterprises with accompanying websites detailing their projects. If the available data for your case cannot address all questions, you can include your suggested data that is appropriate for the project. You need to clarify these additional data.

Below are some examples of projects:

1. Projects within the Central Highland region centre around Beauly, Scotland.


2. The Cross Tay Link Road, a road construction project in Perth and Kinross, Scotland.


3. Net zero and carbon reduction: The rollout of public Electric Vehicle charging.


4. Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre, Edinburgh.


5. Superfast Cornwall.


After providing a brief overview of your case, your report should address the following questions in sequence. This case study contributes 50% to your final mark. Please refer to the marking scheme for more details on how your report will be assessed.

Business Case:

A1. How do the outcomes allow the organization(s) to realize the benefits of changes explained in the business case for the project? Comment on desirability, viability, and achievability of the outputs. (7 marks) (P57-60, 70)

A2. Identify 4 supporting techniques for investment appraisal. (8 marks) (P65-66)

A3. Discuss Sustainable Development Goals. (8 marks) (P67-68)


B1. What is the planning horizon and the scope of the project? (2 marks) (P104)

B2. Discuss whether scope uncertainty and a short planning horizon apply? (8 marks) (P104-105)

B3. Discuss 5 aspects of the project scale that affect planning. (10 marks) (P124-125)

B4. Identify all stages of the high-level project plan. (8 marks) (P108-109)

B5. Identify work packages. (8 marks) (P109)

B6. Provide a diagram of the product breakdown structure for the project. (8 marks) (P114)

B7. Provide 3 examples of tolerances in 3 different aspects of the project. (6 marks) (P110, P111)


C1. Considering Organizational ecosystem and Project ecosystem, discuss how to make decisions at the best level to deliver change which affects people in their business activities, routines, and responsibilities. (4 marks) (P32)

C2. How to embed shared understanding/users inside and outside the organization. (4 marks) (P36)

C3. How to build effective teams/social cohesion. (4 marks) (P40)

C4. How to develop the communication management approach to avoid unnecessary barriers in implementing any changes. (4 marks) (P42-43)


D1. Describe the three stakeholders of Business, User, and Supplier for the project. (6 marks) (P78)

D2. Who potentially attends the board meetings? (4 marks) (P93)

D3. Give 3 examples of where the required capabilities do not already exist in the organization or the project and it needs to bring in external suppliers. (6 marks) (90-91)


E1. With an example from the project, discuss the product-based quality approach. (6 marks) (P132)

E2. Explain quality responsibilities for the product in the previous question i.e. E1. (4 marks) (P135)

E3. Explain the techniques for the quality management of the above product i.e. E1. (4 marks) (P137-138, 141)


F1. Explain 6 risks of the project with 6 different risk responses. (10 marks) (P155-156)

F2. Give an example of a combination of responses to a risk of the project. (6 marks) (P156)

F3. Give an example of combined risk action owner in the project. (6 marks) (P156)


G1. Give one example of an issue of a request for change. Discuss four potential responses and choose one. (12 marks) (P173, 179)

G2. Give one example of an issue of off-specification. Discuss two potential responses and choose one. (8 marks) (P173, 179)

G3. Give 2 examples of other types of issues (rather than G1 and G2) in the project. (4 marks) (P173)


H1. With an example, explain delegating tolerance and reporting actual and forecast progress at different levels of the project (you can use a diagram). (6 marks) (P193-194)

H2. Give one example of the following reports, identify its type and From/to for each: Checkpoint report, Highlight report, Lesson report, Issue report, Exception report, End stage report, and End project report. (7 marks) (P195, 197-198)

H3. Complete the form. for one of the above reports. (4 marks) (Aula Week4)

Closing the Project:

I1. Explain 3 criteria for a clear end to the project. (4.5 marks) (P284)

I2. Explain Input, Activities, and output for closing the project. (3.5 marks) (P285)

written Report:

Structure, format and referencing. Submissions showing evidence of good background reading and originality on the subject of project management (rather than about the project itself) will attract extra marks. (10 Marks)