代写MK5148 Applied Marketing Project 2023-2024代做留学生Matlab编程

2024-06-20 代写MK5148 Applied Marketing Project 2023-2024代做留学生Matlab编程

Applied Marketing Project


Module Outline 2023-2024

Aims & Objective


The objective of this project is to challenge students to learn how to become experts on a nominated topic which reflects an emerging trend in the practice of Marketing. This is achieved by challenging students to increase their knowledge and develop applied skills in a nominated topic. They then use this knowledge and skills to develop and deliver a strategy that will bring value to their assigned company. The module has two components: (1) Marketing Event will comprise of an event that reflects a bridge between theory and practice which supports the applied project. The Applied Marketing Project will be a comprehensive assignment which aims to allow students to apply theories, models and tools studied during their MSc programme to real-life marketing challenges. 

Overall Programme &  Module Learning Outcomes


Upon completion of the MSc Digital Marketing programme, you will have acquired the skills and competencies to:

· Solve business, policy and societal problems within a global context.

· Make a positive societal impact through critical thinking, innovation, and collaboration.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

· Develop an appropriate research approach to a specific marketing problem.

· Use both academic and industry literature to gain an in-depth understanding of a range of marketing topics.

· Develop strategic and innovative marketing ideas.

· Critically evaluate the implications of findings from strategic and implementation perspectives.

· Work collaboratively as an effective member of a marketing team to complete a task according to a pre-determined brief.

· Communicate ideas in a professional and succinct manner, both orally and in writing.


Graduate Attributes


Successful, fully engaged students have opportunities through the coursework and the broader student experience to develop a wide range of knowledge, skills and dispositions. Upon completion of this module, you will develop the following key gradate attributes:

· Knowledge: expertise in this subject area and problem-solving skills.

· Skills: critical thinking, communication skills, and creativity.

· Disposition: personal responsibility, valuing ethical standards, and a global awareness.

The graduate attributes are examined through the continuous assessments.



MSc Digital Marketing - 1MDG1

Delivery Format

The Marketing Event will take place from May 7th to May 10th on campus:-

Day 1 - CA111– 9.00am to 5.30pm

Day 2 - CA111– 9.00am to 5.30pm

Day 3 - CA111 – 9.00am to 5.30pm & BBQ afterwards

Day 4 - CA111 – 10.00am – 2.00pm

The Applied Project is an independent piece of work with weekly online check-ins with Stephen Kearney. These online sessions will be confirmed by Stephen at a later date.




Monitoring attendance has a positive impact on student engagement, especially when you can review your own attendance on Canvas and receive emails about absence. You should attend in-person on-campus for all aspects of this module unless for legitimate reasons (for example, disability, medical, or family emergency) which you have reported to the lecturer. To support students, the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics will monitor attendance at classes to (i) identify students that may be failing to engage with the programme and (ii) student participation in various modules.

Student principles on general attendance can be found here.




Students will be assessed at different stages throughout MK5148:

Marketing Event

· 1 x Live Group Presentation                                                                                 10%

· 3 x Group Responses to Briefs (each worth 15%)                                            45%

· Individual Concept Development and Plan for a Virtual Game                     45%


Applied Project

· Elevator Pitch                                                                                                         40%

· Final Report                                                                                                            60%


The assessments are carefully designed to examine graduate attributes as follows:



Graduate Attribute



Academic achievement and expertise.

Problem solving - Ability to solve new challenges and problems.




Critical thinking - Able to make sense of complex information from a variety of sources.

Creative, enterprising and resourceful.




Good citizenship - Valuing of ethical and professional standards, integrity, responsibility and good citizenship.





Marketing Event

Group Presentations due 7th, 8th and 9th of May 2024.

Individual Concept Development and Plan for a Virtual Game is due by 11:59pm, 23rd of May 2024.


Applied Project Work

Elevator Pitch is due by 23:59pm, 30th of June 2024.

Final Report is due by 23:59pm, 30th of June 2024.


Please note: late assignments incur a penalty of 10% per day.




The overall Applied Marketing Project requires a significant amount of time and effort. The credit weighting for the Applied Marketing Project component is 20 ECTs, meaning your total effort should be around 500 hours up until June 30th 2024.

Schedule of Module Content & Learning Material

Marketing Event



Emerging technologies are revolutionizing the landscape of brand marketing and consumer engagement, offering unprecedented opportunities for brands to connect with their audience in innovative and impactful ways. From artificial intelligence to augmented reality, these technologies are reshaping the way brands tell their stories, interact with consumers, and drive business results.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perhaps the most transformative of these technologies, enabling brands to analyse vast amounts of data, personalize content, and automate processes at scale. AI-powered chatbots provide instant customer support and assistance, enhancing the overall user experience and building brand loyalty. Moreover, AI-driven analytics offer invaluable insights into consumer behavior. and preferences, empowering brands to make data-driven decisions and optimize marketing strategies in real-time.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are also reshaping the brand-consumer relationship by creating immersive and interactive experiences. AR allows brands to overlay digital content onto the physical world, enabling consumers to visualize products in their own environment before making a purchase. VR, on the other hand, transports users to virtual worlds where they can engage with brands in entirely new ways, from virtual product demos to immersive storytelling experiences.

Overall, these emerging technologies offer brands the opportunity to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace, engage consumers on a deeper level, and drive meaningful business outcomes. By embracing innovation and staying ahead of the curve, brands can position themselves as leaders in their industry and forge lasting connections with their audience in an ever-evolving digital landscape.


Day 1 – Hello Artificial Intelligence

Day 2 – Hello Virtual Worlds + Platforms

Day 3 – Hello Extended Reality & BBQ

Day 4 –Applied Project Briefing & Programme Review

Reading List:

Artificial Intelligence:





Extended Reality:











During the Marketing Event

During the Marketing Event, students will work in groups, self-selected not allocated, (11 groups of 5 and 1 group of 6) on daily presentations. MSc Digital Marketing students will be required to form. groups with their programme classmates only. Students will receive assignment briefs daily and will be given time to prepare presentations. Each afternoon, a number of groups will present and facilitate a Q&A session with the class. Each member of the group must speak during the presentation. For those not presenting to the class, these groups will still be required to submit their presentations and scripts each afternoon, as well as contribute to daily Q&A sessions.

After the Marketing Event

Taking the learnings from the Marketing Event, Tina will advise students on the requirements and submission process for an individual submission on the Concept Development and Plan for a Virtual Game for a brand/company of your choice.

Assignment Value:

1 Live Group Presentation worth 10%.

3 x Group Presentations (Prepared and Scripted) each worth 15%, totalling 45%.

1 x Individual Concept Development and Plan for a Virtual Game worth 45%.


Group Presentations due 7th, 8th and 9th of May 2024.

Individual Concept Development and Plan for a Virtual Game is due by 23:59, 23rd of May 2024.

Applied Project

Assessment 1 – Final Report

Working individually, this report must reflect critical thinking, rather than descriptive explanations in terms of the digital marketing strategies and decisions employed for your client. You must incorporate evidence, as appropriate from modules and readings given in Semesters 1, 2 and 3 to support your writing. As you work your way through the report, think why is this important? How is this important? (The ‘so-what’ logic).

A Guide for the Final Report Structure

The format for this piece of work is a report. The report can be structured in a way that suits the marketing problem you are addressing, which is your prerogative, but it should include the following: 

Title page

The title page should give all relevant details, such as title, course, programme, name, student identification number, client, date, word count (i.e., excluding references and appendices), submitted to whom, and the signed statement below.

Integrity Statement

I have read the University’s code of practice on plagiarism. I know that plagiarism is wrong. I hereby certify this material, which I submit for assessment on the programme of study leading to the award of MSc Digital Marketing, is entirely my own work. It has not been taken from the work of others, except to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work. I also recognise that collusion is wrong. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as their own. I also acknowledge that copying someone else’s assignment (or part of it) is wrong and declare that my assignments are entirely my own work. 

• Student ID Number:

• Name:

• Signature:

• Date:

To create an online signature for use within documents, please go to the website, Online Signature, which is available at: http://www.onlinesignature.in/online-signature-maker.html 

Executive Summary

Remember, the Executive Summary is the first page of any report i.e. the first page after the cover page and therefore is NOT included in the Table of Contents. The Executive Summary is generally one page in length, though it may extend to two pages if necessary. In an Executive Summary, do not say what will be happening in the rest of the report, instead give a summary of what is contained in the report. In the Executive Summary it is recommended that each paragraph summarises a corresponding section in the report but receives no subheadings.  An Executive Summary needs to catch the attention of the reader. It needs to be concise and compelling. This section should be written last.

Table of Contents and List of Figures/Tables

The Table of Contents is like a road map of the report; therefore, it must be crystal clear, logical and easy to navigate. Along with the Executive Summary, the contents page should provide an overview of the report and draw the reader in, encouraging them to read further. A list of tables and a list of figures should be included after the Table of Contents.

Section 1: Introduction

It is important to outline the context and background to the work, highlighting why it is important with evidence. This section should also state the goals and objectives of the work. The objectives will be based on the problem statements and specifics of the challenge outlined in your selected client brief.