Monthly Assignment 1
LINC12 Fall 2024
Sept 19, 2024
Assignment due: Thursday September 26, 23:59 on Quercus
Total points: 45
The following exercises must be completed by uploading a PDF document onto Quercus. This assign- ment covers material through the Thursday, September 19 lecture.
This assignment is worth 45 points altogether. It contains a variety of questions ranging from simple to difficult. It also includes problems that were presented as practice exercises. Refer to your notes from lecture for information on how to complete those problems.
If you work with anyone else, or discuss answers with your classmates, please indicate their names some- where on your returned answer document. This is so we know to expect similar answers. However, you should hand in your own unique work!
1 Calculating Implicatures (10 points)
Below you will find two short dialogues, followed by an implicature that could be generated by each dialogue. Your job is to calculate how the implicature arises using Gricean reasoning. Formulate your calculations from the perspective of speaker (a).
Dialogue 1
(1) Context: Bolor (a) and her friend Tuyaa (b) have just finished a meal together. Tuyaa has already paid
the bill as a nice gesture to her friend. Bolor doesn’t know this yet.
a. Tuyaa, how much did the meal cost?
b. Nothing! Let’s go
Implicature: Tuyaa has already paid the bill, and will not accept Bolor’s money. Dialogue 2
(2) Context: Speaker (a) is driving in a rural area, far from town, when he spots a man (b) jogging slowly
along the road. He looks tired, so (a) pulls over and shouts to him:
a. Do you need a ride somewhere?
b. I’m training for a marathon! Thanks though Implicature: (b) does not need a ride
2 Translating Propositional Logic (8 points)
Translate the following sentences into propositional logic, making sure to also provide a dictionary for all atomic formulas in each sentence.
(3) Either you get your dog some training and control the barking, or I am moving out.
(4) The Russian ambassador is arriving in an hour, and if you can’t crack that code, we will have to hire your rival spy.
(5) If neither Frank nor Sam are vegetarians, then nobody is, and I have cooked a lot of extra dishes.
(6) You have either stolen the money or not, but I don’t trust you anyway.
3 Truth Tables (15 points)
Construct Truth Tables to demonstrate whether the following formulas are equivalent or not. State clearly at the end of the Truth Table whether or not the formulas on both sides of the biconditional are equivalent, and indicate which valuations (rows) if any cause them to be non-equivalent.
(7) ((p Λ r) → q) ↔ → (→q Λ (p Λ r))
(8) p V (q Λ r) ↔ (p V q) Λ (p V r)
(9) → (p Λ q) ↔ →p Λ →q
4 Entailments and Presuppositions (12 points)
For the following pairs of sentences, decide whether the second sentence is an entailment of the first, or is a presupposition, or whether there is no relation. Support your answer by performing test(s), evaluating the results, and describing the conclusions.
Some strategies you will want to use:
• p → q iffp & →q is a contradiction. Try to construct a sentence of this form. and decide whether it is contradictory.
• To show that p does not entail q, find a situation where p is true and q is false
• To show that p presupposes q, construct a sentence with a non-veridical environment, and put the sentence of p in the environment, and then test whether or not q is still entailed
(10) a. It’s late at night. b. My sister is tired.
(11) a. My sister forgot that she had to finish an assignment tonight. b. My sister had an assignment to finish tonight.
(12) a. Maria is a paediatrician. b. Maria is a doctor.
(13) a. Gregor re-installed that addicting game on his computer. b. Gregor used to have an addicting game on his computer.
(14) a. Many people are interested in learning Korean these days. b. At least some people are interested in learning Korean.
(15) a. My best friend from the Philippines moved to Toronto in February, 2023. b. He was in Toronto in March, 2023.