代做6SSMN961 – Applied Econometrics Assessment 1 – Individual Midterm Coursework代写Java编程

2024-10-23 代做6SSMN961 – Applied Econometrics Assessment 1 – Individual Midterm Coursework代写Java编程

6SSMN961 – Applied Econometrics

Assessment 1 – Individual Midterm Coursework

(20% of total module grade)

Lead Instructor:


Instructor’s email:


Submission Deadline:

The midterm coursework will be posted on KEATS   at 10:00 amon Tuesday   5th November and will

be due by 10:00 amon   Thursday 7th November 2024.

Submission checklist

1.    The file format is a pdf and contains two

parts: written answers to the questions and    the STATA output.

2.    File saved as


3.    Word count is 1,000 words, excluding

STATA output and the cover sheet.

Assessment 2 – Individual Final Coursework

(80% of total module grade)

Lead Instructor:


Instructor’s email:


Submission Deadline:

The final coursework will be posted on KEATS at

10:00 amon Monday 9th December and will be

due by 10:00 amon

Friday 13th  December 2024.

Submission checklist

1.    The file format is a pdf and contains two

parts: written answers to the questions and    the STATA output.

2.    File saved as


3.    Word count is 2,000 words, excluding

STATA output and the cover sheet.

The Task

Both the midterm and the final coursework are empirical exercises. You will be given datasets and questions to answer based on those datasets. The questions are based on papers published in economics journals.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed

1.    Systematic understanding of the econometric methods covered in the module;

2.    Ability to apply these methods to economic problems;

3.    Proficiency using STATA and ability to debug STATA codes and research new commands to prepare and analyse data.

Assignment Details and Structure

Your submission should include the following:

1.    written answers to the questions

2.    the STATA output file

General Submission Requirements

Assessment submission instructions:

1.    File saved as Candidatenumber.pdf

2.    Word count (1,000 words for the midterm coursework and 2,000 for the final coursework)

3.    File format for submission: pdf

Assessment Support Information

Formative feedback will be provided during tutorials. In addition to the tutorial problem sets, there are  examples and exercises (with suggested answers) on KEATS, which will help you test your knowledge as you study the material.

On the KEATS page, under module information, you can find a sample exam paper and sample scripts from 2017/18. This past exam paper is excellent practice for your assessment.

Marking Criteria

Please consult the rubric template on page 3


F (0-39)

D (40-49)

C (50-59)

B (60-69)

A (70+)


coursework, 20%

Final coursework, 80%

Mostly incorrect and/or

incomplete answers, showing

little or no understanding of the models and methods covered in the lectures and tutorials. There is insufficient reference to the     literature.

The coursework is disorganised and unclear.

Answers show only cursory

understanding of the models and methods covered in the lectures   and tutorials. For example,

students fail to estimate the  relevant econometric model. Answers are not sufficiently   linked to relevant academic   papers.

The coursework is adequately   presented and generally logical but could be clearer and more   organised.

Answers demonstrate some

knowledge of the models and

methods covered in the lectures and tutorials but are incomplete or contain incorrect

interpretations. Students show

evidence of having read some of   the relevant academic papers but may not have fully understood

the analysis in those readings.

Students show a reasonable

ability to code in Stata but may struggle to independently

research how to use commands  that have not already been used in tutorials.

The coursework is presented with some structure but could be

clearer and more organised.

Answers demonstrate a good

understanding of the models and methods covered in the lectures   and tutorials but are not fully

complete or contain some

mistakes. For example, students

estimate the relevant econometric model but do not interpret the

results correctly or do not discuss the limitations of the model.

Students should link their answers to relevant readings (e.g.

academic papers) and show a solid understanding of those readings,    even if some of the detailed

analysis in those papers may not be fully understood. Students

demonstrate good ability to code in Stata, even if they fail to use

some commands that have not already been used in tutorials.

The coursework is coherent, well   organised and logically presented.

Answers demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the models and

methods covered in the lectures and tutorials. Answers are

complete and contain clear and intuitive explanations. Students should link their answers to

relevant readings (e.g. academic papers) and show a good

understanding of those readings.

The Stata output is well

presented, with the correct

commands used throughout. Students show an ability to

research new Stata commands and apply those commands


The coursework is well structured and written in a clear and fluent    style.