代写SEQA 100 Exercise 07: Full Script Thumbnails代写Web开发

2025-03-03 代写SEQA 100 Exercise 07: Full Script Thumbnails代写Web开发

SEQA 100

Exercise 07: Full Script. Thumbnails


In the profession, the expectations is that you may be creating visual stories from supplied scripts.  This would include drawing characters that aren’t your own, or working from a script. that you did not write. In this project students will experience working from a full mainstream professional script to develop visual interpretation in the form. of thumbnails.


Students will create thumbnails for 6 consecutive-comic-pages.

•     Download the script. Exercise 07 BatmanGK_ 15 Script SEQA100.pdf

•     Read through the script. to breakdown panel layouts on the script. (for best results)

•     Create digest-size thumbnails for the 6 consecutive-comic-pages out of the script.

•     Thumbnails should be done in spreads: page 1, pages 2&3, pages 4&5, etc.

•     Page orientation should be portrait, vertical (not landscape, horizontal)

•     Digest size (5.5” x 8.5”); Download template: Thumbnail Template.pdf

•     Sharpie/felt-tip; Pencil is fine, but should be dark and clear (Digital pencils, optional)

•     Balloon placement should be clear

•     Number each dialog per page (each page starts with balloon #1)

•     Scan and darken for legibility

Things to Remember:

•     This project showcases your panel layout

•     Thumbnails are intended to be fast, not detailed

•     Don’t forget the other things learned in this class so far.

•     Clarity of image and action is always important.

•     Remember: give your characters something to do/explain with their hands.

•     This is your interpretation of the script, there is no wrong way, you make the decissions

•     DO NOT look at the original published comic. Any reference or similarity to professional designed panels and images will be an automatic failing grade for this assignment


1.    Scan (no phone camera photos) and clean up final art and SAVE as a multiple page PDF

2.    Projects should always be scanned, cleaned up

3.    Label your file: (student last name) Exercise_07_BatmanThumbnails.pdf example: Smith_ 07_BatmanThumbnails.pdf

4.    Post to Discussion Board for review in class

5.    Submit to SUBMISSIONS for grading

DUE: Class 16 (Review)*

DUE: Class 17 (Present)*

Discussion Board

If you are not attending class, you must articulate your presentation in writing on the discussion board (see grading criteria below).

Deadline Policy:

It is class policy that No Late Assignments will be accepted. A project submitted by the deadline to Discussion Board for in-class review, but not submitted electronically to SUBMISSIONS, will not be graded. Incomplete work can be submitted for partial grade if submitted by the deadline.

*NOTE: Completing less than 60% of the pages is an automatic failure

Grading Criteria:


Excellent (A)

Good (B)

Average (C)

Poor (D)

Fail (F)


Presentation, Analysis and Articulation

The student

demonstrates an



insightful analysis  and articulation    when presenting  pages for review.

The student

demonstrates a good

presentation, with  elements insightful analysis and

articulation when presenting pages for review.

The student

demonstrates an average

presentation, with little insightful

analysis and

articulation when presenting pages for review.

The student

demonstrates a

poor presentation, with little or no

insightful analysis  and articulation    when presenting  pages for review.

Did not complete by deadline;

and/or did not post with written


Narrative Clarity

The student did

an excellent job in creating acting of characters and

scenes that

communicate story.

The student did a good job in

creating acting of characters and

scenes that mostly communicate


The student did an

average job in creating some acting of

characters and scenes that


communicate story.

The student did a  poor job with very little acting of

characters and

scenes that do not always contribute   to story.

Did not complete

by deadline/ or

completed less

than 59% / or does not meet the

criteria stated in the assignment sheet

Page Action Flow

The student did

an excellent job in designing panel      information that      contributes to flow of action.

The student did a good job in

designing panel     information that     mostly contributes to flow of action.

The student did an average job in

designing panel information that somewhat

contributes to flow of action.

The student did a poor job in

designing panel   information that   rarely contributes to flow of action.

Did not complete

by deadline/ or

completed less

than 59% / or does not meet the

criteria stated in the assignment sheet

Word Balloons

The student did

an excellent job in communicating     flow of dialog

through balloon placement as

specified in the script.

The student did a   good job in mostly communicating     flow of dialog

through balloon placement as

specified in the script.

The student did an

average job in somewhat

communicating flow of dialog     through balloon placement as

specified in the script.

The student did a poor job in rarely  communicating   flow of dialog

through balloon placement as

specified in the script.

Did not complete

by deadline/ or

completed less

than 59% / or does not meet the

criteria stated in the assignment sheet


The student did

an excellent job in mark making of

that are clear and neat.

The student did a good job in mark making of that

are mostly clear and neat.

The student did an average job in

mark making of

that are somewhat clear and neat.

The student did a   poor job in mark     making of that are not very clear and neat.

Did not complete

by deadline/ or

completed less

than 59% / or does not meet the

criteria stated in the assignment sheet

Presentation, Analysis and Articulation

The student

demonstrates an



insightful analysis  and articulation   when presenting.

The student

demonstrates a good

presentation, with  elements insightful analysis and

articulation when presenting.

The student

demonstrates an average

presentation, with little insightful

analysis and

articulation when presenting.

The student

demonstrates a

poor presentation, with little or no

insightful analysis  and articulation   when presenting.

Did not complete by deadline;

and/or did not post with written


Grading Weight:

Review                                                                               20%

Narrative Clarity                                                              20%

Page Action Flow                                                           20%

Word Balloons                                                                  10%

Craftsmanship (neatness)                                    10%

Presentation                                                               20%

Total                                                                             100%