
2023-09-27 6003CEM代做、代写Java,c++编程
Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing6003CEM Web API DevelopmentAssignment Brief - Coursework 2 of 2Module Title6003CEM Web API DevelopmentIndividual / GroupIndividualCohortAY2022/2023Module Code6003CEMCoursework TitleRESTful API Full Stack Software PortfolioHand out date2023.09.10LecturerCY CHENG (Full Time) HC WONG (Part Time)Due date and timeDate: 2023.10.08 23:59Estimated Time (hrs)85hrsCoursework type:Code and DocumentationPortfolio% of Module Mark / Credit value assessed:75% / 15 CATS creditsSubmission arrangement: Online via Moodle, GitHub, and YouTube/MS StreamFile types and method of recording: file upload (TXT, DOCX, PDF) to Moodle containing URL links to•Demonstration video on YouTube (unlisted)•Git repository x2 Mark and Feedback date: 2 weeks after deadlineMark and Feedback method: MoodleModule Learning Outcomes (LOs) Assessed:Learning OutcomeAssessed?12345Demonstrate systematic knowledge of the current state of the art in web technologies being deployed by mainstream businesses to create Web APIs.Demonstrate comprehensive, critical awareness of theresearch basis of those technologies.Scope, design and implement a simple Web API to solve a given problem.Describe how and why Web APIs are more important to business than building web applications from first principleseach time one is required.Understand and implement Web API security and authentication.YesYes Yes YesYesPurposeThis assessment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and critical awareness of the various HTTP-based API techniques that are available for web application development by building a working RESTful API and a secure web client for it. A scenario is provided through which you can illustrate your technical skills and knowledge in API design and development by completing the following.•Build a secure RESTful API using Node JS libraries. •Build a secure web client for the API using the React JS framework. •Design an industry standard OpenAPI/Swagger Specification (OAS) that fully documents your API resources, representations, operations, and URI endpoints in a machine-readable format. •Provide a suite of functional API endpoint tests containing a variety of mock HTTP requests that verify your API works according to the provided AOS specification (including HTTP request and response header and body data). •Showcase your working full-stack application in a short demonstration video. While the code implementations needed to create the front and back-end components in your application are the key elements of this assessment, to gain marks, you must also address the correct design, documentation and testing approaches that are appropriate for commercial API development.For an explanation of how the marks are awarded, see the grading rubric at the end of this document. ScenarioYou work for a company that specialises in providing small-scale full-stack web applications to a new book online store. The staff at the store should be able to browse the available book title, as well as the detailed information and list the item on the website. During the stock issues, the status of book should have the status “Out of stock” and “available”.  Customers should be able to create a user account and buy the book, and directly message the staff to ask for details concerning progress of their application(s).The company is new and it does not have an internal IT department. They have contracted your company to provide a minimum viable product meeting with the requirements listed above.Assessment TaskFollowing a brief feasibility study, your manager has tasked you with producing a RESTful API and React SPA prototype for the client. It should include appropriate API and code documentation and endpoint tests to ensure its future maintainability and robustness. They have also asked you to record a short demonstration video for the client to showcase the functionality available, demonstrate the tests and show the API documentation.In order of importance your manager has identified that the developed software project should have the following features. Details of the implementation (such as database structure and JSON representations) are up to yourself, based on your expectation of user needs.(You are required to complete at least the highlighted requirement to meet the passing mark with well design on back-end, front-end communication)1. (Essential)•The public can register, log in, then fill out an online application (the format/fields of the license are up to you).•The staff can browse, search, and filter the current list of applications.•Authentication and authorisation should prevent the API from being used by non-registered users, except to register.•All URI endpoints, HTTP verbs, and JSON data representations handled by the API are documented using the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) standard, version ≥2.0.•API endpoint functionality is thoroughly tested via a mock HTTP request library called by an appropriate automated testing framework.•Code and project documentation for both the front and back-end components are provided.•A video demonstrating the core functionality of the developed API/web application, the tests being run, and the OpenAPI HTML documentation being shown on screen, is provided.2. (Important)•The API allows applicants to upload photo files of their premises from their laptop/desktop to be associated to their application.•The staff can change the status of any application as it progresses, from 'new' to 'available' to 'out of stock’.•The public can use the web app to send a direct message to staff to inquire about their application's progress.3. (Useful)•When a new application is received, the API automatically emails a central mailbox (you can use your email inbox or a throwaway inbox such as at "mailinator.com" for the demonstration) to alert the office manager.•Members of the public can log in to their accounts using an external authentication service. For example, their Google credentials can be used to log in via Google's OAuth2-based sign-in process.4. (Nice to have)•Staff can query relevant book data from Free Book API such as https://www.goodreads.com/api view it and, ideally, also insert relevant fields from the returned data directly into relevant fields of the application form. (Note that you need to register for an API key on the site, and it is recommended to use the "test/sandbox" data source.)•Any other useful/impressive features that you come up with yourself.Portfolio Submission ProcessThe following steps must be completed before the deadline, in order to submit a portfolio of work that provides evidence you have developed an application that meets the requirements.1. Video - MS Stream / YouTube submission•Upload a maximum 5-minute video demonstration of your API/application to YouTube.•The video should include text overlays or a slide deck to explain to the viewer what is being demonstrated. No extra audio should be added to the video.•Copy the video sharing link for submission to Moodle.2. Backend API, OpenAPI specification, and API endpoint tests •Commit and push these to a repository in GitHub.  You may share directly from https://repl.it to GitHub.  Please check the username of your module leader and share the repo to him.3. Frontend React JS single page application (SPA) code •Commit and push the SPA to a single repository in GitHub.oThis must be different from your API repository above.4. Portfolio Links - Moodle submission•The following URLs must link to evidence that you have completed the tasks above.•Create a new text file and add the URL links to each of the above portfolio items to it, with a title to say what each link is for:1.   Sharing link for the uploaded demo video on YouTube2.   Backend repository link on GitHub3.   Frontend repository link on GitHub•So, in total your Moodle submission should be a file containing THREE URL links.•Upload the file to the assessment link on Moodle before the deadline.Note: Any file updates after the timestamp on Moodle submission will not be marked.ConstraintsBackendAll the backend services you develop should provide a Node JS-based, Typescript-based or Deno-based RESTful API. This must communicate with your application using the JSON data format by default, but you can provide other representations if you wish. The Node frameworks and modules you choose to build the backend are up to you: options include Koa, Express, Restify, and others.DatabaseSimilarly, the choice of database integration on the backend is up to you: options include MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, and others.FrontendAll the frontend components you develop should be React (JS or TS) components, other frontend libraries (Vue, Angular, etc.) are not permitted for this assessment. In terms of visual design the CSS framework you choose, if you decide to use one, is up to you: options include React Bootstrap, Ant Design, Material UI, and others.If in doubt as to the suitability of a particular framework, Node module, or DBMS please ask the Module Leader first.Notes:1.   You are expected to use the  Coventry University APA style for referencing. 2.   Please notify your registry course support team and module leader for disability support.3.   Any student requiring an extension or deferral should follow the university process as outlined here.4.   The University cannot take responsibility for any coursework lost or corrupted on disks, laptops or personal computer. Students should therefore regularly back-up any work and are advised to save it on the University system.5.   Assignments that are more than 10% over the word limit will result in a deduction of 10% of the mark i.e. a mark of 60% will lead to a reduction of 6% to 54%. The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography, reference list and tables.6.   You are encouraged to check the originality of your work by using the draft Turnitin links on Moodle.7.  Collusion between students (where sections of your work are similar to the work submitted by other students in this or previous module cohorts) is taken extremely seriously and will be reported to the academic conduct panel. This applies to both courseworks and exam answers.8.   A marked difference between your writing style, knowledge and skill level demonstrated in class discussion, any test conditions and that demonstrated in a coursework assignment may result in you having to undertake a Viva Voce in order to prove the coursework assignment is entirely your own work.9.   If you make use of the services of a proof reader in your work you must keep your original version and make it available as a demonstration of your written efforts. Also, please read the university Proof Reading Policy.10. You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this university, with the exception of resits, where for the coursework, you may be asked to rework and improve a previous attempt. This requirement will be specifically detailed in your assignment brief or specific course or module information. Where earlier work by you is citable, i.e. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly.  Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently may also be considered to be self-plagiarism.Mark allocation guidelines for: RESTful API Full Stack Software Portfolio.PartTopicDescription / BreakdownMarksBackend APICodebaseArchitecture, Code Quality, Security, Data Validation, External Integrations20The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•Clear separation between routing, business, and persistence logic•Pluggable modular structure.•Wide range of appropriate language constructs including clear modular structure and use of abstract design patterns or paradigms such as functional programming.•Concise easily maintainable code.•Full or close-to-full exception handling including for asynchronous code.•Fully working authentication system using Basic auth (pass) plus JWT or more advanced techniques (for higher grades)•Correct configuration of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to limit API access to known hosts.•Includes effective user permissions and/or roles such as RBAC to provide appropriate protection to data.•Includes filtering and sorting capability for requested resources.•Data integrity is managed through effective validation using the JSON Schema standard or similar.•Includes implementation logic for conditional HTTP requests based on appropriate conditional request/response headers.•Implemented route behaviour corresponds to the OpenAPI Specification provided.•Includes working external API integration(s) for access to external sources of application data.OpenAPIAPI Design and Documentation10The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•The API design demonstrates a good understanding of REST principles (resources, collections, methods and headers).•Fully REST-compliant API including implementation of HATEOAS principles.•Overall API design captured in a machine-readable format such as an OpenAPI Specification document.•Effective JSON representations of resources recorded in appropriate machine-readable format such as JSON Schema standard or OpenAPI Specification.•OAS and JSON Schema(s) provide full or close-to-full coverage of the resources and methods actually implemented in the codebase.•API is designed to provide feedback for invalid requests through appropriate response codes and messages.•Includes provision for conditional HTTP requests based on appropriate conditional request/response headers.•Specification is accessible in human-readable HTML format via SwaggerHub or similar OAS service.API TestingAPI Resource Endpoint Testing10The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•Many or most of the API endpoints have been tested with a standard test framework.•Tests are provided for both valid and invalid HTTP requests to the API.•Tests include situations requiring authentication by the API for successful responses.•The test framework or NPM project uses setup and teardown correctly to normalise each test.•A dedicated test database is used, and the production database is not touched during testing.MaintenanceVersioning, Code and Project Documentation, Unit Tests5The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•Evidence of regular Git commits over an extended period of time.•Effective use of branching and merging.•Code is well documented using a standard method such as JSDoc for documentation generation.•Complex functions have tests defined.•Clear instructional project documentation is provided alongside code files: setup, configuration, and running the project are explained to other developers.Description / BreakdownMarksFrontend ClientCodebaseArchitecture, Code Quality, Security, Data Validation, API Access10The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•Clear architecture and component hierarchy enabling effective flow of data/communication between all interacting components (for example raising state or context objects).•Wide range of appropriate language constructs including clear modular structure and use of abstract design patterns or paradigms such as functional programming.•Concise easily maintainable code.•Full or close-to-full exception handling including for asynchronous code.•Effective API credential management using contexts, browser storage capabilities, or other methods to allow'login'.•Data integrity is managed through validation before sending or displaying data.•All pages connect and retrieve data from the API•Appropriate error handling in place for unusual situations such as timeouts etc.•Conditional HTTP requests are made when appropriate.DesignUser Interface Design and User Experience (UI/UX)10The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•Sophisticated layout and design reflecting a well-thought-out application.•Good UX including intuitive guidance to users through layout and/or text/colour changes•Effective navigation structure between 'pages' in the single page application•Uses conditional rendering effectively to show/hide appropriate UI components depending on the current context•Provides user feedback through flash messages or modal popups when needed and appropriate.•Smooth navigation with quick feedback.•Accessible design that would work on mobile with no additional changes.MaintenanceVersioning, Code and Project Documentation, Unit Tests5The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•Evidence of regular Git commits over an extended period of time.•Effective use of branching and merging.•Code is well documented using a standard method such as JSDoc for documentation generation.•Complex functions have tests defined.•Clear instructional project documentation is provided alongside code files: setup, configuration, and running the project are explained to other developers.TOTAL25PartTopicDescription / BreakdownMarksDemonstration VideoVideoQuality Video to Clearly Demonstrate Functionality5The client's essential requirements are met (for pass) and important/useful/nice-to-have requirements are met (for higher grades)•Professional level demonstration giving a clear idea of how the application works and what it is capable of.•Application is demonstrated smoothly.•Appropriate text narrative takes the user on a journey through the application (text overlays or slide deck).•No sound is added to the video.TOTAL5General guidance on marking bandsMark bandOutcomeGuidelines90-100%1stMeets learning outcomes1st - Exceptional work with very high degree of understanding, creativity and critical/analytic skills.  Evidence of exceptional research well beyond minimum recommended using a range of methodologies.  Exceptional understanding of knowledge and subject-specific theories.  Demonstrates creative flair, a high degree of originality and autonomy. Exceptional ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates well-developed problem-solving skills.  Work completed with very high degree of accuracy and proficiency and autonomy. Exceptional communication and expression, significant evidence of professional skill set.  Student evidences deployment of a full range of exceptional technical and/or artistic skills.80-89%1st1st - Outstanding work with high degree of understanding, creativity and critical/analytical skills.  Outstanding understanding of knowledge and subject-specific theories. Evidence of outstanding research well beyond minimum recommended using a range of methodologies.  Demonstrates creative flair, originality and autonomy.  Outstanding ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates clear problem-solving skills.  Assessment completed with high degree of accuracy and proficiency and high-level of autonomy. Outstanding communication and expression, evidence of professional skill set.  Student evidences deployment of a full range of technical and/or artistic skills.70-79%1st1st - Excellent work with clear evidence of understanding, creativity and critical/analytical skills.  Thorough research well beyond the minimum recommended using methodologies beyond the usual range. Excellent understanding of knowledge and subject- specific theories with evidence of considerable originality and autonomy.  Excellent ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates consistent, coherent substantiated argument and interpretation. Demonstrates considerable creativity and clear problem-solving skills.  Assessment completed with accuracy, proficiency, and considerable autonomy.  Excellent communication and expression, some evidence of professional skill set. Student evidences deployment of a highly developed range of technical and/or artistic skills.60-69%2:12:1 - Very good work demonstrating strong understanding of theories, concepts and issues with clear critical analysis. Thorough research, using established methodologies accurately, beyond the recommended minimum with little, if any, irrelevant material present. Very good understanding, evidencing breadth and depth, of knowledge and subject-specific theories with some originality and autonomy. Very good ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates coherent substantiated argument and interpretation. Demonstrates some originality, creativity and problem-solving skills.  Work completed with accuracy, proficiency, and autonomy. Very good communication and expression with evidence of professional skill set. Student has a thorough command of a good range of technical and/or artistic skills.50-59%2:22:2 - Good understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues with some critical analysis. Research undertaken accurately using established methodologies, enquiry beyond that recommended may be present. Some errors may be present and some inclusion of irrelevant material.  Good understanding, with evidence of breadth and depth, of knowledge and subject-specific theories with indications of originality and autonomy. Good ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates logical argument and interpretation with supporting evidence. Demonstrates some originality, creativity and problem-solving skills but with inconsistencies. Expression and presentation mostly accurate, proficient, and conducted with some autonomy. Good communication and expression with appropriate professional skill set. Student consistently demonstrates a well-developed range of technical and/or artistic skills.40-49%3rd Class3rd - Meet the learning outcomes with a basic understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues.  Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and subject-specific theories sufficient to deal with concepts. Assessment may be incomplete and with some errors.  Research scope sufficient to evidence use of some established methodologies. Some irrelevant material likely to be present. Basic ability to apply learning resources. Demonstrates ability to devise and sustain an argument. Demonstrates some originality, creativity and problem-solving skills but with inconsistencies. Expression and presentation sufficient for accuracy and proficiency. Sufficient communication and expression with basic professional skill set. Student demonstrates technical and/or artistic skills.30-39% FailFails to achieve learning outcomesFail – Very limited understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues. Little evidence of research and use of established methodologies.  Some relevant material will be present. Deficiencies evident in analysis. Fundamental errors and some misunderstanding likely to be present.  Limited ability to apply learning resources. Student’s arguments are weak and poorly constructed. Very limited originality, creativity, and struggles with problem-solving skills.  Expression and presentation insufficient for accuracy and proficiency. Insufficient communication and expression and with deficiencies in professional skill set. Student demonstrates some deficiencies in technical and/or artistic skills.20-29% FailFail - Clear failure demonstrating little understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues.  Minimal evidence of research and use of established methodologies and incomplete knowledge of the area. Serious and fundamental errors and aspects missing Little evidence of ability to apply learning resources. Students arguments are very weak and with no evidence of alternative views. Little evidence of originality, creativity, and problem-solving skills.  Expression and presentation deficient for accuracy and proficiency.  Insufficient communication and expression and with deficiencies in professional skill set. Student demonstrates a lack of technical and/or artistic skills.0-19% FailFail - Inadequate understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues. Complete failure, virtually no understanding of requirements of the assignment. Material may be entirely irrelevant.  Assessment may be fundamentally wrong, or with major elements missing.  Not a serious attempt. No evidence of research. Inadequate evidence of ability to apply learning resources. Very weak or no evidence of originality, creativity, and problem- solving skills.  Students presents no evidence of logical argument and no evidence of alternative views. Expression and presentation extremely weak for accuracy and proficiency.  Communication and expression very weak and with significant deficiencies in professional skill set. Student evidences few or no technical and/or artistic skills