
2023-09-13 Java编程设计代做、代写program程序
MP1: Java and Build System Basics1 IntroductionThe best way to learn software engineering is to practice software engineering in the actual softwaredevelopment process. Therefore, in this and the following MPs, you will work with a real-world projectnamed Jsoup to learn basic concepts, methodologies, and techniques in software engineering.Jsoup ( is a popular Java library for working with HTML. It provides a veryconvenient API for fetching URLs and extracting and manipulating data, using the best HTML5 DOMmethods and CSS selectors.All our MPs will be based on a specific Jsoup version, which you can obtain via the followingcommand:• git clone• Note: The command above will download Jsoup on your local machine in a directory called“jsoup”Please make sure that you obtain the above Jsoup version before you start any of the MPs. Youcan use the same copy for all your MPs (i.e., you do not need to clone a fresh copy of the above Jsoupversion for each MP). You can use Mac, Linux, or Windows to complete all the MPs (Mac/Linux willbe recommended). You are also recommended to install the required software below before proceedingto the rest of MPs:• Java: 1.8+– The Java tutorials:– Introduction to programming in Java:• Maven: 3.5+– Maven in 5min:– Maven getting started guide:• Ant: 1.10+ (needed only for MP1, not later MPs)– Ant manual:– Installation:∗ Mac: brew install ant∗ Windows & Linux• Gradle: 7.5+ (needed only for MP1, not later MPs)– Gradle manual:– Installation:∗ Mac: brew install Gradle∗ Linux : sdk install gradle 7.5.1∗ Windows: Jsoup version comes with a default build file in Maven (i.e., pom.xml); you should be ableto directly run mvn test to execute all its 658 JUnit tests. To run this command, ensure you see thepom.xml file in your path. Otherwise, you will receive the following error:[ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in thecurrent directoryIf successful, it takes a few minutes to build the project (the first time, when the dependenciesare downloaded, and it takes less time later) and execute the test suite. You should see the followingmessage at the end:Results :Tests run: 658 , Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] BUILD SUCCESS[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] Total time: 01:09 min[INFO] Finished at: 2023-01-01T01:30:34+04:30[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------Task: You are expected to write two other build files under Ant and Gradle, respectively, to run the same set of tests. Please follow the steps below to finish these tasks:• If you want to refer to the lecture on “GitHub and Build Systems”, you can check out the PDFversion on coursera.• You can find the examples discussed in the lecture on different build systems, including Maven,Ant, and Gradle, here: You are requiredto reuse and modify them for this MP.• Write two build files, namely “build.xml” and “build.gradle”, to complete the tasks for this MP.2 Instructions for Ant• Your build file should include the following steps (avoid including other steps, as this may interferewith the auto-grading):– Variable declarations: All the jar files used in the Maven build file have been downloadedfor you and stored in the ant-libs directory. In the path declaration tag, introduce all thejar files in the ”ant-libs” directory. Not including these jar files in the path declaration willfail the test execution. Use relative paths to access the libs when building the project. Yourpath id in the Ant build file should be set to your NetID.classpath.– Compile all source Java files from src/main/java to ant-target/classes. You can achievethis via modifying the build target from “scm-example”. Please make sure that you include the encoding=”UTF-8” option for javac to avoid encoding issues on some specific OSsettings.– Compile all test Java files from src/test/java to ant-target/test-classes. You canachieve this via modifying the build-test target from “scm-example”. Please make surethat you include the encoding="UTF-8" option for javac to avoid encoding issues on somespecific OS settings.– Copy all test resource files from src/test/resources to ant-target/test-classes. Youcan either add this to the existing build-test target or define a new target. If you definea new target, make sure that the “test” target depends on the new target so that the testscan access the resource files.2– Define the actual test execution target. You only need to change the classpath setting forthe test target from “scm-example”. Please change the report output directory (underjunitreport tag in the build file) to ant-target/reports; otherwise, the autograder maynot be able to find the HTML report for your test execution and you may lose all yourpoints.• You can test the correctness of written build files via the following commands: ant testNote that you may receive the “build successful” message in the command line, while your tests failedduring execution. You should look into the test results to ensure the correct build and test execution(all the tests pass). You will get the full score only if the “success rate” in the HTML report is 100%.Ant does not print the test execution results by default. To obtain the number of test executions, youcan check the corresponding HTML report: ant-target/reports/html/index.html (automaticallygenerated once you follow the above instructions and correctly configure the report output directoryunder junitreport). Please make sure that you can generate the HTML report under the specifiedreport path; otherwise you may lose all the points.Figure 1: Example of an Ant test report where some tests fail because the test resources are notproperly copied3 Instructions for Gradle• Your build file should include the following components:– Plugins: Identifies that the build is for a Java project.– Repositories: Use to resolve all the requireddependencies in the project.– Dependencies: You should specify the same dependency versions used in the Maven buildfile so that Gradle can automatically fetch them from the Maven repo, or directly use thedownloaded jar files in the ant-libs directory. Failing to do so will result in exceptionswhile running the build file.– Description: The value for description should be your NetID (description = ’Your NetID’)– Output directory: Instead of using the default build output directory, your build file shoulduse gradle-target as your output directory to store all the build outputs (including classfiles and reports).3Figure 2: Example of a successful Ant build report (note the difference in the success rate)• You can test the correctness of written build files via the following commands: gradle testNote that you may receive the “build successful” message in the command line, while your tests failedduring execution. You should look into the test results to ensure the correct build and test execution(all the tests pass). You will get the full score if the “success” in the HTML report is 100%. Like Ant,Gradle does not print the test execution results by default. To obtain the number of test executions,you can check the corresponding HTML report: gradle-target/reports/tests/test/index.html(default report directory for Gradle once you set the output directory to gradle-target). Here is theexample output for Gradle:Figure 3: A successful build results in 100% success for test execution in the report4 DeliverablesYou are expected to upload to this Campuswire assignment a zip file including only the build.xmland build.gradle files you completed (no folders please). The name of the zip file should be yourNetID. The autograder will copy your zip file into the jsoup directory, unzip it, and run the buildfiles. Failing to follow this structure may result in losing all the points.Warning: you may lose all your points if you violate the following rules:• Please DO NOT use any absolute paths in your solution since your absolute paths will notmatch our grading machines. Also, please only use “/” as the file separator in your relativepaths (if needed for this MP) since Java will usually make the correct conversions if you use theUnix file separator “/” in relative paths (for both Windows and Unix-style systems).• Please DO NOT fork any assignment repo from our GitHub organization, uiuc-cs427-f23,or share your solution online.4• Please make sure that you follow the detailed instructions to use the specified output directories. The autograder will only look for the specified directories; thus you may lose all points ifyou fail to use the same directories (even if you can pass all tests).5 Grading rubricOverall score (5pt)• Ant build file (3pt): the autograder will check ant-target/reports/html/index.html– If you pass all 658 tests, you get 3pt– Else if you pass 600+ tests, you get 2pt– Else if you pass some tests, you get 1pt– Else you get 0pt• Gradle build file (2pt): the autograder will check gradle-target/reports/tests/test/index.html– If you pass all 658 tests, you get 2pt– Else if you pass 600+ tests, you get 1pt– Else you get 0pt5