代写CS 1410-001 Gacha game

2023-11-09 代写CS 1410-001 Gacha game java

CS 1410-001 Fall 2023

Assignment 8: Gacha game

Assignment 8: Gacha game

Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 100

Submi!ng an external tool

Available un!l Nov 12 at 11:59pm

This tool needs to be loaded in a new browser


The purpose of this assignment is to prac!ce

inheritance concepts by making an abstract

class and extending it with several subclasses,

as well as implemen!ng Java's Comparable

interface to allow for sor!ng of an ArrayList



In a gacha game , a player can acquire items

by drawing randomly-selected items of

varying quality. The goal is to draw more and

more items to get the best ones possible. In

our game, there are four types of items: tools,

armor, magic, and upgrades. Your task is to

create the classes represen!ng these four

types, which extend one abstract class for all

items. These classes must implement Java’s

Comparable interface so that items can be



To get started, add a new package

called assign08 and import GachaGame.java

. This provided class handles the

interac!ve mechanics of the game and

contains the main method.


Create five new classes in the

assign08 package: one abstract class Item and

four subclasses Tool, Armor, Magic, and

Upgrade, all of which extend Item. Also,

complete the getNewItems

and getRandomItem methods in the provided

GachaGame class.

Item abstract class

The Item class has one private instance


a string to represent the name of the item

The following constructor must be defined:

public Item(String name)

Also, the following instance methods must be


public String getName()

public abstract String getDescrip!on()

public abstract void useUpgrade()

Finally, the Item class must implement a

specific version of the Comparable interface,

wri"en as “Comparable<Item>”, which means

it is for comparing objects of the Item class.

The compareTo method required by the

Comparable interface does not appear in the

Item class itself (since Item is an abstract class).

Instead, compareTo must appear in each class

that extends Item (see below.)


The Tool, Armor, Magic, and Upgrade classes

must extend Item and define the inherited

abstract methods.

In addi!on to any inherited instance variables,

each subclass needs its own unique variables:

Tool – an integer for the power of the tool

Armor – an integer for the armor’s defense


Magic – an integer for the power of the

magic and an integer for its cost

Upgrade – a boolean for whether the

upgrade has been used or not

The following constructors must be defined:

public Tool(String name, int power)

public Armor(String name, int defense)

public Magic(String name, int power, int


public Upgrade()

The name parameter of the first three

constructors should be used to set the

inherited name instance variable, by calling the

superclass constructor. The name of Upgrade

objects should always be "Upgrade".

public String getDescrip"on() for each

subclass returns a String describing the item.

Examples for an item named “My item”:

For a Tool object with 400 power → “Tool:

My item – power=400”

For an Armor object with 400 defense →

“Armor: My item – defense=400”

For a Magic object with 400 power and 20

cost → “Magic: My item – power=400,


For an Upgrade object that is not used →

“Upgrade: ready”

For an Upgrade object that is used →

“Upgrade: used”

public void useUpgrade() for Tool, Armor and

Magic increase the stats for power, defense,

and cost by at least one. How exactly it

increases is le$ up to you. However, if the

values get too large it may cause errors, so try

to keep it under 100,000,000 even a$er

several consecu!ve upgrades. Also make sure

that the stats increase by at least one for each


For the Upgrade class, calling useUpgrade

should make the “used” variable true.

public boolean isUsed() should be in the

Upgrade class only and return a boolean for

whether the upgrade object is used or not.

Implemen!ng Comparable

The purpose of implemen!ng Comparable is so

that we can sort an ArrayList of Item objects.

Note that should not do any sor!ng in the

code that you write, since the provided code

already does this. If you are curious, look for

the method call Collec!ons.sort(inventory) and

recall sor!ng an example ArrayList object in

Class Mee!ng 13. By implemen!ng the

Comparable interface for all items in our game,

we unlocked the ability to use the sort


See Java's documenta!on for the method

you must include in each subclass, in order to

implement the Comparable interface. Scroll

down to the sec!ons named "Method

Summary" and "Method Details". Note that

the type of the parameter is wri"en as T. In

our class, T should be replaced with Item.

In wri!ng the compareTo method to compare

two objects (this and the parameter), the

following rules apply:

When comparing Item objects of different

types: Tool > Armor > Magic > Upgrade

For two Tool objects: compare the power


For two Armor objects: compare the

defense numbers

For two Magic objects: compare the

frac!on power/cost and use cau!on when

dividing integers

For two Upgrade objects: unused > used,

otherwise they are equal

Note that the parameter of the compareTo

method has type Item. Recall that the

instanceof operator determines whether an

object has certain data type. Use this

operator to determine if the Item parameter

has the same type as a subclass; e.g.,

if(other instanceof Tool)


else if(other instanceof Armor)


Complete the GachaGame


getRandomItem() creates a new Item object of

one of the four subclasses at random. Use a

Random object to generate a random number

from 0 to 3 (inclusive) to choose the subclass.

Use the provided makeItemName method to

create a random name. Use the Random

object again to generate the needed stats for

the item. The values you generate for the

stats are le$ up to you, but they must be

randomly chosen and at least 1. Also, be

careful that the stats values are not so big that

your useUpgrade method could cause

problems (value under 1,000,000 are probably


getNewItems(int howMany) uses the

getRandomItem method to fill an array with

howMany new Item objects. Polymorphism

means that we do not need separate methods

and separate arrays to get and store different

types of items, since they all belong to the

Item superclass. The body of this method is

simple, and we can add new Item subclasses in

the future without having to change this



Create a JUnit test class called ItemTest. Add

tests to thoroughly check the normal and edge

cases of all instance methods in the four

subclasses, paying par!cular a"en!on to

the compareTo methods. Note that you are

not able to make an instance of Item because

it is an abstract class.

To test your comple!on of the two empty

methods in the GachaGame class, try playing

the game:

1. Run the GachaGame main method by

pressing the green run bu"on in Eclipse.

2. The game repeatedly prompts for one of

the following input commands:

"get n", where n is a number between 1

and 10, gets n new items and prints the

best ones in your inventory.

"upgrade" applies any unused upgrades

to your best items and prints the result.

"show" sorts and displays your en!re


"exit" ends the game.

Note that ge&ng new items may or may not

change the printed best ones. Use the "show"

command to see your en!re inventory and

make sure that things are sorted as expected

(grouped by type and ordered from worst to

best). Con!nue un!l you acquire upgrade

items and use "upgrade" to make sure that the

stats of your best items are increasing

according to your useUpgrade method code.

The "show" command should now display the

upgrades as used. For example, entering "get

10" followed by "show" could produce the

following output. Remember that this is

random, so you will not get exactly the same


Next command? (get n (0<n<11), upgrade, sh

ow, exit)

get 10

Getting 10 new items.

Best equipment:

- Tool: mighty rock of doom - power=276

- Armor: quick boots of satisfaction - de


- Magic: shining rain of time - power=485

22, cost=34

(1 upgrades ready)

Next command? (get n (0<n<11), upgrade, sh

ow, exit)



- Upgrade: ready

- Magic: sneeze - power=0, cost=1000

- Magic: powerful ice of time - power=792

1, cost=64

- Magic: mighty ice of doom - power=2905

7, cost=76

- Magic: quick flame of satisfaction - po

wer=75576, cost=86

- Magic: shining rain of time - power=485

22, cost=34

- Armor: garbage bag - defense=0

- Armor: quick mask of the ancients - def


- Armor: appropriate helmet of satisfacti

on - defense=493

- Armor: shining mask of satisfaction - d


- Armor: quick boots of satisfaction - de


- Tool: soggy banana - power=0

- Tool: mighty rock of doom - power=276

Preparing to submit

As you finish your program, add and/or check

the following to ensure a complete, correct,

and professional-looking submission:

1. Update the Javadoc comment for the

GachaGame class with your name and the

current date.

2. Add a Javadoc comment for both methods

you completed in GachaGame.

3. Add a Javadoc comment to the Item class,

its four subclasses, and ItemTest.

4. Add a Javadoc comment for each instance

method (abstract and non-abstract) in

the Item class and its four subclasses.

5. Make sure that you have not added any

methods to the Item class and its four

subclasses that are not listed above.

6. Check that the forma&ng of ALL of your

source code is consistent and makes the

code readable for humans. Use

indenta!on and spaces as we have in class.

Be consistent — the forma&ng of all

classes should match.

7. Make sure that any variables you have

created have good and meaningful names

that use the camel-case conven!on for


8. Finally, run your program again to make

certain that the changes you made did not

alter the source code.


Your solu!on for this assignment consists of

seven files: GachaGame.java, Item.java,

Tool.java, Armor.java, Magic.java,

Upgrade.java, and ItemTest.java.

See Assignment 1 for instruc!ons on how to

export a Java file from Eclipse, how to submit

to Gradescope, and how to ensure your

program passes the visible Gradescope