代做Communication 425 Communication in Close Relationships Summer 2024帮做R程序

2024-05-20 代做Communication 425 Communication in Close Relationships Summer 2024帮做R程序

Communication 425

Communication in Close Relationships

Summer 2024

Online Class

Course Overview:

This course will provide a detailed examination of theory and research on the role of communication in the development, maintenance, and termination of several types of close relationships. The objectives of this course are: (1) for students to gain an understanding of theories of personal relationships and communication; (2) to expose students to research on the role of communication in personal relationships; (3) to help students become better consumers of relationship research; and (4) for students to improve on communication skills important in close relationships. This course is designed to be rigorous, and students should expect to spend a significant amount of time preparing for each meeting.

Course Requirements and Evaluation:

Exams (30%): There will be two examinations. The format of exams will be multiple choice and true/false. Exams are NOT cumulative. All students must take the exam at the time designated on the syllabus; students who miss exams will receive a zero. If a documented, genuine emergency arises, an excused absence may be granted if the emergency is documented to my satisfaction and if I am notified in advance. Do not make travel arrangements that interfere with exams.

Final project (30%): You will produce an original final project. More details about the project will be provided early in the session. Additionally, you will be required to have another person (a classmate, the writing center, a family member, etc.) provide feedback on your project throughout its development, and finally you will be required to submit the final project AND a memo that provides background on your final project at the end of the semester. Again, I will provide much more information on this project very soon.

Article Discussion Board Postings (25%): Each week. students will be presented with one short, empirical article to read and discuss as a class online. These online discussions are a means of exposing the class to research beyond the limited readings for the day. Each week students must 1) read the posted reading (in addition to the readings in preparation for the class, 2) make one original discussion board posting which responds to some idea that you found interesting in the reading, by Friday at Noon of the week the reading was assigned, 3) read each of your classmates original postings and 4) respond to one other student’s original posting by Sunday at 11:59pm of the week the reading was assigned. Each Monday, the readings will be posted for the week’s discussion board posting.

Participation (15%): Although this class is online, there are MANY ways for you to participate. Your participation is vital to you making the most of this experience. For that reason, a substantial part of your final grade will be earned—ultimately—by how much effort you put into participating. If you phone in your article discussion board postings and responses, don’t take seriously the final assignment, and don’t engage with your classmates when you have opportunities to do so, you should expect to do poorly on class participation. Don’t get me wrong: this IS actually an easy 15% of your grade, but you still need to earn it. If you remember not just to post your weekly discussion board posting, but ALSO to reply to AT LEAST ONE of your classmate’s discussion posts you will be fine.


The following scale will be used to determine final course grades:

4.0 = 92.0%-100.0% 2.0 = 70.0%-74.9%

3.5 = 85.0%-91.9% 1.5 = 65.0%-69.9%

3.0 = 80.0%-84.9% 1.0 = 60.0%-64.9%

2.5 = 75.0%-79.9% 0.0 = 0%-59.9%

Do not ask me to “bump up” or “round” your final grade. For example, if you earn a 79.9%, you may expect to receive a 2.5 in the course. Requests for extra points or for me to “round up your grade” at any point in or after the term will not receive a response.

Grade questions and concerns: If you would like to discuss a grade you receive, you must schedule an appointment to speak with me. You must wait 24 hours after you receive the grade to schedule an appointment.

Students with Disabilities: All officially documented (with an RCPD "VISA") accommodations for students with disabilities will be granted. Please contact the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities if you have questions about this.

Obtaining a Course Override:

Occasionally, students attend the first day of class in order to obtain permission for a course override from an instructor. If this applies to you, please read the following:

Please note the following based on your request to access my class:

·  If the class is full, you should use the ALERT System attached to Schedule Builder in the Schedule of Courses instead of the CCAS Course Request System.

·  The College cannot process a request for an override to swap sections for courses that you are already enrolled in.   If this is your situation submit an Alert for the section you want to enroll in. If seat becomes available, use the SWAP feature in the Schedule Builder to change sections.

·  If you are having difficulty adding a class, please check to make sure that you have satisfied any prerequisites or restrictions for the class.  You can check course restrictions and prerequisites by visiting the Schedule of Courses (http://schedule.msu.edu) and clicking on the course code.

If none of the above conditions apply and/or you believe there are extenuating circumstances that warrant a course override, you can go to the CCAS Course Request System to submit an override request  http://override.cas.msu.edu.

Please note the following:

•        Filing a request does not guarantee you access to a course.

•        In peak volume times, it can take 7 days for a request to be processed.

•        If a request is approved, you will be directly enrolled in the course and notified via email.

•        If a request is denied you will receive an email notifying you of the action.

Tentative Course Schedule

(Instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary.)

 Session  Topic  Readings and Assignments


Week 1

5/13 - 5/17 Course Introduction

Introduction to Relationships and Interpersonal

Communication Reading: Miller Chapt. 1

Introduction, cont.

Week 2

5/20 – 5/24 Relationship Research Reading: Miller Chapt. 2

Relationship Research, cont.


Social Cognition Reading: Miller Chapt. 4

Week 3

5/27 – 5/31 Attraction Reading: Miller Chapt. 3

Development Theories & Approaches

Week 4

6/3 – 6/7 Development Theories & Approaches continued


(Exam 1 will take place on Friday 6/7 covers material from the beginning of the class through week 4.)

Week 5

6/10 – 6/14 

Interdependency and Commitment Reading: Miller Chapt. 6

Interdependency and Commitment, cont.

Week 6

6/17 – 6/21 Maintenance Theories and Approaches, cont.

Problems in Relationships Reading: Miller Chapt. 10

Week 7

6/24 – 6/27 Problems in Relationships



(Exam 2 will take place on Thursday 6/27 covers material from the beginning of week 5 through week 7.)

Final Draft of Project due: 11:59pm June 27th to the D2L Dropbox.