Department of Technology Management and Innovation
MG-GY 7953 Global Innovation
Summer 2023
Course Pre-requisites: Graduate Standing
Course Description:
This course focuses on global technology-enabled innovation. Topics covered include accessing global sources of innovation, coordination and organization of activities worldwide, new product development globally, the role of revitalized global R&D, growing prominence of IT and e-Business in global innovation, and the role of alliances and linkages with customers, suppliers and other third parties.
Course Objectives:
This course combines Global Innovation Theory along with Industry Global Innovation Practices
As a Core Course Requirement, provide a high level understanding and management of the 5 Transformative Technologies. (Management of Technology)
High level overview of the current 5 Transformative Technologies and how to manage each: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud (Edge & Distributed Cloud), Internet of Things, Cybersecurity
Understanding the ‘Box 3’ Creating The Future/The Weak Signals of Macro Change and How Technology Is Not An Isolated Source of Macro Change, But The Connective Tissue.
Hearing The Weak Signals Is Understanding and Knowing Current Technology Trends
Course Structure
Per Department directive:
All Summer 2024 courses in the Department of Technology Management and Innovation will be delivered in a live, synchronous, instruction mode. Department faculty will not permit students to participate asynchronously, and students are expected to attend each lecture session (this is especially important due to the compressed timeline of the course offerings). Please note that there are no exceptions to this policy, and students are advised to make the appropriate withdrawal arrangements prior to the start of the summer term if they are unable to participate synchronously.
Per the Department directive above, all students in this 7 Week Summer Class will be required to attend all sessions Mondays and Wednesdays from 6pm to 8:45pm New York Time.
All students will be required to have their video 'on' from 6pm to 8:45pm New York Time. In addition, all students will be required to login using their login and password via
If you cannot meet the above Departmental requirements, including any pandemic-related issues, kindly drop the course and register for the Fall Classroom sections.
Your grade will be affected adversely if you are not attending class sessions, not keeping your video on, not participating during the class sessions (especially when called upon) In terms of fairness and equity to the class, you will earn a final grade of F if you don't have your video on, don't attend class sessions as scheduled, don't participate in class, among other factors.
Final Exams will be using NYU approved Respondus lockdown software.
We will use the the Respondus software on May 22nd with practice quiz to ensure you can download the software.
If you cannot successfully download the Lockdown respondus software by May 22nd class, I would encourage you to drop the course and register for the Fall 2023 classroom sections. Per the NYU Academic Calendar, the Add/Drop deadline is May 23rd.
The required text for the course is:
The Economist (via or Brightspace Content Link) Assigned reading content can be found within NYU Classes/Resources
Course Grading Rubric:
Course assignments comprise the following components. Participants are expected to play an active role in each.
I) 10%: The Economist Weekly Assignments
Two Paragraph Assignments From That Week’s Current Edition
The File Name Should Be: Your Name_Economist Assignment 1, 2, 3, 4, etc
From an Industry Viewpoint, It Is Important To Be Aware Of Current Business Events. This is Especially Important During Job Interviews. This Is The Purpose Of The Economist Assignments – To Prepare You For Industry.
The Other Learning Objective Is Critical Thinking Skills (aka 2nd Paragraph of the Weekly Economist Assignment)
Please make certain you are selecting the week’s current edition.
Please select an article from 1 of the following sections (not all 3 sections) Business Section
Finance and Economics Section Science and Technology Section.
Weekly 2 Paragraph Assignment:
1st Paragraph: Executive Summary of Your Selected Article. What Is The Economist’s viewpoint? (Cannot cut/paste from the article)
2nd Paragraph: What Is Your Viewpoint? Do you agree or disagree with The Economist’s point? Why?
Due Thursdays, 11:59pm NY Time Submitted Into Brightspace/Assignments
If Weekly Assignment is not submitted into NYU Classes/Assignments on- time, a zero will be given for that week’s assignment.
You are responsible for selecting the correct Issue Date and selecting an article from either the Business Section, the Finance and Economics Section or the Science and Technology Section. You will receive a zero score if the above requirements are not followed.
All Weekly Economist Assignments are due into Brightspace/Assignments Folder.
If you miss 1 Economist Assignment, 5 percent deducted from the overall 10 percent
If you miss 2 Economist Assignments an additional 5 percent deducted = Loss of the total 10 percent
Please note:
The weekly Economist Assignment will open in Brightspace/Assignments every Friday morning after class and is due the following Thursday at 11:59pm
II) 10%: On-Time Attendance
Per the above directives on the previous page.
If you miss 1 class session (this equals missing 7% of the semester) 2 percentage points off (you start with 8%)
If you miss 2 class sessions (this equals missing 14% of the semester) 3 percentage points off (you start with 5%)
If you miss 3 class sessions (this equals missing 21% of the semester) The entire 10% is lost
Excessive lateness or dropping off Zoom call or not dropping when I end call, not having video on: all applies to the 10% Attendance Requirement as well
III) 10%: Class Participation:
If I call on you, please respond with the expectation that you have read this week’s assignment. This may include you briefly discussing this week’s Economist Assignment
IV) 15%: Assigned Class Homework
If you miss 1 Assignment, 2 points deducted (10 – 2 = 8)
If you miss 2 Assignments 2 additional points deducted (8-2 = 6) If you miss 3 Assignments: 0 points for this subsection (lose 10 Points)
V) 25%: Final Exam
VI) 30%: Final Paper
Final Grade Graduate Rubric
A = 100 to 95
A- (A minus) = 94 to 90
B+ (B plus) = 89 to 87
B = 86 to 84
B- (B minus) = 83 to 80
C+ (C plus) = 79 to 75
C = 74 to 65
F = Below 65
Please Note: Grades of A and A Minus (A-) Are Earned By Outstanding Students
“Grades are earned; not given, gifted or negotiated. Earned grades cannot be compromised or changed to accommodate scholarship requirements or any university enrollment provision or status.”
Weekly Course Content
Please note: There is a Weekly Economist Assignment Due Every Thursday
Class Sessions
Please note: This is a roadmap. In my view, every semester I teach a course, it leads down different paths and roads. Every class, every class size, every class demographic is unique and I do not use the same syllabus every semester. In Global Innovation, change occurs on an almost daily basis. Therefore, I will advise you well in advance of new current material I have discovered during the semester and assign accordingly. Please use the below Class Sessions as a roadmap that will take different directions, different turns. As in the workplace, the below is ‘fluid’ and will change during the semester as I contribute the most current Global innovation material to date. I will then revise
the below sessions accordingly. Again, you will know well in advance what and when the next session class assignments are due.
Week 1: Monday, May 22nd and Wednesday, May 24th
Kick-off Lecture:
VG Video
Weekly Economist Assignment
Respondus Software
Week 2: Wednesday, May 31st (NYU Holiday: Monday, May 29th )
Prep For 10 Rules Of Managing Global Innovation
Week 3: Monday, June 5th and Wednesday, June 7th
Experience Disrupters
Week 4: Monday, June 12th and Wednesday, June 14th
Davenport’s AI For The Real World
“Artificial Intelligence For The Real World”
Davenport, T. (2018). Artificial Intelligence For The Real World. HBR.
Homework Assignment
Agree or Disagree With Davenport’s Future Cognitive Company? Why?
Week 5: Wednesday, June 21 (NYU Holiday: Monday, June 19th)
Read world
“Engineering Reverse Innovations” (Winner of 2016 McKinsey Award For Best HBR Article)
Govindarajan, V. (2015). Engineering Reverse Innovations. HBR.
Homework Assignment
Govindarajan’s 5 Design Principles, Which 1 Do You Think Is Most Important? Why?
Week 6: Monday, June 26th and Wednesday, June 28th perkins.html
“She delivers an annual internet trends report that is often regarded as required reading in the technology industry.”
Week 7: Monday, July 3rdth and Wednesday, July 5th
“Preparing For A Blockchain Future” (Article Is Basically A Case Study) Ferguson, M. (2018). Preparing For A Blockchain Future. MIT Sloan Management Review. Fall 2018.
Homework Assignment:
Of The 3 Key Questions, Which 1 Do You Think Is Most Important? Why?
Week 8: Monday, July 10th and Wednesday, July 12th
Final Exam: Wednesday, July 12th
Final Paper Due: Saturday, July 15th at 9am NY Time
Final Paper Topic: 50 Most Innovative Companies
10 to 15 pages
To Be Discussed Further