代做BALA301: Emerging Techniques and Tools in Business Analytics代写留学生Python程序

2024-05-22 代做BALA301: Emerging Techniques and Tools in Business Analytics代写留学生Python程序

BALA301: Emerging Techniques and Tools in Business Analytics

Subject Outline

6 credit points

Subject Information

Autumn, 2024, Wollongong

On Campus

Online Subject Material

On-Campus Delivery This subject is delivered in-person and includes on-campus or other location-based learning activities that cannot be undertaken by students studying Online/Distance. Students unable to attend campus or any other nominated physical delivery location should not enrol in this subject

Subjects with a delivery mode of On Campus and/or Flexible with International Student enrolments will be delivered in accordance with the ESOS National Code. That is, online learning experiences (such as lectures, tuition, and resources) will be supplementary to in-person learning experiences such as scheduled classes and/or scheduled contact hours.

UOW may need to change teaching locations/venues and/or teaching delivery at short notice to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students and staff in response to the COVID-19 pandemic or other public health requirements.

For up-to-date information on the impact of COVID- 19 please refer to your subjects Moodle site.

Faculty Vision, Mission and PRME

Our mission is to inspire and develop globally-minded and socially responsible community members and leaders, through high-quality teaching, impactful research and meaningful engagement with community, government, industry and academic partners. The full Vision and Mission statements can be found at


We are a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and supports the realisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. More information on PRME can be found at


Expectations of Students

UOW values are intellectual openness, excellence and dedication, empowerment and academic freedom, mutual respect and diversity, recognition and performance. We will provide a safe, equitable and orderly environment    for the University community, and expect each member of our community to behave responsibly and ethically    (UOW Student Conduct Ruleshttps://documents.uow.edu.au/about/policy/learning/index.html).

We expect that students demonstrate these values and professional behaviour, both face to face and online, making genuine efforts to complete their studies successfully, arriving on time to class, taking part

constructively in class discussions and activities, demonstrating appropriate professional and ethical conduct in

all communication with UOW staff and community members, and submitting assignments on time (or completing a request for Academic Consideration in advance if needed).

Communication and eLearning Etiquette

Guidelines on the use of email to contact teaching staff, mobile phone use in class and information on the

university guide to eLearning 'Netiquette' can be found at


Cyber Bullying

The University is committed to providing a safe, respectful, equitable and orderly environment for the

University community, and expects each member of that community to behave responsibly and ethically.

Students must comply with the University'sStudent Conduct Rulesand related policies including theIT            Acceptable Use PolicyandBullying Prevention Policy, whether undertaking their studies face-to-face, online.  For more information on appropriate communication and etiquette in the online environment please refer to the

guideOnline and Email Etiquetteor athttps://www.uow.edu.au/student/learning-co-op/technology-and- software/email-etiquette/.

Section A: General Information

Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:

1.    Explore and understand emerging techniques and tools in business analytics

2.    Learn and understand the circumstances of using predictive and prescriptive analytics

3.    Understand data mining and different techniques used in machine learning

4.    Evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of these emerging techniques and tools for big data and business analytics

5.    Effectively Communicate in Writing

Subject Description

This subject explores emerging techniques and tools in business analytics. Concepts of predictive analytics and  prescriptive analytics are introduced to students. Data mining and different techniques used in machine learning are also introduced and used to explore a range of business analytics scenarios for different business problems.   Students explore and assess these emerging techniques and tools in business analytics to learn the effectiveness and applicability of these techniques and tools in various business problems related to current business environments.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes can be found in the Course Handbook


eLearning, Readings, References and Materials

The University uses the eLearning system Moodleto support all coursework subjects. The subject Moodle site can be accessed via SOLS.

You can find guidelines to eLearning herehttp://www.uow.edu.au/student/elearning/guide/index.html

Foundational Work Integrated Learning

This subject contains elements of 'Foundational WIL'. Students in this subject will observe, explore or reflect on possible career pathways or a work-related aspect of their discipline.

Major Text(s)


Students will use emerging business analytics (BA) tools such as SAS Viya, Microsoft Excel, and Python to perform. numerous BA techniques. Please refer to Moodle for initiating the BA tools installation process.

Textbook details are available online from the University Bookshop athttps://unishop.uow.edu.au/

Key References

The following books/articles are available to download/read online from Moodle or UOW Full-Text Library.

The recommended readings below are not intended as an exhaustive list of references. Students should also use the library catalogue and databases to locate additional resources.

Camm, J.D., Cochran, J.J., and Fry, M.J. (2018), Business analytics, Cengage AU.

Evans, J.R (2020), Business Analytics: Methods, Models and Decisions, Third Edition, Global Edition Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

Shmueli, G., Bruce, P. C., Gedeck, P., and Patel, N. R (2019), Data mining for business analytics: concepts, techniques and applications in Python, John Wiley & Sons.

Schniederjans, M. J., Dara G. S., and Christopher M. S (2015), Business analytics principles, concepts, and applications with SAS: what, why, and how, Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson.

Students should also review articles from the following academic journals for further understanding of the subject topics:

- Management Science

- Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

- Operations Research

- MIT Sloan Management Review

- Academy of Management Journal

- Harvard Business Review

- Decision Analysis

- INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics

- INFORMS Journal on Data Science

- European Journal of Operational Research

Lectures, Tutorials and Attendance Requirements

Lecture Times *

UOW may need to change teaching locations, teaching delivery and/or assessment delivery at short notice to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff in response to the COVID-19 pandemic or other public health requirements.

For up-to-date information on the impact of COVID- 19 please refer to your subjects Moodle site.

Up to date timetable and delivery information is located at


For current timetable information please refer to the online Subject Timetables on the Current Students webpage.

Lecture Program *

* The above times and program maybe subject to change. Students will be notified of any change via SOLS.

Lecture Recording

The University of Wollongong supports the recording of UOW educational content as a supplemental study   tool, to provide students with equity of access, and as a technology-enriched learning strategy to enhance the student experience.

If you make your own recording of a lecture, class, seminar, workshop or any other educational session provided as part of your course of study you can only do so with the explicit permission of the lecturer and those people who are also being recorded.

You may only use educational content recorded through the delivery of subject or course content, whether they are your own or recorded by the university, for your own educational purposes. Recordings cannot be altered, shared or published on another platform, without permission of the University, and to do so may contravene the

University's Copyright Policy, Privacy Policy, Intellectual Property Policy, IT Acceptable Use Policy and Student Conduct Rules. Unauthorised sharing of recordings may also involve a breach of law under the

Copyright Act 1969.

Most lectures in this subject will be recorded, when they are scheduled in venues that are equipped with lecture recording technology, and made available via the subject Moodle site within 48 hours.

Your Privacy - Lecture Recording

In accordance with the Student Privacy & Disclosure Statement, when undertaking our normal teaching and learning activities, the University may collect your personal information. This collection may occur incidentally during the recording of lectures in equipped venues (i.e. when your identity can be ascertained by your image, voice or opinion), or via the delivery of online content therefore the University further advises students that:

•    Lecture recordings are made available to students, university staff, and affiliates, securely on the university's IT Platforms and via the subject Moodle eLearning site;

•    Recordings are made available only for the purpose for which they were recorded, for example, as a supplemental study tool or to support equity and access to educational resources;

•     Recordings are stored securely for up to four years

If you have any concerns about the use or accuracy of your personal information collected in a lecture recording, you may approach your Subject Coordinator to discuss your particular circumstances.

The University is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected. If you have a concern about how your

personal information is being used or managed please refer to the University's Privacy Policy or consult our Privacy webpagehttps://www.uow.edu.au/privacy/

Tutorial/Seminar/Workshop Times

The Faculty of Business and Law uses the SMP Online Tutorial System and tutorial times and locations can be  found athttps://www.uow.edu.au/student/timetables/index.html. Please note that tutorial times on the timetable are provisional and may change.

Tutorial/Seminar/Workshop Program

Where restrictions require temporary adjustments for delivery and tutorial/seminar/workshop arrangements, any necessary changes will be advised and provided by your Subject Coordinator. Please check the subject Moodle   site regularly.

The above program maybe subject to change.

Attendance Requirements - Participation, Contribution and Engagement during Lectures/Tutorials/Seminars/Workshops

Students are expected to engage in all learning activities, including any online learning activities, and participate in scheduled tutorials/seminars/workshops in order to achieve the Subject Learning Outcomes.

For subjects with an assessable engagement component: Students are expected to attend all classes and need to participate regularly in order to pass the class engagement components of the assessment in this subject.

Tutorials/seminars/workshops are used to promote an atmosphere in which students can learn by active

engagement. Non-attendance at seminars will directly impact upon class engagement assessment mark as a mark of zero will be awarded for each class missed. Students unable to attend a seminar due to serious or

extenuating circumstances may apply for Academic Consideration see :


Recent Improvements to Subject

The Faculty of Business and Law is committed to continual improvement in teaching and learning. In assessing teaching and learning practices in a subject, the Faculty takes into consideration student feedback from many sources. These sources include direct student feedback to tutors and lecturers, and responses to the Subject and Course Evaluation Surveys. These important student responses are used to make ongoing changes to subjects  and courses. This information is also used to inform systemic comprehensive reviews of subjects and courses.

Extraordinary Changes to the Subject Outline

In extraordinary circumstances the provisions stipulated in this Subject Outline may require amendment after the Subject Outline has been distributed. All students enrolled in the subject must be notified and have the opportunity to provide feedback in relation to the amendment, where practicable, prior to the amendment being finalised.

Learning Analytics

Learning Analytics data (such as student engagement with Moodle, access to recorded lectures, University Library usage, task marks, and use of SOLS) maybe used by the Subject Coordinator and your faculty's Head of Students to assist in analysing student engagement, and to identify and recommend support to students who may  be at risk of failure. If you have questions about the kinds of data the University uses, how we collect it, and how we protect your privacy in the use of this data, please refer to


Section B: Assessment

Assessment Summary

Assessment Item

Form. of Assessment


Assessment 1



Assessment 2



Assessment 3



Assessment 4






Please note: Copies of student work maybe retained by the University in order to facilitate quality assurance of assessment processes.

A formative assessment activity (with written or verbal feedback) will be conducted before census date - please seeUOW Key Dates.

Past exam papers maybe available for student review, subject to release by the library

(https://ereadingsprd.uow.edu.au/). Solutions and marking guides are not included. The structure and/or content of the papers may change from session to session.