代做BMGT686 Assignment 03, Semester 01, 2024帮做Python语言程序

2024-05-22 代做BMGT686 Assignment 03, Semester 01, 2024帮做Python语言程序

BMGT686 Assignment 03, Semester 01, 2024

Assignment Title:           Organisation Transformation

Assignment background and task

Organisational Transformation (OT) is much more radical than continual change – it is about changing how the organisation sees itself and its environment.

Read Chapters 9, 10 and 11 of the course text and literature on Organisational Transformation from the university academic databases.

This assignment requires you to:

1.    Present the report's reader with a critical review of why OT occurs.

2.    Identify two major, well-known organisations that have undergone OT since 2000. Ensure you provide web-link data of the two organisations so the marker can review them.

3.    Critically analyse and report (with evidence) the reasons why the organisations needed to transform.

4.    Detail what the transformation included: product change, service change, etc., supporting such noted outcomes with literature.

5.    Report on structural changes (tangible and intangible) – not products or services the organisation has made or had difficulty making as part of the OT.

6.    Conceptualise the potential impact on the organisation if it had not undergone OT.

To assist with identifying such businesses the following sources may be of assistance:

-     Top 20 business transformations in the past 20 years.

-     How the worlds biggest companies have changed in just 10 years.

-     13 hugely successful companies that reinvented their businesses.

-    Transformation 20: The top global companies leading strategic transformation.

Assignment Format:      Report Style, but do not need to include an Executive Summary or

Recommendations. Please refer to the Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce Style Guide on the

course LEARN site. In particular, please ensure you review the APA 7th  referencing style. – see:


Word Limit: The maximum limit (excluding title page, contents page, or references) is 4000 words (approximately eleven pages).

Assignment due time and date:                29 May 2024, at 5.00 pm

Value of Assignment:    25% of your overall course mark.

Submitting your assignment: Do not include your name or student ID anywhere on this assignment

as it is being peer-marked. All students must submit their assignment via the Assessment 03 link on the BMGT686 Learn@Lincoln site by the due date and time. Failure to do so means you cannot participate in the peer-marking component. The system will not accept assignments after the advised date and time.

Peer-Marking Process:

The instruction to not put your name on your assignment is to ensure anonymity regarding the marking.

Once you submit your assignment, the system randomly allocates you three assignments to peer mark, plus your own for marking. You will be advised by the lecturer when you can start the peer marking. You can access the assignments to mark (which is four in total) via the original submission link.

This may be the first time you have seen another student's work, and you will find it enlightening as to how other people present their thoughts and what their thoughts are, given a topic to review.

This may also be the first time you have had to grade your work after having seen peer work and reflecting on the topic. Peer marking is a sound pedagogical education practice and an excellent  learning opportunity.

I recommend you assess the other three peers' work before you assess your own; this way, you will have more information to asses your work against.

Peer marking is split into two aspects. First is the average of the marks given by your peers, which carries 20% of the overall mark. The second is a computer analysis of how well you mark compared to others, worth 5%.

Complete the peer-marking by 05 June 2024, 5.00 pm.

The examiner moderates all peer-marked work to ensure consistency in marking. Marks can change as part of this process.

Please note: The following areas should be evident with your assignment: Relevance: Is what you have written relevant to the assignment requirements? Understanding: Do you understand the content of the topic selected and the relevant concepts for evaluating it? Use of terms: Do you use technical terms accurately and appropriately? Clarity of explanation: Are your explanations clear, logical, and understandable? Reading: Do you show evidence of having read widely in the relevant area? Critical viewpoint: Can you see flaws in the theories/frameworks used in the topic being discussed?