This assignment covers the material from modules 3 and 4.
The assignment must be produced by R or Excel.
For each question, you need to produce a chart and interpret it.
You have to create a PDF document using your preferred text processor, insert all charts and interpretations and upload it to the LEARN Dropbox.
The assignment has two components: a quiz and a dropbox.
1. First, complete the Assignment 1: File Selection quiz.
2. This quiz will provide you with a number.
3. Download the (../../media/documents/assignments/ file.
4. Use the number provided by the quiz to determine which data file you will need to complete this assignment. For example, if you received "57", use "dat57.csv". Note: this number is recorded and you need to use this specific data file for your assignment.
5. Go to the Assignment 1 dropbox to access and submit your assignment.
Your assignment will be assessed using Turnitin text-matching software. For more information about the use of Turnitin, please see the University Policy section of the Course Outline.
File Selection Access and Availability
Assignment 1: File Selection (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou=1018132&type=quiz&rcode=uWaterloo-2262137) can be accessed by clicking Submit and then Quizzes on the course navigation bar above.
Quizzes are due on the dates specified in the Course Schedule(/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou=1018132&type=content&rcode=uWaterloo-1866338).
Quizzes will be available for two weeks.
You may only take a quiz once.
Once you have completed the quiz, you will gain access to the Assignment 1 dropbox.
For support using quizzes, please see IST Knowledge Base: Quizzes - Students(
How To Submit Your Assignment
Please note that the following instructions pertain to this specific assignment. Instructions for other assignments may differ.
Your assignment must be submitted online to the Assignment 1(/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou=1018132&type=dropbox&rcode=uWaterloo-2226236) dropbox by the deadline specified in your Course Schedule (/d2l/common/dialogs/quickLink/quickLink.d2l?ou=1018132&type=content&rcode=uWaterloo-1866338). Dropboxes can be accessed by clicking Submit and then Dropbox on the course navigation bar above. In the case of multiple submissions by the same student, your instructor will mark only the final submission uploaded, so make sure your final submission is the correct one. Be sure to include all necessary files with each submission.
Your assignment must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Do not zip your files. For general guidelines and instructions on submitting to a LEARN dropbox, please see IST Knowledge Base: Dropboxes - Students(
How Your Assignment Will Be Graded
Assignment 1 is worth 15% of your overall grade.
Parts A, B and C are worth respectively 30%, 50% and 20%.
For each question, 70% of the mark is allocated to the chart (50% for plotting the right line(s) and 20% for adding titles and legend when needed) and 30% to the interpretation.