代写BU1002 Accounting for Decision Making Assessment Task 2 2024代做迭代

2024-06-11 代写BU1002 Accounting for Decision Making Assessment Task 2 2024代做迭代

BU1002 Accounting for Decision Making

Date: 17 May, 2024

Assessment Task 2, Case Study Analysis Essay – Referencing and submission information

This memo has been provided to assist you with the referencing required for Assessment Task 2 – Case Study Analysis Essay.

Students should provide an opening statement within the Appendix that could read as follows:

This comparative essay has been prepared based on reference to Birt et al. (2023), the [insert each company name in the group assignment] annual reports from 2021 to 2023 and company financial data obtained from the DatAnalysis Database (Morningstar, 2024).

Remember you are required to reference (acknowledge the sources of your information) within the body of the essay and have the full reference within the reference listing. A reference should not be included in the reference list unless it has been referred to in the essay or in the appendix.

For simplicity and the exercise of referencing, we are not requiring you to separately list each annual report or the company year data information that was provided to you within the Company folder on LearnJCU as required by convention.

The reference list, for example, should include:

· The annual reports and Excel financial data for the assigned company/companies downloaded from the Morningstar DatAnalysis Database.  Reference as follows:

Morningstar (2024, 15 January). [insert the company name, i.e., Australian Vintage Ltd]. Retrieved from http://datanalysis.morningstar.com.au  

· Use the Libguides to reference the Birt 8e text.

· If you have used other references, i.e., media releases etc, please follow referencing requirements including the ordering of references.

· Submission requirements – due date, Monday, July 29, 11:59  pm

· The submission requirement for the financial analysis essay is 4 pages or approximately 2,500 words, note the reference list and appendix are not included in the 4 pages. This means there is no restriction on the page limit for the reference list and appendix. Font size should be a minimum of size 11 font, anything smaller will be too hard to read with minimum margins of 1.5cm.  

· A draft submission box is available on LearnJCU to check your assignment for plagiarism. Note, it may take 24 – 48 hours to receive the SafeAssign report, please ensure you submit well before the submission deadline to receive the SafeAssign report prior to final submission.

· The case study analysis essay and appendix must be submitted electronically using the assignment submission link for your assigned company. This can be accessed from the ‘Assessment Task 2’ folder from ‘Assessment folder’ on the homepage of the LearnJCU site.  There is no requirement to submit a hard copy of the submission. DO NOT SUBMIT THE WORKBOOK.

· Please note, assignments received after the submission deadline will be deemed to be "late" and will receive a 5% late submission penalty for each day the assignment has passed the submission deadline.