代写ACT B414F Taxation I (2024 Summer)代写C/C++编程

2024-07-04 代写ACT B414F Taxation I (2024 Summer)代写C/C++编程

ACT B414F Taxation I (2024 Summer)

Individual Assignment

Due Date: 19 July 2024 (5:00 pm)

Word limit: 1500 words

Format: Microsoft Word


You are a tax associate of ABC Limited. You received an internal memo from your new team head, who just relocated to Hong Kong and joined the company recently:

ABC Limited

Internal Memorandum

Subject: Report on HongKong taxation system

I heard there were tax updates proposed in The 2024-25 Budget and I would like to have a deeper understanding on Hong Kong taxation system. Please prepare a report on Hong Kong taxation system.


Prepare the required report on Hong Kong taxation system. In your report, you should:

i.      Discuss ONE published decision by The Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance) in the last five years which is related to salaries tax or profits tax. State the background information with detailed discussion of tax principles involved and decision on the tax appeal.



ii.      Discuss any THREE tax updates proposed in The 2024-25 Budget. State the background information with detailed discussion of advantages and disadvantages of the proposed updates.



Submitting your work:

●   The assignment must be word-processed and submitted through OLE as a single, MS Word document. No paper copies are required.

●   You can access the submission link through the course’s webpage on OLE.

●   Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work through the submission link on OLE (i.e. make sure you have clicked the SUBMIT button). Please only submit once.

●   This is a group assignment; please make sure only ONE student in each group makes a submission.

●   Students MUST keep a copy of the electronic file of their submission.

●   A set of marking rubric (for discussion based questions only) is provided in this file.

●   University policy will apply in cases of copying, plagiarism or other methods by which students have obtained an unfair advantage.

Presenting Written Work for Assessment

Presenting your academic work professionally is really important. The  following is some guidelines relating to the presentation and submission of written assignments:

●   You should include the names and the student numbers of both students in the group in a cover page of your submission.

●   The file name should take the following form.  s1234567-Chan-Taiman.docx; with Chan Tai Man being the student submitting the assignment.

●   The assignment is required to be on A4 paper and word-processed in 12 font Arial with aminimum of 1.5 line spacing.

●   All pages are to be numbered.

●   Margins should be as follows: Top: 1 inch, Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm), Left: 1.25 inches, Right: 1.25 inches (3.2 cm)

●   Work should be in English (UK) and grammatically correct with careful attention to sentence construction, syntax and spelling

Once again, please be reminded that marks will only be awarded if there is a reasonably cogent discussion. You are required to write in your own words. Only minimal marks will be awarded to answers that are presented  in bullets, incoherent answers or answers that are hard to understand due to language issues. No marks or minimal marks will be awarded for direct copying and pasting and insufficient paraphrasing.