Assignment 3
CSE 13S, Winter 2024
1 Introduction
In past assignments, you were shown some files that had weird, sometimes invisible differences. One challenge with files like these is finding an appropriate way to make them human readable, as not every character is printable. To make this easier, we can use tools like xxd. xxd on Unix systems is a very complicated program with many options, but in its simplest form, it displays a binary file in its hexadecimal representation. Feel free to play around with the xxd program. In this assignment, will start to build your own version of this program, with all of the basic functionality of xxd.
2 Helpful information
Buffered Reading
This assignment is your first foray into reading files. Many programs use functions such as fread, which is a function that performs buffered reading. This function will block (wait) until all the requested data is ready or until EOF is reached. This behavior is caused by buffering, which loads data into an array(buffer) as its read, and then returns all the requested data at once. In CSE130, you will see why the blocking behavior. can be detrimental to performance, and how creating your own buffer may be advantageous.
Instead of using fopen() and fread() which do the buffering for you, you will be using open() and read(). These functions are "System Calls" that are included in <fnctl .h> and <unistd .h> respectively. A system call, or "Syscall" for short, is a function that engages directly with the operating system, and requests it to read files from the disk. This means that there are no abstractions to help you! These functions will return data as soon as it is available, but may not return all the requested data. To remedy this, we can repeatedly request data and load it into our own buffer until we have enough to process. We can then repeat this step until we have processed all of our data.
Another critical difference between fopen() and open() is that while fopen returns a file stream pointer ( FILE*), open() returns a file descriptor, which is just an int corresponding to the file’s index on your program’s file descriptor table. For more information about these functions, you may consult the man pages.
3 Your task
The output of the xxd program
xxd has a lot of optional arguments, most of which we will not use. Your job will be to replicate the following behaviours:
• If you supply no arguments, xxd will read in from stdin and print to stdout.
• If you supply one argument, it is treated as a filename, and xxd will read from that file, if it exists. It will still print to stdout.
The xxd program (and thus, our example program) has a well defined structure for its output. Here is the output for xxd on a file with the contents 0123456789abcdef\n.
00000000: 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 6162 6364 6566 0123456789abcdef 00000010: 0a .
In the leftmost column is the index of the first byte. This is in hexadecimal, padded to 8 digits. It is followed by a colon and a space.
In the middle is the hex values of the bytes passed in. They are padded to 2 hex digits and are in groups of two bytes. There are 8 groups (16 bytes) one space between each group, and 2 spaces at the end of the column. If EOF is reached before we print all 8 groups, we print 2 spaces instead of the hex digits.
In the final column is the ASCII representation. Any character between ASCII 32 and ASCII 126 (inclusive) is printed. Any character outside of that range is replaced with a . character. If EOF is reached before we print all 16 bytes, we do not print anything else. There is a newline at the end of this column.
If EOF is not reached on any given read, it waits until 16 bytes are entered. You can try this behavior. by using stdin as your input.
In this assignment, the only way you are required to handle errors is by returning a nonzero error code. The only errors you must handle is if a filename is invalid or more than one argument is supplied. In all other error circumstances, your program must exit cleanly. This includes cleaning up memory before exit.
1. Complete and submit your design.pdf draft by Monday, February 5th.
2. Create a buffered reader that reads 16 bytes at a time.
3. Create tests for xd. We provide a file, delayinput .sh to help you with this. This script reads each line of a file, provided in an argument with a 1 second delay between lines.
4. Build your program, naming it xd (to avoid confusion with the existing program xxd).
5. If you have time, make a copy of xd .c called bad_xd .c. You can then modify your makefile to add a target for bad_xd and update your tests to test bad_xd as well.
6. Update your design and submit your final commit ID by Wednesday February 7th
These are the files we require from you:
• Makefile: This should have rules for all, xd, xd .o, clean, and format. We also require the same flags
as usual, namely -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Wdouble-promotion -Wstrict-prototypes - pedantic
• xd .c: This file can contain all your code. You may also choose to make more files if it helps your code be more readable.
• design.pdf This file should answer the questions given in the template.
• runner .sh This file should run all your tests. You are welcome to use previous iterations of this file as aresource.
• tests: This folder is where you will write tests.
• bad_xd .c: OPTIONAL This file should function identically to xd .c.
Do’s and Don’ts
You must do the following:
• Format all of your C files with the clang-format file we provide.
• If you choose to write bad_xd, be sure to make sure it functions identically to xd .c.
• If you choose to write bad_xd, detail how you shortened your program in your design.
• Output only to stdout
• Read into a buffer of at least size 16. You may not do any of the following:
• Have a comment with clang-format off.
• Use fopen, fread, or any other buffered reader.
• Have memory leaks or errors
• Use any #defines that would cause your program to have mismatched braces, parenthesis, or quotes.
• Add anything to your makefile that helps reduce the size of your program
• Run any external executables
• Use #include in your bad_xd with any c code that you write
• Attempt to read less than 16 bytes at a time.
• Use #define to make anything equal a semicolon or curly braces
• Any other tricks that don’t let clang-format work as expected.
Extra Credit
You can get extra credit if your program, bad_xd is less than 1000 characters. For every 15 characters (rounded up) less than 1000, you will get one extra credit point. For example, there is a known working solution which is 688 characters, which would receive 21 points of extra credit.
4 Revisions
Version 1 Original.