Assessment 2 Workbook
Subject Code and Title
CAI104 Concepts in AI
Summative or Formative
Summative Assessment Number
Assessment 2: Workbook
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task you must:
· Make sure to read the questions carefully and understand them before you start.
· Answer ALL questions.
· Show your working and the steps taken for each answer. Provide examples for your discussions and answers to demonstrate your thorough understanding. Partial mark will be awarded for correct working even if the final answer is incorrect.
· The weighting of each question is indicated in brackets () at the end of each question.
Submission Instructions
This assessment should be submitted online:
· Name and save your file as “CAI104_Assessment2_LastName_FirstName.pdf”
· Submit your file via the Assessment 2 Submission link found under the Assessment tab in the main navigation menu.
· You can see your learning facilitator’s feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal (My Grades).
Question 1:
Use the search methods indicated below (1.1 – 1.5), to traverse the following state space tree (30%):
1.1 Breadth-first search
1.2 Depth-first search
1.3 Iterative deepening depth-first search
1.4 Greedy best-first search
1.5 A*
Note that the number written inside each circle is the actual distance to the target not calculated using h(x). The number of the edges are the cost calculated by g(x). You are to write in which order the following search methods traverse this tree and whether they find the goal state (Node n) or not.
After completing parts 1.1 to 1.5, please discuss which one is more efficient for this problem and the application of each of those search methods in a paragraph. Space is provided on the following page.
Q1 Answer:
Question 2: First fill out the following truth table, which will be your reference for the main parts of this question (30%):
Prove the following expressions using truth tables:
2.1 (p => q) ∧ (p => r) <=> p => (q ∧ r)
2.2 (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ q) => q
Establish truth tables for the following logical consequences:
A = { p => q,
q => p,
p ∨ q }
C = p ∧ q
A = { q ∨ r,
q => p,
(r ∧ p) }
C = p
Upon the completion of questions 2.1 to 2.4, please write a paragraph discussing the potential applications of logics. Give a real example in which the above variables (A, C, p, q, and r) can be replaced with real-world activities.
Question 3: Translate the following sentences into first-order logic (just translate, no verification required for this question) (20%):
3.1 All scientists are smart.
3.2 There exists a smart scientist.
3.3 No scientist loves politics
3.4 Every scientist who publishes articles also publishes books
Question 4: Translate the following expressions into logic. Then, verify whether the following sentences and reasoning are valid (20%):
4.1 “If I’ll go to the university then I’ll take a taxi, or if I’ll take a taxi then I’ll go to the university”.
4.2 It is not true that:
Alex bought a car, or if he bought a car then he had money. Therefore Alex didn't have money.
Upon the completion of questions 4.1 and 4.2, please write a paragraph discussing the potential applications of reasoning.