代写MMM143 – International Business and the World Economy代做留学生SQL语言

2024-08-06 代写MMM143 – International Business and the World Economy代做留学生SQL语言

MMM143 - International Business and the World Economy

Coursework guidelines

General information

The coursework consists of a group assignment in the form. of report on the international business activity in a given country. Students will be assigned to teams of four, and each team will be given a reference country. Teams are randomly formed.

Coursework will count for 40% of the module mark


3,000 words (+/- 10%), excluding tables, figures and references. Sometimes it may be necessary to form. teams of three. In these cases, the word limit is set to 2,400.


Deadline for the submission of coursework is set at 15 April 2024 at 14:00. Instructions for submissions in Blackboard will be posted in due time.

Formative assessment

Teams who submit an outline of their coursework (up to  1,000 words  not  including references, figures and tables) will be given feedback for improvement. The outline must be submitted via Blackboard, by 13 March 2024 at 14:00The submission of an outline is optional and will not be marked.

Summative assessment

The coursework will be marked as a group, but since each team member have to declare which section they are responsible for (see below), they will get an individual grade that will account for 50% of their grade.


Student X is part of group A and is responsible for section 2 of the report. Section 2 is marked at 72 and the overall report is marked at 64. In this case, the grade for Student X is 68 (0.5*72 + 0.5*64).


The report will illustrate the international business activity of a country, with respect to:

1.   Balance of payments

2.   Activity of exporters

3.   Activity of MNEs

4.   Participation in global value chains

Each team will need to define a benchmark for comparing their country (which could be another country or a group of countries). The choice of benchmark should be motivated and the findings for the reference country must be compared, when possible, to the benchmark.

The main source of data will be the OECD.Stats website (https://stats.oecd.org/), but data can also  be  derived from  existing studies and  report,  or from  other  databases available online. Tutorial sessions  1-8 will  be devoted to  providing the tools to find, elaborate (in the form of tables and graphs) and interpret OECD.Stats data. Tutorial videos on how to download data are also available on BB.

Appropriate scholarship, style. and referencing to data sources or existing studies (either providing theoretical or empirical results) is also assessed.

Proposed structure of the report





    Section 1: Balance of payment


    Section 2: Activity of exporters


    Section 3: Activity of MNEs


    Section 4: Participation in GVCs


    Concluding remarks


    Scholarship, style. and referencing


* The group mark will reflect these weights.

Each team member will be responsible for one of the Sections 1-4. The cover page will specify who is responsible for each section. It remains that all members of the team are jointly responsible for the overall quality of the essay and should contribute to the overall design of the report, to introduction and concluding remarks.

A key element in the assessment of this coursework will be quality of the data analysis. In this respect, a good report will:

(i)          present data clearly making use of the appropriate tables and graphs,

(ii)        critically interpret them and, whenever possible, use the benchmark country as a reference point,

(iii)        link the analysis of data to theoretical explanations.

In the case of groups composed of n< 4 team members, Sections 1-4 are reduced to 1-n and each will account for (80/n)% of the overall mark. E.g., a group composed by three  members can submit three sections among Sections 1-4.