代写EBSC7070 Creative Business Start-up Unit 2023-2024代做Python程序

2024-08-06 代写EBSC7070 Creative Business Start-up Unit 2023-2024代做Python程序

EBSC7070 Creative Business Start-up Unit

Unit Handbook 2023-2024

Unit Title: EBSC7070 Creative Business Start-up

Unit Code






Graded or Pass/Fail (Level 3 & 4 only)


Duration (number of weeks)


Credit Value


Total Learning Hours for Unit


Date of approval of this version

September 2023

Course(s) to which this unit contributes

Global Master of Business and Management (MBM) Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MA Fashion Business and Management MA International Music Management

MA Luxury Business Management

MA Design Innovation and Brand Management

List any other Institutions (and

locations) which sub-contract and deliver this unit:

Name of Institution:

UCA unit code:




With the world ever-changing, the traditional rules of business no longer apply. The drive for innovation, creativity and agility are taking precedence. Taking the big idea and turning it into a profitable and sustainable reality is the goal of the day.

This unit will explore the concept of developing creative businesses and the new paths for start-ups. It will analyse the evolution of business structures and explore the new market opportunities and challenges arising from geo-politics, trade relations and the global pandemic.

Building on the principles of entrepreneurship, you will utilise research methodologies to scope out new concepts designed to fulfil rising market trends such as inclusivity, diversity, and cultural differences to create and capture value. You will understand the growing importance of sustainability and ethics, the use of technological innovation and digital marketing techniques and the shift in values in access to finance to create sustainable businesses of tomorrow.

Unit Learning Objectives


Unit Learning Objective (LO1, LO2, LO3)

Experimentation & innovation

LO1. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems in order to develop creative concepts

Research & analysis

LO2. Critically evaluate creative solutions through exploration of world-changing ideas, business principles and strategies

Engaging with practice

LO3: Transform. creative ideas into real business concepts, utilising

research techniques to analyse, test, validate and create a profitable and sustainable business.

Realisation &



Personal &

professional connectivity


Assessment Requirements

Table A1 - Assessment Components

Assessment Component

List all separate


(normally no

more than 2 per




Typical Indicative  Assessment tasks

Where the component

comprises more than one

assessment task

Assessment Type

For each component

double click in the box

to see options.

The options equate to

the assessment types

in table A2



A portfolio of work that includes research and development. A

range of written and presented work that will include a report   and critical reflections.






Indicative Reading

To develop your skills in finding, accessing, and analysing business information, data and

knowledge, you are encouraged to explore all sources of information to drive and enhance your learning (books, academic and professional journals, online resources, etc.). Below is the link to myReadingList indicative list of reading that you may find helpful in your studies.

•    Key Works

•    Books and Texts

•    Academic and Professional Articles

•    Online Resources

Link to myReadingList:https://rl.talis.com/3/uca/lists/77474BC1-96A7-502B-BBD1- AEE4CE90F07C.html?lang=en&login=1

Unit Assessment

This unit is assessed through the completion of an Individual Portfolio.

Unit Name

Creative Business Start-up

Unit Code


Assignment Title

Business Feasibility Study

Type of Submission

Individual Portfolio consisting of a range of written and

visual research and development for the start-up idea,

including the completed Lean Canvas, and presented as a Business Feasibility Study (report).

Word Count

2,000 words +/- 10%

Issue Date

February 2024

Submission Date

Friday 24th  May 2024 by 4pm

Date of Feedback to Students + Supervision Allocation

4 weeks from the submission date

Where feedback can be found





During Week 5 Workshop Sessions, students will be tasked to deliver a two-minute Elevator Pitch, utilising a completed Lean Canvas Model, to their informal Peer Group teams and workshop tutor, for feedback.

This will be an opportunity for you to understand whether your idea has coherence and clarity before completing your final Summative Assessment.


Please note: Any student can be requested to evidence the authenticity of their work by submitting their working/draft files, notes, collected data and bookmarks for review. It is therefore advised to keep all working documents in a safely organised folder and keep a reflective development journal as part of the development of your work for each unit.

For summative assessment (worth 100% of the unit grade), you are required to prepare a 2,000 words long Business Feasibility Study for the identified creative business startup idea/concept.

What is a Business Feasibility Study?

In theories of entrepreneurship, a Business Feasibility Study is defined as “…a controlled process for identifying problems and opportunities, determining objectives, describing situations, defining successful outcomes and assessing the range of costs and benefits associated with several alternatives for solving a problem. It is used to support the decision-making processes… [and]… is conducted during the deliberation phase of the business development cycle prior to commencement of a formal Business Plan. It is an analytical tool that includes limitations and recommendations which are utilised to assist the decisionmakers when determining if the Business Concept is viable” (Thomson, 2005).

For the purposes of the assessment on this unit, a Business Feasibility Study is a business report consisting of written and visual research and development for your start-up idea, and including the completed Lean Canvas template:

IMPORTANT: The purpose of the Business Feasibility Study task is to give you an opportunity to evaluate if your business ideas are wanted by your audience, is capable of making a profit, and possible to accomplish. The more research and development you put into your idea the stronger your case will be. Your Feasibility Study MUST be supported with clear, objective, and credible evidence i.e., research and analysis.


Word count 2,000 words (excluding References and Appendices) with +/- 10%  The completed Lean Canvas does not count towards the word count.

Business Feasibility Study Cover Page

Executive Summary

Business Idea Summary and Background

Please provide a simple summary of your idea, no longer than 20 words. For Background, where did your idea come from?

1) Elevator Pitch + the completed Lean Canvas

Using only 100 words summaries your idea so that it has a real impact on a potential investor, client, or other stakeholder.

You will probably find this easiest to write last.

NB: Can you write an engaging business pitch that convinces others to invest in your business? Is the business concept enticing? Does it address a clear problem? Does it generate attention and interest?

2) The need/problem you are addressing and the target group. Clearly define your chosen target market with supporting evidence.

The key questions you should answer are:

• What is the need being addressed or problem being solved?

• Whose problem or need is it, and what are they like?

• What size is your target market?

• Are your customers the ‘end users’? If not, who is?

• How have you ‘segmented’ your market?

NB: Have you provided key information about the problem or need you have identified, and the market or group of people who experience the problem? Who will buy/use your product or service?

3) The product/ service

The key questions to answer here are:

• What is your product or service?

• What does it do, and how does it work?

• How does it meet the market need identified in Section 2?

• What is the ‘Unique Selling Point’?

• Why will the customer (identified in Section 2) buy your product/ service?

NB: Did you provide an outline of the product/service or project and how it meets the identified needs of your market segment? How does it work? What are its key features and how does it benefit the target market? Did you engage with your target market for product development? (storytelling/product prototypes are important here!)

4) Alternatives & Competitors

The key questions to answer here are:

• Who are your main competitors?

• Why are they not solving the market need that you have identified already?

• What are the ‘substitute’ products/ services to yours?

• How is yours distinctive, and more attractive to your target market?

NB: Did you demonstrate an understanding of who your competitors are? Did you then explain how your product or service is different from what is already available in the market? Did you also explain why customers should buy from you, rather than your competitors?

5) Market entry

The key questions to answer here are:

• Who is your first customer?

• How will you target and sell to them?

• What partnerships/alliances will you create to help you to compete?

• What ‘milestones’ do you need to achieve in order to make your idea a success?

NB: Did you explain how you will attract your FIRST customers? How will your product/service be made available or distributed to your target market/audience? What longer-term plans do you have? How could it expand or grow?

6) Financial projections

Here you want to include:

• Projected start-up costs

• Pricing Strategy (i.e., why you priced the product the way you did and how it leaves room for profit)

NB: Have you priced the product/service well? Do you have sound financial plans for market entry, and beyond?

What are we looking for when assessing your work:

• The clarity with which a need has been identified, and a customer group described.

• The extent to which the idea to meet the need of the target group, in an original manner.

• The extent to which the competitive environment for the idea has been articulated

• The realism and practicality of the market entry approach

• Glossary and useful terminology for this unit:

“In the land of startups, scale-ups and Venture Capitalism, jargon and abbreviations are absolutely everywhere.” (MAKK, 2023) MAKK’s list of startup terms and definitions: https://makk.co/startup-glossary/

Startup Genome’s list of startup terms and definitions: https://startupgenome.com/glossary

• Make sure you use UCA Harvard Referencing – the Guide is on the UCA website at the following link: https://mylibrary.uca.ac.uk/referencing