Section A
A1. There are two types of wave overtopping. Describe both using sketches and give the wave conditions required as a function of the water depth. [ 8 ]
A2. Briefly describe two different explanations for the mechanism of wave breaking. Use sketches where appropriate. [ 8 ]
A3. Water waves can be dispersive. Briefly describe what this means, under which conditions occurs and give an example where this characteristic is of practical importance. [ 9 ]
B1. A harbour operator intends to extend the existing harbour basin by a rectangular mooring basin of 25 m length and 9 m width as shown in Fig. B1.1. Both harbour and extension have vertical concrete walls. The harbour is exposed to waves with wave periods ranging from a minimum of T1 = 4 seconds with a deep water wave height of H01 = 1.0 m, and a maximum wave period of T2 = 16.1 seconds with a deep water wave height of H02 = 0.5 m. The water depth just outside and inside the harbour is constant at 4.0 m.
Fig. B1.1: Plan view of harbour
(i) Determine the wave height at point ‘1’ for T1 and T2 . Use Fig. B1.2 [ 7 ]
(ii) In the initial proposal, the depth in the extension is assumed to be constant at 4 m. Assess the proposed extension, and comment on whether you recommend it. [ 9 ]
(iii) In a second proposal, the harbour operator suggests to install a beach in the extension with a maximum water depth of 4 m at the harbour side of the extension, and water depth at the land end of close to zero.
a) Is this beneficial?
b) The harbour operator states that small boats can be moored up to a depth of 1.0 m. Assess the situation. [ 9 ]
Fig. B1.2: Diffraction diagram
B2. Tsunamis:
A tsunami wave arrives at the shoreline with an incident wave height at breaking of Hb = 2.40 m, and a wave period of 500 seconds.
(i) Determine the offshore wave height of the tsunami wave at its origin, where the water depth is 3000 m. Use the conservation of energy and the breaking wave condition. [ 5 ]
(ii) Assuming the coastline to be vertical with a water depth of 3.0 m, as shown in Fig. B2.1, determine the initial velocity of the wave and its Froude number at landfall, for the case of the tsunami wave crest arriving first. Use a momentum approach. Assume the wave crest to constitute a bore when it arrives at the coastline. [ 9 ]
(iii) Approximately 10 m landwards of the coastline there is a vertical tsunami wall with a height of 6.0 m. Will the wall be overflown? Assume the initial bore to have the same velocity and height it has at landfall as determined in section B2 (ii). Use two iteration steps, and approximate the final value [ 11 ]
Fig. B2.1: Idealised tsunami wave with crest first
B3. Sustainability and environment:
(i) A tidal current has a maximum velocity of 5.5 m/s. A developer wants to install a 5 m diameter tidal turbine in the current. Assuming a turbine efficiency for the complete swept area of 0.35, and a generator efficiency of 0.8. Determine the electrical power output. [ 9 ]
(ii) The same developer also wants to build a wave
power installation at the shoreline where the water depth is 2 m. The seabed slope is 1:10, the prevailing wave period is T = 8 seconds with an average offshore wave height of H0 = 2.1 m. Assuming a width of the installation of 10 m, and an overall power conversion efficiency wave-to-wire of 0.25, determine the power output for the average wave conditions. [ 8 ]
(iii) A river estuary has a water depth of 2.5 m, and a flow velocity of 3.0 m/s. On a stormy day, waves of a period of 6 seconds are seen to break on both sides of the estuary, the water in the estuary is however calm with hardly a visible wave. Analyse and explain the situation. [ 8 ]
Assume shallow water conditions throughout. The density of seawater is ρsw = 1030 kg/m3 .