代写TAD5500 Project 2: Research Plan代做留学生SQL语言程序

2024-09-19 代写TAD5500 Project 2: Research Plan代做留学生SQL语言程序


Project 2: Research Plan

*Please use this template for your project, and read the blue instructions carefully. The instructions should be removed from your document before submission.

Word count: Ensure your assignment is within 10% of the word limit - i.e. between 450 - 550 words. Word count should be measured from the heading “Research Questions”, to the end of your Outline of Research Methods. It does not include your Bibliography. Word lengths for individual sections are a guide.

Research Question(s) (50 words)

Include a main research question which expresses succinctly the focus of your research. You may also include 2-3 subquestions to give further detail about your project.

Venn Diagram (not included in word count)

Include a Venn Diagram which represents the fields of research relevant to your project

Outline of Case Study (250 words)

Explain what the chosen object of your case study is, and how it relates to the methodological framework that is guiding your research. You should explain key concepts succinctly, and how they may be applicable to the chosen object. Include references to relevant academic research that helps you to understand the case in connection with your research framework and focus.

Outline of Research Methods (200 words)

Give a brief explanation of the methods you are intending to use to investigate the case. It is recommended that you choose 2-3 methods. You should explain why they are relevant to your chosen methodological framework, and the way in which you will apply them to your chosen object. This should start to give the reader a more detailed sense of what it is your are investigating and how this will be undertaken.

Bibliography (not included in word count)

This bibliography should include both the texts that you have made reference to in the sections above, and also any additional academic sources that you plan to make use of in your project. In this way you are providing an indication of the academic literature that will underpin Project 3.