代做CS170 – Computer Applications for Business Assignment 2帮做R程序

2024-09-15 代做CS170 – Computer Applications for Business Assignment 2帮做R程序

CS170 – Computer Applications for Business

Assignment 2

To earn credit for this assignment:

1.    Your html file must be submitted to Canvas on time.

2.    All work submitted should be your own work and not downloaded from the Internet or written by someone else (in whole or part).

Overview: This assignment is designed to introduce you to creating a single page website using HTML5. You will focus on the following concepts:

   Structure of a simple HTML page

●    Basic formatting using HTML

●    Comments

●    Headings

●    Lists


You will upload your completed assignment via CANVAS Assignment Tool. You should read the entire assignment before beginning to do your work.

General Directions and Focus of your Webpage:

1.    Download or view the following pdf file: 02_SpainSample.pdf. This is the intended result of the webpage you are to create. You will refer to this pdf file to see the required formatting. Your resulting webpage should display the information in the same format as the pdf file. The only difference is that the pdf file is 2 pages, and your webpage is one page.  Your page should be as similar as possible. Points will not be deducted for very minor differences.

2.    To help you get started: Download the file Spain.html. This is the file you will modify. All of the required information is in this html file, but no html tags are included. You will do the following:

a.    Add the basic html page structure tags. You are creating a one-page website.

b.   Add appropriate title to your webpage.

c.    Add a comment with your name and section number within the <head> tags.

d.   Add a comment with the following statement within the <head> tags: “On my honor, I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.”

e.    Add the appropriately sized headings in the appropriate places. 

f.     Format in paragraphs or include line breaks where needed.

g.    Create formatted table with captions as displayed in the pdf file. 

h.    Format in bold or italics as in the pdf file.

i.     Insert a horizontal rule to separate the SOURCE information from the information about the topic.


   Chapter 4 of the Fluency textbook

●    Learning Objectives listed in Week_02_Resources

●    Recitation information