代写ECO-7000A – Econometric Methods代做Python编程
ECO Assessment Overview 2024-5
This is a summary of the summative assessments on ECO-7000A – Econometric Methods
Summative Assessment No.
Assessment Type
Take-home Assignment
Submission method
Online via the Summative Assessment folder in Blackboard
What you need to do
· The Assignment consists of an exercise which requires you to read a data set into STATA and carry out a sequence of tasks.
· All of the required tasks involve methods that are taught and demonstrated in lectures and lab-sessions during the first five weeks of the module.
· The answer to each task will typically consist of a piece of STATA output, which you are required to present and interpret.
· Your answer should be contained in a single document which you should submit before the deadline. Submission will be through the module’s Blackboard page.
When you need to do it
· You will be given the Assignment Task on the Monday of Week 4 (14 October).
· The submission deadline will be on Monday of Week 7 (4 November) at 3pm.
· This means that you will have 3 full weeks to complete the Assignment.
· We strongly advise you to start working on the Assignment as soon as possible after you receive it, and to work steadily on it over the 3 -week period. This will enable you to maximise the learning benefit from the Assignment.
· Students who are awarded extensions on the grounds of exceptional circumstances should be aware that if their extension is more than one week (i.e. 7 calendar days), they will be moved to delayed assessment, meaning that they will be required to complete a different assignment of the same structure in a later assessment period (probably summer 2025). This is because a feedback lecture is delivered one week after the deadline.
Formative support
· At the start of each lecture in Week 5, a few minutes will be spent providing guidance on how best to answer some of the tasks. This is to ensure that you are guided to the correct approaches, especially in the early parts of the Assignment.
· During the lab session in Week 5 advice will be provided on some technical matters relating to the Assignment.
· A lecture in Week 8 will be devoted to providing feedback on the Take-home Assignment. A document containing answers will be provided and discussed in detail.
Marking criteria
· The maximum mark for the Assignment will be 100
· Criteria for achieving a high mark will be: correctness; demonstration of independent thought in the interpretation of results; quality of expression; quality of presentation.
· While it is acceptable to discuss your work with other students taking the module, and share your ideas, it is very important that you write your answer on your own. If your answer shows close similarities to other students, it is likely that you will be penalised for collusion. Make sure you read the University policy on Plagiarism and Collusion following this link.
Reassessment/Delayed assessment of this assessment
Reassessment/delayed assessment will be a new assessment in the next appropriate assessment period. This new attempt will be of a similar style/structure but will consist of a different set of questions. (Students granted an extension beyond the return of feedback to the rest of the cohort will be required to make a new attempt during the next appropriate assessment period.)
Summative Assessment No.
Assessment Type
Online Examination
Submission method
Online via Blackboard
What you need to do
· This online examination consists of a number of questions.
· In each question, you are required to read a data set into STATA and carry out a sequence of tasks.
· All of the required tasks involve methods that are taught and demonstrated in lectures and lab-sessions over the 11-week teaching period of the module.
· The answer to each task will typically consist of a number or numbers read off the STATA screen, which you are required to present and interpret.
· Your answers should be inserted in spaces provided in the question paper.
· This examination must be completed individually. It is NOT PERMITTED for you to communicate with other students taking the module while you are working on the examination. If your answer shows close similarities to other students, it is likely that you will be penalised for collision. Make sure you read the University policy on Plagiarism and Collusion following this link.
When you need to do it
· The Online Examination will take place during the January assessment period.
· You will be required to submit the Assignment within 5 hours after the examination paper becomes available.
· The Examination is designed to be completed within 2 hours. However, you will be free to work at your own pace.
Formative support
· The questions in the online examination will be similar in style. to the tasks carried out in the take-home assignment (see above). Therefore, the more effort you invest in the take-home assignment, the easier you will find the online examination.
· You will have a practice examination in the lab session in week 12. The practice (formative) examination will be similar in style. and content to the online examination that you will take in January. At the end of the practice examination, you will receive a document containing answers, which will be useful in your preparation for the January examination.
Marking criteria
· All questions in the online examination are divided into parts. Marks awarded for each part will be shown on the examination paper.
· In an examination, since you are under time pressure, less emphasis is placed on the quality of expression and quality of presentation. However, there is still a heavy emphasis on correctness and demonstration of independent thought in the interpretation of results.
Reassessment/Delayed assessment of this assessment
Reassessment/delayed assessment will be a new assessment in the next appropriate assessment period. This new attempt will be of a similar style/structure but will consist of a different set of questions.