代做MUS104 Classical Stream FINAL TEST 2024代做迭代

2024-10-26 代做MUS104 Classical Stream FINAL TEST 2024代做迭代

MUS104 Classical Stream


Question 1: Write a counterpoint line above this Cantus Firmus, following the rules of second-species counterpoint. Write the intervals between the two parts. NB: Hard rule penalty = 2 marks, soft rule penalty = 0.5 marks. (20 marks)

Question 2. Carryout a Roman numeral analysis of the chorale below.

- If there is no line below aharmony on a quaver beat you should circle the note and label it as either a passing note (P) or neighbour note (N) .

- Label the key of the first phrase, the cadence types, and the tonal areas for each phrase. Some harmonies we have not yet covered have been given to you.

Please note that the second phrase has modulated to the relative minor - labelled dm = d minor, so the Roman numerals should reect that key, i.ed minor chord = i, Amajor chord = V, etc. (20 marks)

Question 3. Harmonise this soprano line for SATB in four-part chorale style. following correct voice-leading rules. The Roman numerals for the chords have been given to you. You will be penalised 1 mark for each broken rule or incorrect / missing note. (20 marks)

Question 4. Write a progression of chords which harmonises the given soprano line below. You should write the Roman Numerals below the bassline with figuresto indicate the inversion. Write a bassline for your chosen harmonies. The bassline should follow 18th century voice-leading rules. You do NOT need   to write analto or tenor line. (20 marks)