Digital Project Midterm Project
DreamGenesis is a media device built on dream incubation technology. It modulates the user's dream content by adjusting ambient conditions, through lighting and
music. Equipped with a tailored sleep initiation tracker and auditory feedback,
DreamGenesis reliably influences dreaming while gathering dream content. The
posthumanism theory is employed. DreamGenesis acts as an extension of the human body and consciousness. It challenges traditional boundaries and offers insights into the evolving relationship between humans and technology.
The application interface, depicted in Figures 1 to 3, is designed with askeuomorphic approach, providing users with a familiar yet innovative interaction platform.
Skeuomorphism is harnessed in the design, engendering a sense of familiarity with the product. Figure 1 portrays the interface that users interact with when selecting a dream mode with DreamGenesis. It features the capitalized caption, "Journey
beyond reality," emphasizing the app's advantages and invoking familiarity. This
interface establishes interaction with the user through video and confirmation
buttons, nudging users to find comfort in a familiar technological illusion while
venturing into new technological terrains. Figure 2 unveils the interface users are
greeted with upon awakening, offering an auto-generated analysis of the previous night's sleep and dream patterns. The interface also includes promotional text, to
show numerous benefits, including improved mental health, emotional stability,
enhanced memory, and boosted creativity. Figure 3 depicts the interface users
encounter upon entering their dream state, after the dream manipulation mode has been activated.
Figure 4 and Figure 5 emphasize the symbiotic relationship between space and
technology, especially evident in Figures 4 and 5. DreamGenesis actively shapes the user's sleeping environment, creating a dynamic, interactive space that responds to user inputs. The glove, ambient lighting, and application work in tandem, crafting a distinct spatial experience for users. Figure 4 simulates a scene of a user interacting with DreamGenesis: a woman in deep sleep, donning a sensor-equipped glove, has activated the dream mode. The room is bathed in radiant light, shaping her
dreamscape. The space in which the user sleeps isn't just a passive backdrop; it
actively interacts with the user via the DreamGenesis system. The luminosity
engulfing the room in Figure 4 is a direct response to the user activating the dream mode with the glove, underlining the interactive dynamic between the user,
technology, and space. In Figure 5, ambient lighting casts a gentle glow on the bed,
evoking sensations of comfort and tranquillity. Such a pleasing ambiance is essential for users to experience relaxed dreams. The caption in Figure 5, "Control your
dreams by altering your sleeping environment, empowering your nights,"
accentuates the transformative power of space. By modifying their sleeping
environment, users can influence and dictate their dreams, showcasing the potential of space in shaping experiences.
Figure 6 simulates a signature function: awakening the user directly within a dream. The concept of posthumanism isapplied to it, where DreamGenesis integrates the alarm sound into the dream, blurring the boundaries between dream and reality.
Users are awake within animmersive environment that interacts symbiotically with technology, rather than traditional alarm.
In refining this proposal, I have heeded feedback from respondents who favored a mobile interface. The initial idea of using VR technology to recreate dreams was
eliminated. The software application transitioned from a VR platform. to mobile,
ensuring that DreamGenesis focuses more on exploring the subconscious, thereby intensifying user engagement with their subconscious realms.
In summary, DreamGenesis employs dream incubation technology, influencing
dreams through environmental adjustments. Inspired by posthumanism, it offers an immersive awakening experience. It integrates human experience with technology, underscoring the interaction between space and technology.
Figure 1: Application interface of dream design modes.
Figure 2. Application interface of analysis after dreaming.
Figure 3. Interface of when people dream, and other application interfaces.
Figure 4. A woman in her slumber wears a glove, activating the dream mode. Brilliant lights envelop the room, influencing her dreamscape.
Figure 5. Ambient lighting illuminates the bed, accompanied by copy (Empower your night with control your dream by changing your sleeping environment’.
Figure 6. The cyberpunk city is shaking and quaking, accompanied with text
‘Incredible immersive alarm clock. Like inception, the sound of an alarm clock melts into the dreams. When it tries to wake you up, the city is shaking’.