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代做Psych 127A Midterm Exam Preparation代写C/C++编程

Psych 127A Midterm Exam Preparation
• We will provide printed copies of the exam and your scantrons
• Make sure to bring #2 pencil for completing the scantron
• Quiz level of detail ≠ midterm level of detail. Quizzes are open-book and designed to test your understanding of the entire chapter’s content. Exams are designed to test your mastery of concepts. More detail-oriented exam questions could be based on the content listed below in the“what to know”lists
Three parts
• Part I: Multiple choice (60 questions)
• Part II: Matching with answer bank
o Psychotherapy – diagnosis (10 questions)
o Medication – diagnosis (10 questions)
• Part III: Diagnosis case vignettes (5 x 2 points each)
o Possible diagnosis answers for the vignettes:
1. Major depressive disorder
2. Persistent depressive disorder
3. Bipolar type I
4. Specific phobia
5. Social anxiety disorder
6. Panic disorder
7. Generalized anxiety disorder
8. Obsessive compulsive disorder
9. Anorexia nervosa
10. Bulimia nervosa
11. Adjustment disorder
12. Post-traumatic stress disorder
13. Acute stress disorder
14. Dissociative identity disorder
15. Substance use disorder
16. Gambling disorder
17. Autism
18. ADHD
19. Oppositional defiant disorder
20. Conduct disorder
21. Borderline personality disorder
22. Antisocial personality disorder
Practice questions
1. Which of the following would help you distinguish (a) someone with anorexia nervosa versus (b) dieting behaviors by someone without an eating disorder?
A. If the dieting/restricting behaviors are common within a person’s social network
B. If the person has body dissatisfaction
C. If the person engages in binge eating 1+/week
D. If the person dieting/restricting behaviors onset due to an upcoming special event (e.g., gymnastics meet, wedding)
E. If the person’s BMI is 16
2. A 32 year old had no history of psychopathology until the onset of a psychological disorder within the past year. Based on what you know about prevalence rates and age of onset, which type of
disorder is this individual most likely to have developed at this age?
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Depressive disorder
C. Anxiety disorder
D. Eating disorder
E. Obsessive compulsive disorders
3. One part of clinical psychological science is understanding how certain medications work in the treatment of psychological disorders. Which of the following statements is LEAST supported based
on the field’s current knowledge? (1) increase the amount/effects of (2) in the brain.
A. (1) monoamine oxidase inhibitors; (2) norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
B. (1) SSRIs; (2) serotonin
C. (1) lithium mood stabilizers; (2) dopamine
D. (1) benzodiazepines; (2) GABA
E. trick question, all of the above are well supported
4. What part of the brain is NOT implicated to have a central role in the“stress pathway”that regulates our response to stressors?
A. parietal lobe
B. amygdala
C. hypothalamus
D. brainstem
E. cortex
5. Which of the following is the best description of the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
A. People who experience acutes stress disorder are less likely to develop PTSD.
B. People who belong to minority demographic groups are more resilient and thus less likely to develop PTSD.
C. Genetic predisposition is more strongly predictive of developing PTSD than is the role of the environment.
D. PTSD results from the interaction of a traumatic event occurring to individuals with certain risk factors such as a history of mental disorder or a susceptibility to PTSD.
E. PTSD is predicted by environmental exposure to trauma, and thus genetics do not play a role in predicting who is more likely to develop it.
6. Regina sometimes experiences feelings of detachment from their environment, as if they are experiencing the world around them as dream-like. What is this experience called?
a. Dissociative amnesia
b. Dissociative fugue
c. Derealization
d. Depersonalization
e. Splitting
7. Jasmine is a 26 year old woman who has been diagnosed with depression and has withdrawn herself from engaging in most activities leading her to feel unmotivated and unhappy in her life. During her therapy session, the therapist asks Jasmine what things are valuable to her and what characteristics she wants to see more in herself. Jasmine responds that she wants to be a more adventurous person and wants to get out of her shell more. Together, Jasmine and her therapist create a list of activities that can help achieve these goals such as trying out a new coffee shop each week, joining a running club, or try a new hiking trail every 2 weeks. By the end of the session, Jasmine’s therapist assigns that every two weeks she needs to try out a new hiking location in which she will debrief on her experience in the session following week of the activity. What type of therapy treatment is being implemented to help Jasmine with her depression?
a. Cognitive Therapy
b. Interpersonal Therapy
c. Rhythm Therapy
d. Behavioral Activation
e. Exposure Therapy
8. Once people are addicted to a drug, their use gets perpetuated because immediately after using the short-term positive effects are experience as rewarding. This process is best explained by the work of which scientist(s)?
a. John Watson / B.F. Skinner
b. Albert Bandura
c. Ivan Pavlov
d. Marsha Linehan
e. Émile Durkheim
9. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the existence of schizophrenia across the world?
a. Clinical outcomes are worse for people living in developed countries.
b. The prevalence rate is lower for people living in rural areas.
c. Schizophrenia is found at similar rates across cultures.
d. In some cultures, experiences that might be considered“symptoms”are normative rather than pathologized.
e. Trick question, all of the above are true.
10. Intentionally disobeying and breaking rules or laws is a part of the DSM-5 criteria for all of the following disorders EXCEPT what?
a. Antisocial personality disorder
b. Conduct disorder
c. Oppositional defiant disorder
d. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
e. Trick question, all of the above are true
11.“Reluctant to delegate or work with others”is one of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for personality disorder.
a. paranoid
b. narcissistic
c. obsessive-compulsive
d. antisocial
e. borderline
For questions 12-13, use the answer bank below. Pick the psychotherapy that has the best
evidence for its effectiveness in treating the respective disorder/symptoms. If you believe that the disorder is not effectively treated by any of the listed medication options, pick the“none of these” answer.
12. specific phobias
13. persistent depressive disorder
A.family therapy B. In vivo (situational) exposures C. non-directive, supportive therapy D. relaxation E. none of these |
For questions 14-19, use the answer bank below. Pick the psychotherapy that is the BEST match and has support for its effectiveness in treating the respective condition/disorder. If you believe that the condition/disorder is not effectively treated by any of the listed psychotherapies options, pick the“none of these”answer. Each option is only used once.
14. Antisocial personality disorder 15. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 16. Child abuse 17. Oppositional defiant disorder 18. Substance use disorder |
A. behavioral family therapy B. cognitive behavioral therapy C. multisystemic therapy D. youth summer camps E. none of these |
For questions 19-20, use the answer bank below. Pick the psychotherapy that has the best evidence for its effectiveness in treating the respective disorder/symptoms. If you believe that the disorder is not effectively treated by any of the listed medication options, pick the“none of these” answer.
A. acamprosate B. antipsychotics C. methadone D. SSRIs E. none of these |
For questions 21-22 use the answer bank below to pick the diagnosis for which the person in the vignette meets DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.
• Acute stress disorder
• Adjustment disorder
• Anorexia nervosa
• Antisocial personality disorder
• Autism
• Bipolar type I
• Borderline personality disorder
• Bulimia nervosa
• Conduct disorder
• Dissociative identity disorder
• Gambling disorder
• Generalized anxiety disorder
• Major depressive disorder
• Obsessive compulsive disorder
• Oppositional defiant disorder
• Panic disorder
• Persistent depressive disorder
• Post-traumatic stress disorder
• Social anxiety disorder
• Specific phobia
• Substance use disorder
21. Kelly is a 32 year old Chinese American who you are meeting today for the first time in your private practice. Kelly and her wife started couples therapy last week, because Kelly has completely withdrawn from their relationship, and their couples therapist suggested that Kelly separately get a full psychological assessment. You ask Kelly why she has been distancing herself from her wife. Kelly explains that she just wants to be alone in her house where it is safe, because the world is not a safe place and the streets are dangerous, but her wife always wants to go out together. Kelly used to enjoy going to restaurants, movies, and parties, but she has become too afraid in recent months. You ask what she is afraid of, and she says she doesn't want to explain, because she doesn't like to think about it. During your evaluation meeting, at some point Kelly screams, jumping from her seat, and starts hyperventilating. She asks that you close the window so she doesn't have to hear all the honking and traffic outside. You ask Kelly if she is on medications, to make sure her symptoms aren't due to that. She says she is taking two medications. The first is extra strength Tylenol, which was prescribed for managing the pain of her broken arm from having been the victim of a hit-and-run two months ago. The second is over-the-counter melatonin, which she has started taking to help her sleep at night, because otherwise she tosses and turns all night due to nightmares.
22. LB is a 24-year-old Ojibwe American Indian man who is a professional hockey player. He must be cleared by you – the team’ssports psychologist – before beginning the new season. As you watch LB during the first week of practice, you notice that he seems distracted, less motivated, and more sluggish. His reaction time is not as quick as it was three months ago. Due to all these declines in performance, he is placed on a one week leave. At the end of the week, his drug test screens positive for cannabis. It is not against the rules, but you still ask him about it. LB tells you that at the beginning of the off-season, he started smoking marijuana regularly for the pain after his hip surgery. He now feels completely dependent on it to manage the pain, and that is why he has failed the handful of times when he tried to cut back.
Answer Key
1. E
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. E
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. E
14. E
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. A
21. Post-traumatic stress disorder
22. Substance use disorder