Assignment 4: Microsoft Access (10%)
This is an individual project. In this project, you are required to develop a database system using Microsoft Access based on the scenario below:
XYZ Bank
XYZ Bank database keeps record of the details of customers, accounts, loans and transactions such as deposits or withdrawals.
Customer record should include customer id, customer name, address, age, contact number, email id etc.,
Accounts details involve account number, account type (fixed account, savings account, monthly account etc), date of creation of the account.
Transaction detail keeps information about amount deposited or withdrawn to/from a particular account and the date of transaction.
The database should also store record of loans which include loan amount, loan date and the account number to which the loan is granted.
Things to do:
1. 4 tables (You need to fill up all required fields)
2. For each Table, the record must be more than 10 records.
3. Create the relationship between Tables.
4. Then create 5 Queries. 2 of the Queries must be from multiple Tables.
5. Create 4 Forms using different style. eg: form. and sub form. Include command button in the Form. to link to other Forms and to the Mainpage.
6. Create 5 Reports
7. Create 1 Main Page (min 9 buttons: 4 buttons for Forms and 5 buttons for Reports)