代写Psychology and Me代写数据结构语言

2024-07-03 代写Psychology and Me代写数据结构语言

Psychology and Me

(5% of course grade)

Due by July 21st by 11:59pm

While this is the latest day that assignments will be accepted, you can (and should) submit it before then. As we will have covered all available content almost a week prior to this date and you have all term to work on it, there will be no extensions. 

Over the course of these next few months, we’ll be exploring psychology and the ways that it shows up and informs our lives. As you will learn, psychology is about so much more than mental illnesses and how they are treated. It is a discipline that cuts across every aspect and time period of our lives. It’s a discipline that, no matter who you are or what your background is, has direct implications for who you are and how you experience the world.

So how does psychology show up in your life?

For this assignment, you will find two examples of ways in which psychology impacts you. You can use any of the content from weeks 1-10. See the syllabus for details, but this is any topic excluding mental illnesses and their treatments.

In at least 1.5 double-spaced pages per example describe the psychological concept and identify the unit of learning it came from. Identify a way in which this concept shows up in your life and how our course material or the textbook have helped you to understand it, and your world, better. Show me the concept in some creative way – this can be through a picture, a video, a poem, a drawing, or any other form. of artwork. If this is an image, you can submit it right in the document. If you’re submitting a video etc you might need to upload that separately. That’s fine!

Note: This part won’t be “graded” you’ll just get one point for submitting it or will lose a point if you don’t.

That’s a total of at least three double-spaced pages of content and two creative elements.

Your paper must be writing using proper APA formatting and referencing, including a title page, headings, in-text citations, and a reference page.

You can find examples of how to use APA on the following sites. Most of these sites have several additional resources that you can use.

APA citations: APA style. citation | Writing and Communication Centre (uwaterloo.ca)

APA reference page: Reference List: Books - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University

APA formatting: Format Your Paper - APA Style. (7th ed.) - Research, Citation, & Class Guides at University of Wisconsin Whitewater (uww.edu)

There is also a sample paper that was developed by the University of Waterloo posted for you to use to help with your formatting, citations, and references. Use it. Download it. Save it. Trust me, you will be so happy to have this resource throughout your university career.

You can also reach out to me for additional support.

Here is an example of what I’m looking for in terms of content and structure:

Example 1: Brain Imaging

In the unit on neuroscience we learned about different brain imaging techniques. One of the techniques that we discussed was the use of MRIs to capture images of the brain. MRIs work by (I’m not including this here in case someone else is hoping to use this as an example. Be sure to cite your information).

Brain imaging techniques impacted my life when I had to have an MRI after sustaining a concussion. I was in my last year of high school and played rep soccer (go on to share the story of how you came to need to have an MRI and what it was like).

The content in this course helped me to better understand what was actually happening when I had an MRI and what they were looking for. For example…(now make a connection between the course content and your example. Be sure to cite this information).

Here is a video the hospital made of me having my first MRI!

My first MRI - YouTube 

*note, this is not factual. I made this story up and found this video online. It’s just meant to be an example. Your example must be real.

Example 2: Intelligence

The lesson on intelligence was really interesting to me. In particular, I was really interested in the way that we assess intelligence. (Talk a bit about how it is assessed. Be sure to cite this information).

When I was in elementary school, my teachers thought that I was gifted and as a result I ended up taking a formal intelligence test. While I don’t remember much about it, I do remember (describe what you remember. How did you feel? What happened? Did you get your results? What happened after?).

After learning more about intelligence testing, this has me thinking more about what it means to be intelligent beyond “book smarts”. (Now talk about how the content connects to the course. Be sure to cite this information).

I don’t have a picture of the intelligence test I took, but here is a picture of me with the robotic arm I made in Grade 5! (Also not true, I found this image online as an example).


Need some more inspiration?

Here are a few other topics we cover in this course.

· You can talk about your personality

· Tell me about a dream you had and how that connects to psychology

· Learning, including how animals learn

· Study habits

You can pick any of these, or absolutely anything else that we’ve touched on.