代写Dreaming Community: Immersive 3D World代做留学生SQL语言程序

2024-07-03 代写Dreaming Community: Immersive 3D World代做留学生SQL语言程序

Course Title: Dreaming Community: Immersive 3D World

Building in New Art City

Course Description

Dreams have the ability to activate our imagination. In this class we start with dreams as an inspiration point, and translate them via a collective 3D collage in New Art City, a 3D interactive platform. Demonstrations will prepare students to use 3D objects, images, and soundscapes to create a collective dreamland. We will use software including Blender, GIFs, and Bandlab to build an immersive collective collage on New Art City. Inspired by the work of Tabitha Rezaire, Ruha Benjamin, and Mariame Kaba, in dreaming with community, we will create a digital portal of inspiration and activate our collective imagination. We will screen Tabitha Rezaire, Neema Githere, Merriam Bennani, Amina Ross, and Hito Steyerl's  video work and discuss them. We will read chapters from We Do This 'Til We Free Us:

Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice (2021) by Mariame Kaba, We d "Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want (2022) by Ruha Benjamin and I Will Survive (2021) by Hito Steyerl. Assignments will invite students to locate their sense of comfort online, and arrange images, 3D objects and text, and sounds to translate those feelings into a space of virtual relaxation. Students will present a final project to the group. Students should supply a laptop with Blender software installed and create an account in New Art City (links will be provided upon enrollment). This class is open to students of all levels.

General Attendance Policy

Due to the intensive nature of an Ox-Bow course, in—person and online, students are required to attend in full and every day during the session to be granted the credits assigned to their course. Ox-Bow will work with students who miss class, and their faculty to understand their needs and get on a path toward completion. Missing one day of class  or arriving tardy more than once will trigger a mediated conversation between student, faculty, and Ox-Bow administration. Failure to correct unexcused absences will make the student eligible for a non-passing grade.

Absences Due to Illness

For online classes, students who are ill should participate in any synchronous online course sessions and or asynchronous independent work, to the extent that they are able to do so.

If, while at home, a student feels too ill to make any progress on their coursework, they should reach out to their instructors to discuss an alternative plan. Students will be required to engage in alternative work which addresses any content that they may have missed while absent.

Grading Policy

Ox–Bow adheres to a credit/no credit grading system. Students enrolling in classes for-credit are indicated by the grading basis CR, or Credit, on the Registration Statement and Transcript. Students enrolling in classes for non-credit are indicated by the grading basis AUD, or Audit, on the Registration Statement and Transcript.

Accommodations Policy

Ox-Bow is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to the classroom. Students are asked to communicate their needs related to learning to the Ox-Bow staff when asked during registration. If at any time a student needs to make a confidential accommodation request, they can do so by emailing [email protected].