代写A study of the factors influencing the willingness to sustain the use of BIM technology in healthc

2024-07-03 代写A study of the factors influencing the willingness to sustain the use of BIM technology in healthc

Dissertation Research Proposal

Full dissertation proposal outline should be around 1000 words. It constitutes 10% of your dissertation mark.

Dissertation title:

A study of the factors influencing the willingness to sustain the use of BIM technology in healthcare facility construction projects

Keywords (3):

BIM technology application, healthcare facility construction projects, influencing factors

Academic rationale:

This study is necessary. In the current era, where the digital economy and big data have been widely applied across various industries, from government departments to small and medium-sized enterprises, all sectors are actively responding to the call for digitization, hoping to achieve leapfrogging and industrial upgrading with the support of digitalization (Du, 2021). Currently, the construction industry in China faces a series of challenges such as technological leaps and transformation upgrades, yet it still focuses on the integration of digital technologies as the overall direction of development, which requires not only a transformation in models but also in methods (Du, 2021). The core of BIM technology is to use digital technology to create a three-dimensional information model consistent with the actual building information based on 2D design drawings through computer simulation, providing a complete and accurate construction project information database (Chen & Tang, 2019). This database is dynamic, continuously modified, updated, and expanded during its application. Stakeholders and interested parties of construction projects can use this platform. for data interoperability, information exchange, and collaborative work, enhancing the level of architectural information integration. Its application value in projects can be reflected in several aspects, such as shortening the construction period, saving costs, improving quality, enhancing management efficiency, and increasing safety (Lesniak et al., 2021). As the Chinese economy gradually transitions to a high-quality development stage, the construction industry still continues its previous development model of high input and low return. This inefficient development model is not conducive to the long-term development of the construction industry. However, the emergence of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology will change this inefficient trend in the construction industry and bring about a revolutionary upgrade to the construction sector.

This study is timely. Currently, the application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the construction industry mostly remains at a preliminary stage or is limited to a few functionalities. The breadth and depth of its application are insufficient. Adopting BIM technology requires significant investment in human resources, material resources, and financial costs (Lesniak et al., 2021). The expenses for BIM technology training and talent development, as well as the procurement of software and hardware, are considerable. Furthermore, due to the inherent characteristics of BIM, the benefits it brings cannot be quantified in practical terms, and the return on investment cannot be accurately calculated. Businesses cannot intuitively perceive the economic benefits resulting from the use of BIM (Li et al., 2023). Under such circumstances, many enterprises only tentatively explore BIM, and its continuous use in projects encounters significant resistance. Therefore, analyzing the factors that influence the sustained use of BIM and fundamentally increasing the continuous usage rate of BIM technology in construction projects becomes particularly important.

This study is interesting. Current research on the adoption of BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology in the construction industry mainly focuses on three aspects: the factors influencing BIM adoption, the factors hindering BIM adoption, and the intention to continue using BIM (Zou et al., 2017; Toyin et al., 2022; Doumbouya et al., 2016). The overall research emphasis is on the decision-making level regarding whether to adopt BIM technology, with scarce attention to the post-decision implementation phase. Yet, the execution during the implementation phase may have a more significant impact on the continuous use of BIM. Therefore, this paper will delve into the implementation phase of BIM, using empirical research methods to analyze the factors that influence the continuous use of BIM.

Research question(s) or hypothesis:

What factors influence the continued use of BIM technology in Chinese healthcare facility construction projects?

What measures can be taken to help the Chinese healthcare facility construction industry increase the sustained use of BIM technology?

Research aims and objectives

the main research aim (1) is to explore the factors influencing the willingness to use BIM technology continuously in real estate construction projects in China and the interrelationships among the factors, which will help to improve the application rate of BIM technology in the construction industry, and help the digital transformation of the construction industry and the sustainable development of BIM technology..

the objectives (2-3):

a) to discover the possible influencing factors for the sustainable use of BIM technology in healthcare facility construction projects;

b) to establish the theoretical modelling framework;

c) to systematically analyse which factors affect the sustainable use of BIM technology.

Research design:

The following research design has been utilised in this paper to complete the investigation of the factors influencing the continued use of BIM. Firstly, this study will summarise the theoretical foundations and research methodologies used to study the field of BIM adoption through literature reading, and select the theories and methodologies suitable for this paper for the next step of the research. Then, in conjunction with the literature reading, this study will draw on the mature scale for questionnaire design, and adopt the online questionnaire form, and distribute the questionnaire to the construction industry practitioners and BIM technicians, and then screen the questionnaire, eliminate the invalid questionnaire to get the final sample data, so as to carry out the data processing and empirical analysis of the sample data. These participants will be identified by snowballing. The number of participants is tentatively set at 200 or more.

Finally, this study will carry out the empirical analysis. Guided by the philosophy of empirical research, this study will use quantitative analysis to complete the questionnaire data analysis. SPSS 25.0 will be used to process the data in this study, and the proposed hypotheses will be tested by applying multiple linear regression analysis and mediation effect test while ensuring good data reliability and validity.

Research plan:

month 1

month 2

month 3

month 4

month 5

month 6

 Literature Review

 Theory and Methodology Selection

Questionnaire Design

Questionnaire Distribution

Screening and Data Collection

 Data Processing

 Empirical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing

Writing and Revision