代写MAT 121 M802 SUMMER 24 Prob. and Stats for Lib. Arts I Summer, 2024代做Java语言

2024-07-10 代写MAT 121 M802 SUMMER 24 Prob. and Stats for Lib. Arts I Summer, 2024代做Java语言

MAT 121 M802 SUMMER 24 Prob. and Stats for Lib. Arts I

Summer, 2024

Course Description

First in a two-course sequence. Teaches probability and statistics by focusing on data and reason- ing. Topics include displaying data, numerical measures of data, elementary probability, discrete distributions, normal distributions, confidence intervals. NOTE: A student cannot receive credit for MAT 121 after completing STT 101 or any MAT course numbered above 180 with a grade of C or better.

Course Supervisor

Problems you cannot resolve with your instructor should be brought to the attention of the course supervisor.

 Dr. Leonid Kovalev’s Email: [email protected]


•  Elementary Statistics, 14th Edition by Triola (ISBN: 9780137395477). This will be provided through Orange Instant Access (OIA).

 Statdisk Manual. Its pdf file can be downloaded free here:



Any calculator that takes square roots. The TI-83/84 is recommended but not required.

Calculators will be allowed for all class work, including tests and quizzes.  However, calculator apps used on a computer/cellphone are NOT allowed on tests or quizzes.

Grade Assignment

 Exam 1, 15%. Exam 1 will be open notes but closed books. No make-up exams.

 Exam 2, 15%. Exam 2 will be open notes but closed books. No make-up exams.

• Cumulative Final Exam, 20%. Final Exam will be open notes but closed books. No make-up finals.

 Labs, 10%. One lab per week.

• Quizzes, 10%.  One to two quizzes per week.  No quiz on exam days.  Quizzes are closed notes. Charts of distributions will be provided when needed. No make-up quizzes.

 Homework, 20%. Homework is assigned on WeBWork.

 Attendance, 10%. Webcam should be turned ON during lecture.

100-93 A

92.9-90 A-

89.9-86 B+

85.9-83 B

82.9-80 B-

79.9-76 C+

75.9-73 C

72.9-70 C-

69.9-66 D+

65.9-63 D

62.9-60 D-

59.9-0 F


There will be weekly online and/or written homework that will be uploaded on Blackboard Wednesday nights and will be due Sunday nights or Monday mornings. For written homework, problems are to be fully written up and handed to me in class on Monday. You must show ALL work to receive credit for written homework. Homework will be graded and will count towards 20% of your final grade.  Online homework will be assigned through WebWork, an open-source homework system for math and sciences courses.  The number of attempts on each problem is unlimited.  Problems can be done in any order, and you do not have to do them all at once. Webwork problems should be done independently from other students, if you think you are having technical problems with webwork, such as a correct answer being rejected, check with me. Online homework will be due on Sunday nights.

There will be no late homework accepted, and no homework scores will be dropped except in the case of an extended period of documented health issues.

There will also be suggested homework problems listed for each textbook section on Black- board for extra practice. These problems will not be graded or collected but are recommended.

WeBWorK Access Information

1. Go to https://webwork.syr.edu/webwork2/MAT_121_Summer_2024_Xu/

2. Your Username is your NetID. (For example, your username would be “jqpublic” if your email is [email protected].)

3. Your Password is initially set to be your 9-digit SUID. You should change the password after logging in.

Learning Outcomes

 Make and interpret diagrams that illustrate data.

• Compute and interpret numerical descriptions of data including mean, median, mode, quartiles, percentiles, standard deviation, and variance.

 Compute and interpret elementary probabilities.

 Compute and interpret probabilities based on normal distributions.

• Compute from data and interpret confidence intervals for mean, proportion, and standard deviation.

 Use the statistical package Statdisk to do all the previous computations.


 Office hours.

• Online Math clinic is available; for more information and the schedules, visit https:// thecollege.syr.edu/mathematics/undergraduate-studies/math-help/.

Use of Class Materials

Original class materials (handouts, assignments, tests, etc.)  of class sessions are the intellectual property of the course instructor. You may download these materials for your use in this class. However, you may not provide these materials to other parties (e.g., websites, social media, other students) without permission.