SIT283 Development for Virtual and Augmented Reality
Trimester 2, 2024
This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to the development processes specific to the creation of effective virtual
reality applications. Programming concepts and techniques appropriate to the creation of elements of virtual environments
are taught using industry standard development facilities. Data types and manipulation patterns appropriate to the
representation of virtual spaces allow students to solve typical problems including those related to responding to user
actions, incorporating physical interactions between virtual objects and presenting the virtual world using computer graphics and other forms of output.
This Unit Guide provides you with the key information about this unit. Please read it carefully and refer to it frequently
throughout the study period. Your unit site also provides information about your rights and responsibilities. We will assume you have read this before the unit commences, and we expect you to refer to it throughout the study period.
To be successful in this unit, you must:
read all materials in preparation for your learning activities and follow up each with further study and research on the topic
. start your assessment tasks well ahead of the due date
read or listen to all feedback carefully and use it in your future work
attend and engage in all educator facilitated (scheduled) learning activities and other learning experiences as part of the unit design
Unit development in response to student feedback
Every trimester, we ask students to tell us, through eVALUate, what helped and hindered their learning in each unit. You are strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback for this unit when eVALUate opens (you will be emailed a link).
In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the Unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes:
The rich learning materials available, including the unit site. The textbook and the heavy practical components.
The following aspects of the unit have been introduced, enhanced or retained in response to feedback from students who have undertaken this unit in previous trimesters:
. The assessment tasks for the unit continue to be refined to ensure students have access to the latest industry trends.
If you have any concerns about the unit during the trimester, please contact the unit teaching team - preferably early in the trimester - so we can discuss your concerns, and make adjustments, if appropriate.
Your Unit Learning Outcomes
Each unit in your course is a building block towards Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes - not all units develop and assess every Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO).
These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this unit. At the
completion of this unit, successful students can:
href="" Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
Create functional solutions to typical VR/AR problems within a VR development environment.
GLO1: Discipline-specific
knowledge and capabilities
GLO5: Problem solving
Apply existing design patterns to solve VR development problems.
GLO3: Digital literacy
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving
Represent and manipulate information required for VR/AR systems using appropriate algorithms and data structures.
GLO1: Discipline-specific
knowledge and capabilities
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving
Assessing your achievement of the unit learning outcomes
Summative assessment (tasks that will be graded or marked)
NOTE: It is your responsibility to keep a backup copy of every assignment and the materials used to develop/complete it
where possible (e.g. written/digital reports, essays, videos, images). In the unusual event that one of your submissions
becomes corrupted, is incorrectly submitted or otherwise lost, you may be asked to submit the backup copy. Any work you
submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting breaches of academic integrity such as
collusion, plagiarism and contract cheating. You must understand your responsibility to act with honesty and integrity in your studies as Deakin takes all breaches very seriously. Make sure you read Your rights and responsibilities as a studentin this
unit to find out more about academic integrity.
Deakin has a universal assessment submission time of 8pm AEDT/AEST. A late penalty will apply to assessments submitted after 11.59pm AEDT/AEST.
- Summative assessment task 1
VR problem solving
Brief description of assessment task
Students will implement solutions to specific problems involving development of components of a VR solution. A range of such problems will need to be completed and students will submit these for feedback and grading at regular intervals.
This is an individual assessment task.
Detail of student output
Students produce and submit a functional implementation of their solution, along with evidence that it is functioning correctly. Students will demonstrate their
solutions during practical sessions unless other arrangements have been defined on the unit site. Specific details of the challenges are provided on the unit site.
Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
50%, Marked
This task assesses your
achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)
ULO1: each challenge develops a particular component of a VR system using an industry standard platform
ULO3: each pattern applied demonstrates representation and manipulation of VR relevant information.
This task assesses your
achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s)
GLO1: the VR specific elements of these challenges provide demonstration of discipline relevant knowledge and capabilities
GLO4: selecting and adapting appropriate VR patterns to the content of each challenge demonstrates critical thinking skills required by VR developers.
GLO5: adapting and applying VR patterns to each challenge is a demonstration of problem solving skills required by graduates.
How and when you will receive feedback on your work
Feedback is provided after each submission deadline which can be incorporated to improve solutions to subsequent problems.
When and how to submit your work
Source code and example output is submitted online at the end of Weeks 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9 via the unit site.
Deadlines for marking particular tasks fall at the end of weeks 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9. Each
individual problem will specify the week by which it must be submitted. Students are
encouraged to discuss solutions with teaching staff prior to these deadline for formative assessment and feedback.
• Week 2: 20:00 AEST, Friday, 19 July 2024
• Week 4: 20:00 AEST, Friday, 2 August 2024
• Week 5: 20:00 AEST, Friday, 9 August 2024
• Week 7: 20:00 AEST, Friday, 30 August 2024
• Week 9: 20:00 AEST, Friday, 13 September 2024
- Summative assessment task 2
Report on VR Development Challenge
Brief description of assessment task
This is a development challenge where students will have to implement and
integrate a number of components to build a virtual reality solution to address specified requirements.
Students will need to consider alternative solution strategies, assess the feasibility of implementing and employing each alternative, and implement the chosen
solution. Students present details of their solution in the form of a written report.
Students will then demonstrate the resulting application and submit the application and its source materials for assessment.
This is an individual assessment task.
Detail of student output
Electronic submission of all source materials and resulting product. A demonstration of the working solution.
Each submission should contain:
• The project file.
• A document containing relevant sections described in the assessment task documentation and rubric.
• Any further material specified explicitly in the detailed assessment task description.
Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
30%, Marked