CSE 101
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
Fall 2024
Description: Introduction to abstract data types and basics of algorithms. Linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, heaps, and graphs will be covered. Students will also be taught how to derive big-Oh analysis of simple algorithms. All assignments will be in C/C++.
Prerequisites: CSE 12 or BME 160; CSE 13E or ECE 13 or CSE 13S; and CSE 16; and CSE 30; and MATH 11B or MATH 19B or MATH 20B or AM 11B.
Required Text:
Introduction to Algorithms (4th edition) by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein. MIT Press 2009 (ISBN 978-0-26-204630-5)
Recommended Texts:
Open Data Structures (pseudo-code edition) by Pat Morin.https://opendatastructures.org/
Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++ (6th edition) by Carrano & Henry. Pearson 2013 (ISBN 978-0-13-292372-9)
50% Programming Assignments: Eight projects due at roughly 7-8 day intervals
15% Midterm Exam 1: Thursday, October 24 (1:30pm - 2:35pm, lecture to follow)
15% Midterm Exam 2: Thursday, November 21 (1:30pm - 2:35pm, lecture to follow) 20% Final Exam: Thursday, December 12 (12:00pm - 2:00pm)
All scores are rounded to the nearest 10th of a percent. They will not be rounded further. No scores are curved. The following letter grade boundaries will be used to determine your grade in the class.
Grading scale:
A+ 99.0% - 100%
A 94.0% - 98.9%
A- 91.0% - 93.9%
B+ 89.0% - 90.9%
B 84.0% - 88.9%
B- 81.0% - 83.9%
C+ 79.0% - 80.9%
C 70.0% - 78.9%
C- 68.0% - 69.9%
D+ 65.0% - 67.9%
D 61.0% - 64.9%
D- 59.0% - 60.9%
F 0% - 58.9%