FIT5197: Rubric for Assignment 1
Use this rubric to determine what you need to do in the assignment to get the highest marks. This assignment covers the lecture and tutorial material up to, and including, week 8 with a focus on:
● Maximum Likelihood Estimation
● Central Limit Theorem
● Confidence Interval
● Hypothesis testing
This assignment is worth 30% of the final grade and addresses the following unit learning outcomes:
● Perform. exploratory data analysis with descriptive statistics on given datasets.
● Construct models for inferential statistical analysis.
● Perform. fundamental random sampling, simulation and hypothesis testing for required scenarios.
● Implement a model for data analysis through programming and scripting.
● Interpret results for a variety of models.
Assignment component
Lowest marks (approaching 0%)
Highest marks (approaching 100%)
Mathematical answers
● Incorrect answer
● Poor/no justification of steps/final answer
● Little or no
mathematical working out
● Math not written in markdown
● Correct answer
● Strong justification of steps/final answer
● Complete mathematical working out so that a
marker can understand how you arrived at the final solution
● Math written in markdown
Coding answers
● Incorrect answer
● Poor/no justification of steps/final answer via comments in the code or complementary text cells
● Few computational
steps not related to the correct answer.
● Correct answer
● Strong justification of steps/final answer via comments or
complementary text cells
● Complete computational steps to arrive at the
final answer
Presentation is composed the following items below:
Up to 5% of marks can be deducted for not
the following items
Maximum deduction
Zero deductions
Submitted documents
● Did not submit pdf of the notebook file
● Poorly written, hard to follow
● Unstructured
● Submitted pdf of the
notebook as well as the notebook file
● Well written, easy to follow
● Well structured
quality/struct ure/elegance/ Visualisation
● Some errors, code does not run, full of warnings
● No comments
● Inefficient/ lengthy
syntax (e.g. too many unnecessary for loops, copy and pasting code instead of using
● Computationally inefficient (runs forever)
● No appropriate
indenting of code to improve readability
● Number of decimal places used for final answers does not
correspond to what was requested in the assignment
● Excessive use of “hard coding” (embedding
data directly into the source code of a
program or other
executable object, as opposed to obtaining the data from external sources or generating it at runtime).
● Code runs, error free, warning free
● Concise syntax
● The redundant or
unnecessary code is
excluded from the final submission.
● Computationally efficient
● Detailed comments
● Appropriate use of
indenting to make code more readable
● Number of decimal
places used for final
answers matches what was requested in the
● Minimal, if any use of “hard coding” - loads data from external
sources or passes
data/variables into
functions rather than creating the variable inside the function