Individual Report
CEG 8023: Transport Research Methods
The aim of this summative assignment is to demonstrate and refine your skills in transport research by developing a research plan and performing data analysis using assigned datasets. The report should include the following sections:
Research Plan
Ø Introduction: introduce the research topic, provide background context, and clearly state the objectives and significance of the study.
Ø Literature Review: conduct a concise literature review that justifies the need for your research. Highlight key theories and previous studies relevant to your research topic.
Ø Methodology: outline the research design and describe the methods used to conduct the research, including data processing and analysis methods.
Data Analysis
Ø Describe the information in the dataset using the descriptive statistics. Include tables and/or graphs as relevant. Comment the results of this analysis.
Ø Estimate suitable statistical models and analyse the results using the relevant tests. The dependent and independent variables are reported in the dataset description. Include a table with the results of models you estimated, including also the relevant statistics. Comment the results.
Ø Using the best model identified, assume some change in one of the independent variables and calculate how much the dependent variable changes. Comment the results.
Ø These analyses can be performed in excel or in SPSS. However, at least some of the analyses (at your choice) need to be performed in SPSS. Include a copy of your SPSS result obtained from the software in an appendix
References: Include a list of all sources cited in your research plan and data analysis, following a consistent referencing style. (e.g., APA, Harvard).. References are excluded from the word count.
Submission Requirements:
Ø Submit your report as a single document (2000-2500 words).
Ø Use clear and professional language, with proper academic writing style.
Ø Include a title page with your name, student ID, and assignment title.
Ø Submission deadline: 1st November, 2024 (5pm)
Assessment Criteria:
Your assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Ø The overall quality of your report, including organization, coherence, clarity, and presentation.
Ø Research Design: clarity and justification of your research design and methodology, as well as your ability to critically review and synthesize literature.
Ø Correctness of the methodology used (i.e. the model specification, the tests used, the terminology used to comment the models, etc.)
Ø “Effectiveness”, i.e. how important are the information included to explain your work and to justify you final recommendation.