ELEC5517: Software Defined Networks
Project III
In this task, you are a new network engineer. Currently, a company in Sydney has sincerely invited you to develop a network for buildings, but their server has already used a server from a supplier. In this task, you need to deploy ONOS and Mininet in ubuntu18 and ensure that you can build link.
Figure 1: Tree Network Topology
Perform. the following tasks based on the required topology as specified in the background section:
Task 1:
I. Connect the server through the SSH or VNC (Check the ELEC5517 Project 3 server IP.docx).
a. https://sydneyuni.service-
now.com/sm?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0011049&sys_kb_id=836b51e6dbeb6010ea7d0793f3961901 &spa=1
b. Change the password
c. Record the password in your report
II. Deploy ONOS and MININET on the server. You can follow these guidelines in the blew link.
a. https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Requirements
b. https://github.com/mininet/mininet
III. Create a fig.1 topology.
IV. Link the Mininet and ONOS controller.
V. H1 and H2 cannot send any package through the flow table.
VI. H3 will automatically send data packets to H4
Task 2:
We are required to speed up the network paths as a result of unforeseen delays affecting the network. These delays can have an impact on read and write access on the network. Based on the new speed on the network paths, specify the bandwidth paths and corresponding industries to be assigned the following properties in the Mininet environment:
I. Create this topology in ONOS
a It doesn’t need to set any host in S2 and S3.
b The host IP starts at
II. Combine the PC eth to the switch.
a Please notify your tutor to open the NIC for you (email or others), and s2 will connect to the physical NIC.
b Create a virtual NIC, and s3 will connect to the virtual NIC
III. Using the H4 ping s2 host.
IV. List hosts of S2, and use the ONOSAPI to show their mac address.