代做INMR77 Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2024-25调试R语言

2025-02-06 代做INMR77 Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2024-25调试R语言

Module Code and Title

INMR77 Business Intelligence and Data Mining

Academic Year


1. Submission details

Submission deadline

Friday 7/02/2025 by 2pm

Submission point

Blackboard Turnitin Other: Enter text here

Item(s) to be submitted

A written coursework assignment

File type

PDF Word PPT Excel Video

Other: Enter text here

Formatting guidelines

(in MS Word) in a single document

Structure (e.g. required sub- sections)

See coursework specification

Size of assessment (word limit or length) and penalty applied

A 20-page or 5,000-word (with a variation of 10%) report - see coursework specification for question and specific details

Referencing style

Harvard Other: Enter text here

2. What is the purpose of this assessment?

The following table shows which of the module learning outcomes are being assessed in this  assignment. Use this table to help you see the connection between this assessment and your learning on the module.

Module learning outcomes to be assessed

1.    Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of business intelligence and data mining and its relevant theory and techniques

2.    Demonstrate an understanding of how and when data mining can be used as a problem- solving technique in a range of organisational contexts

3.    Develop theoretical and practical skills to address different data types for creation of business intelligence in a range of organisational contexts.

4.    Apply appropriate data mining process frameworks and use relevant data mining techniques and methods for data modelling and business solution design.

3. What is the task for this assessment?


(attach an assignment brief if required)

See coursework specification

4. What is required of me in this assessment?

Guidelines/details of how to prepare your submission

Read the coursework specification and follow the instruction carefully, address all required elements

Exercise your critical thinking, critical analysis and critical writing skills

o justify your statements by providing

evidence/support using relevant literature, and avoid unsubstantiated statements;

o ensure logical argumentation

o Weigh between options

At this masters level you are expected to demonstrate your ability to research, data modelling, reference and apply with reason knowledge, technique and methods about data

mining for business intelligence.

You are expected to demonstrate evidence of critical

reasoning, data analysis and insight to support data driven decision making.

Expectations for group work (if applicable)

Self-regulation: Make sure that you

Read the case scenario and coursework specification

carefully and provide what was requested and following the guidelines asset out in the coursework document.

Make sure to apply suitable techniques, methods and models learned to the case scenario and data set given.

Do not omit any of the section/question.

Note: the main report document will be submitted separately to the supplement data files, there will be two different submission entries on Blackboard)

Three key pieces of advice

based on the feedback given to the previous cohort who completed this assignment

1.    Read the coursework carefully and understand what are required.

2.    Start the work earlier and don’t leave it to the last minute.

3.    Be inquisitive, play with the data, use suitable methods and techniques, and make sure to justify the approaches taken.

Formative assessment opportunities/activities

Formative assessment is any task or activity which creates

feedback (or feedforward) for you about your learning, but

which does not contribute towards your overall module mark. All lectures will indicate the core material, models, techniques etc with an introduction to these. These are followed by tutorial workshops where discussions and exercises applying the

methods and techniques in a given business scenario/datasets will be carried out. Feedback will be provided at the end of each workshop for improvements and further considerations.

5. What resources might I use to prepare my work?

Please use the lectures and tutorials, papers and references and other resources as listed in the coursework document, and further resources/materials as provided on the lecture slides and lab tutorial sessions on blackboard, including:

University library books, online databases, articles.

Models/theories/concepts/framework covered in classes,

Further reading and references provide for each unit

Materials/Resources/exercises/videos provide on the BB.

As a Master student, you are also expected to conduct further research and take your own initiatives for your work.