代做FIT2094 Databases Assignment 1 - Database Design代做留学生SQL 程序

2025-02-06 代做FIT2094 Databases Assignment 1 - Database Design代做留学生SQL 程序

FIT2094 Databases

Assignment 1  - Database Design

Caring Hands Hospital (CHH)


Given the provided case study, students will be asked to transform. the information provided into a sound database design and implement it in Oracle. This task covers learning outcomes:

1.   Apply the theories of the relational database model.

2. Develop a sound relational database design.

3. Implement a relational database based on a sound database design.

Your task

This is an open-book, individual task.   The output for this task will be an initial

conceptual model as a PDF document and  a logical model implemented in the Oracle RDBMS


40 % of your total marks for the unit

Due Date

Wed, 5th Feb 2025 at 4:30 pm


Via Moodle Assignment Submission.

●    FIT GitLab check-ins will be used to assess the history of development

Assessment Criteria

●    Using the supplied case study description, prepare a conceptual model identifying the required entities, attributes and relationships.

●    Normalise the supplied case study forms/s and integrate the resultant relations into a logical model derived from the identified conceptual model.

●    Depict the data requirements expressed in the case study via a relational database logical model.

●    Generate a schema that meets the case study data requirements from the logical model produced

●    Consistent use of industry-standard notation and convention

Late Penalties

●    5% of the marks available for the task (-5 marks) deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one week

●    Submissions over 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a mark of zero (0), and no assessment feedback will be provided.

Support Resources

See Moodle Assessment page


Feedback will be provided on student work via:

general cohort performance

●    specific student feedback ten working days post-submission

a sample solution

Case Scenario

Caring Hands Hospital treats patients who are identified by a unique patient id. When a patient is admitted to the hospital, the hospital records the patient's first and last name, address, date of birth and emergency contact number (if they are not already on the system). They also record the date and time of admission. The system needs to maintain a record of all admissions for a particular patient. When a patient is discharged, the date and time of their discharge for this admission is recorded.

While in the hospital patients are located in a bed within a ward. Each ward is identified by a ward code. Beds located in a ward are assigned a bed number within that ward - thus, for example, each ward has a bed number 1. The bedside telephone number and bed type are  also recorded. During a stay in the hospital patients may be moved from one bed to another (this might involve a change of wards).

On admission each patient is assigned one doctor (identified by a doctor id) as their supervising doctor. If a patient has multiple admissions they may be assigned a different supervising doctor with a different admission. A patient's supervising doctor may be in charge of many admissions. The hospital records each doctor's first and last names and phone number.

During their admission, patients are prescribed procedures as part of their care by doctors (a procedure can only be prescribed by a doctor). Procedures consist of tests such as "X-Rays", "Blood Tests" etc, they also include medical procedures which might be required such as "Shoulder Replacement". A patient may have procedures prescribed by their supervising doctor or any other doctor working in the hospital.

A procedure is identified by a procedure code. Each procedure has a name (such as "Wrist X-Ray") and includes a description of what the procedure involves, the time required for the procedure and the current standard patient cost for this procedure. When a particular procedure is prescribed during a patient’s admission, the date and time when the procedure is carried out is also recorded. For a given patient, a particular procedure is completed before any further procedures are run (two procedures cannot occur simultaneously for the same patient). A doctor may require procedures on different patients which are carried out at the same time. Some procedures, such as blood tests are carried out by technicians, more complex procedures may require a doctor to perform. the procedure.

If a procedure is carried out by a technician the hospital does not record the details of the technician who completed the procedure.

If a doctor carries out the procedure, the doctor who completes the procedure is recorded (the doctor who completes the procedure may be different from the doctor who prescribes it). If a team of doctors is involved in the procedure, only one doctor (the doctor in charge) is recorded as completing the procedure.

Caring Hands Hospital only records the details of a procedure carried out on an admission after the procedure has been completed. The patient cost for the procedure is recorded, this may be different to the standard procedure cost.

Not all admissions require a procedure to be carried out.

Procedures may require "extra" items such as syringes or swabs. Each item held in stock is assigned an item code. The item description, current stock and price are recorded.

REMEMBER to keep up to date with the Moodle Ed Assignment 1 forum, where further clarifications may be posted (this forum is to be treated as your client).

To view Assignment 1 only posts, select the Assignment and then the Assignment 1 forum from the Categories list in the left panel.

Once selected, you can Filter the posts via the Filter option at the top of the list of posts:

Please be careful to ensure you do not publicly post anything that includes your reasoning, logic, or any part of your work to this forum. Doing so violates Monash plagiarism/ collusion rules and carries significant academic penalties. Use private posts to raise questions that may reveal part of your reasoning or solution.

You are free to make assumptions if needed however they must align with the details here and in the assignment forums and must be clearly documented (see the required submission files). Normally such assumptions would only relate to minimum cardinality where not expressed in the case study.


Your work for these tasks MUST be saved in your Assignment 1 folder of your local repository and regularly pushed to the FIT GitLab server to build a clear history of the development of your model.

TASKS to be Completed

TASK 1 Caring Hands Hospital Conceptual Model [15 Marks]

Based on the case scenario on pages 2 and 3 of this document prepare a CONCEPTUAL model for Caring Hands Hospital. In preparing this model you must only use the description provided on pages 2 and 3. Your model must be saved in a file named chh_conceptual.pdf

Your development history as pushed to Git Lab must clearly show the steps you have been taught:

●    Step 1: entities and keys

●   Step 2: relationships, and

Step 3: non-key attributes

The PDF file of your model must have at least three pushes (remember all pushes must be of a file with the same name - chh_conceptual.pdf). Please note that three pushes are a minimum; you are free to make more (and we would expect more, in which case you will have more than one commit/push for each step). You must regularly check that your pushes have been successful by logging in to the FIT Git Lab server's web interface; you must not simply assume they are working. Do not forget to check that your Git Lab author details are correct for every push. Before submission via Moodle, you must log in to the Git Lab server's web interface and ensure your final submission files are present.

GIT automatically maintains a history of all files pushed to the server. You do not need to, and MUST not, add a version name to your various versions. Please ensure you use the  same name (chh_conceptual.pdf) for all versions of your solution.

The steps to complete this task:

Using LucidChart, prepare a FULL conceptual model (Entity Relationship Diagram) using crow’s foot notation for Caring Hands Hospital (CHH)  as described above.

●    For this FULL conceptual model (ERD), include:

○    identifiers (keys) for each entity

○   all required attributes, and

○   all relationships. Cardinality (min and max) and connectivity for all relationships must be shown on the diagram.

Surrogate keys must not be added to this model.

Your model must conform. to the unit ERD standards listed in the Applied 3: Conceptual Modelling (A3-2) lesson on ed. Your name must be shown on your diagram and it must be created as an A4 page.

TASK 2 Caring Hands Hospital Normalisation [15 marks]

The document shown on the next page is printed when a patient is about to be discharged from the hospital and contains all the procedures that have been carried out during their admission.

Perform. normalisation to 3NF for the data depicted in the supplied sample document. This normalisation must be based only on the depicted forms content - you must not introduce attributes not shown on the document.

The approach you must use is shown in the normalisation applied class solutions. you must begin by representing the document you are working on as a single UNF relation and then move through 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF. No marks will be awarded if you use a different approach.

During normalisation, you must:

Not add surrogate keys.

Include all attributes shown on the from (you must not remove any attribute as derivable)

○          Clearly show UNF, 1NF, 2NF and 3NF.

○          Clearly show all candidate keys for each relation in 1NF.

Identify the Primary Key in all relations by underlining the PK attribute/s.

Identify all dependencies at the various normalisation stages (Partial at 1NF,

Transitive at 2NF and Full at 3NF). You should use the same notation as depicted in the normalisation sample solutions, for example:

attr1 -> attr2, attr3

If none exist, you must note this by stating:

No partial dependencies present and/or No transitive dependencies present

Carry out attribute synthesis if required.

The relation and attribute names used throughout your normalisation and those on your subsequent logical model must be the same.

Your normalisation must be carried out in either an MS Word or Apple Pages or Google document with a filename of chh_normalisation. If you are using MS Word or Pages (preferred) place the source document inside your local assignment 1 Git Lab repo. As you develop your normalisation the source document must be regularly saved and pushed to Git Lab. If you are using a Google document, you must regularly download the normalisation as a file called chh_normalisation.pdf and push it to Git Lab.

Your normalisation must have at least three pushes (remember all pushes must be of a file with the same name - chh_normalisation ) to GitLab. The file extension for chh_normalisation will depend on which software you choose to use. Ensure that your name is shown on every page of the normalisation.

TASK 3 Caring Hands Hospital Logical Model [55 marks]

Caring Hands Hospital have supplied some further information to guide your modelling:

For accounting purposes, each item is assigned to a unique cost centre, such as

Pharmacy,  Radiography or Patient Aids. A cost centre is identified by a cost centre code, your design must also record the cost centre's title (such as Pharmacy) and the manager's name. CHH wishes to be able to add new cost centres as needed. They    wish the manager's name to be treated as as simple attribute ie. not be decomposed.

●    Beds at CHH are classified (their bed type) as either fixed or adjustable. Not all beds are supplied with a bedside telephone. CHH wish to be able to identify the date and  time a patient is assigned to a particular bed.

●    Doctors titles must be one of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, AProf, or Prof - this range of titles will not be extended and will be stored as listed (not abbreviated further).

1.    Prepare a logical level design for the Caring Hands Hospital database based on your

Task 1 Conceptual model, the normalisations you carried out in Task 2 above and further details supplied here in Task 3.

●       The logical model must be drawn using the Oracle Data Modeler. Information

engineering or Crow’s foot notation must be used to draw the model. Your logical model must not show data types. You must create a new empty folder, in your local repo, in the Ass1 folder, called chh_model, and then place your model inside this folder naming the saved model as chh_logical.

●       All relations depicted must be in 3NF. Candidate keys are possible natural keys; you must ensure your model protects all candidate keys to maintain the business rules.

●       You must add at least one surrogate key to your design (you are free to

select the most appropriate relation to make this change in). You must explain why you added the surrogate key to your chosen relation as part of your assumptions. We have a unit rule about requiring a surrogate key if the relation has a composite key with more than two attributes, but this is not the only reason you might add a surrogate. You may add surrogate keys to multiple relations if you wish.

●       All attributes must be commented in the database (i.e., the comments must be part of the table structure, not simply comments in the schema file).

●       Check clauses/look-up tables must be applied to attributes where appropriate.

●       You MUST include the legend in your model. Please edit the legend panel to show your name and ID number.

Please carefully check the slide "Overall Design Process - checklist" from the Topic 5 Workshop and ensure you follow the steps listed.

●       Your GIT repository must indicate your development history with multiple

commits/pushes as you work on your model. A minimum of six pushes is

required for your logical model, as it is developed, so as to show this

history. You are free to make more pushes/commits and are encouraged to do so.

2. Generate the database schema in Oracle Data Modeler and use the schema to create the database in your Oracle account.

The only edit you are permitted to carry out to the generated schema file is to add header comment/s containing your details and the commands to spool/echo your run of the script. (as illustrated in Applied 6 Logical Modelling). In generating your schema file,  ensure you:

●       Capture the output of the run of your schema statements using the spool command.

●       Ensure your script. includes drop table statements at the start of the script.

●       Name the schema file as chh_schema.sql.

Please note when working with your model, ensure that you NEVER select any export options from the Data Modeler menu:

such actions can fill your Oracle account space and render it unusable.

Tasks 1, 2 and 3 - Use of Modeling Standards/Meeting Submission Requirements and Git usage [15 marks]

See the Marking Guide section of this document for further details.

Use of Generative AI tools

In this assessment, you can use generative artificial intelligence (AI) in order to assist with design decisions only. Any use of generative AI must be appropriately acknowledged (seeLearn HQ)

Submission Requirements

The following seven files are to be submitted and must also exist in your FITGit Lab server repo:

A single-page pdf file containing your full final conceptual model.  Name the file

chh_conceptual.pdf. This file must be created via File - Export (or Download As) -    PDF from LucidChart (do not use screen capture) and must be able to be accessed with a development history via GIT. You can create this development history by downloading your PDFs (don't forget to use the same name chh_conceptual.pdf

- DO NOT use version 1 etc) and committing/pushing to GIT as you work on your model. In exporting from LucidChart, please select a page size of A4.

A PDF document showing your full normalisation of the sample "Admission

Procedure Charge Sheet" document showing all normal forms (UNF, 1NF, 2NF and 3NF). Name the file chh_normalisation.pdf

●  A single-page PDF file containing the final logical Model you created in Oracle Data Modeler. Name the file chh_logical.pdf. This pdf must be created via File - Data

Modeler - Print Diagram - To PDF File from within Data Modeler, do not use screen capture.

●  A zip file containing your Oracle Data Modeler project (when zipping these files, be sure to include the .dmd file and the folder of the same name). Name the zip file


Part of the assessment of your submission will involve your marker extracting your    model from this zip, opening it in Data Modeller, and engineering to a new Relational model. From this, your marker will generate a schema, which will then be compared  with your submitted schema (they must be the same for your schema to be

accepted). For this reason, your model must be able to be opened by your

marker and contain your complete model (i.e. both your logical and relational models) otherwise, your submission will not be able to be fully marked,

resulting in significant loss of marks. You MUST carefully check that your model   is complete - ensure you take your submission archive, copy it to a new temporary folder, extract your submission parts, extract your model and ensure it opens

correctly before submission. Please view the video on Ed under the lesson "A6 Oracle Data Modeler Support Videos", which demonstrates this process.

●   A schema file (CREATE TABLE statements) generated by Oracle Data Modeler. Name the file chh_schema.sql

●   The output from the Oracle spool command showing the tables have been created. Name the file chh_schema_output.txt

A PDF document containing any assumptions you wish to make your marker aware of. Name the file chh_assumptions.pdf. If you have made no assumptions, submit the document with a single statement saying, "No assumptions made".

Your assignment MUST show a status of "Submitted for grading" before it will be marked.

If your submission shows a status of "Draft (not submitted)", it will not be assessed and will incur late penalties after the due date/time.