代做37986 Cooperative Strategy in International Business调试数据库编程

2025-02-07 代做37986 Cooperative Strategy in International Business调试数据库编程

Assignment Remit

Programme Title

CS in IB

Module Title

Cooperative Strategy in International Business

Module Code


Assignment Title

Group Assignment





Hand Out Date


Deadline Date & Time



Feedback Post Date

21st working day after the deadline date

Assignment Format


Assignment Length

10 minutes

Submission Format



Module Learning Outcomes:

This assignment is designed to assess the following module learning outcomes. Your submission will be marked using the Grading Criteria given in the section below.

LO 1. Explore the role of cooperative strategy, and its expression through strategic alliances, in the modern business context.

LO.2 Explain and appraise the considerations involved in establishing alliances, selecting partners and choosing an alliance form.

LO. 3 Demonstrate a critical awareness of issues arising in the management of cross-border and/or cross-sector alliances.

LO.4 Critically evaluate factors impacting on the achievement of alliance objectives (including learning) and on how they may evolve over time.

LO.5 Demonstrate group learning and judgement skills, systematically applied to different international business scenarios.


· You are employed by a large Consultancy and have been asked to identify a potential international strategic partner for an MNE of your choice, with the key objective of entering a new foreign market. As a group of 5 to 6 students, you are asked to develop a video presentation in the form. of a 10 min-recorded presentation (+/-10%) using PowerPoint. Your video should contain a prominent view of the presentation slides along with audio of the spoken presentation. You are required to create voice over Power Point slides (follow these instructions ) and generate an MPEG-4 (.mp4) file (follow these instructions) from your slides and audio.

· You can use information/evidence from secondary sources, such as company websites and reports, reputable policy organisations and media such as the World Bank or Transparency International, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, industry/market reports, and academic journal articles to support your analysis and recommendations. Please ensure that all evidence is adequately referenced (with citations in text) and with a final slide containing a full list of references. Harvard referencing guidance is available through the following link:


· Ideally, you should select a well-known MNE and potential international strategic partner with publicly available company data. Your presentation brief must address the following issues, drawing from the tools and frameworks discussed in the module:

· Briefly introduce the MNE and the potential international partner you have identified.

· Drawing from the frameworks discussed in class, evaluate the fit between the potential alliance partner and the MNE, considering the pre-set objective. Please explain/justify your views.

· Drawing from your evaluation of the two potential partners (MNE and Strategic Partner), make final recommendations about the form. of alliance to be entered.

· Your recorded presentation should draw from, apply, and display the partner selection and fit evaluation tools and frameworks discussed during the module.

· Individuals must attend all seminars where most of the group assignments will be developed. If there's any lack of engagement in the group assignment, group members can fill in a peer review form. that can be found in the module canvas page. Then the module team will investigate and review the evidence; if the claim of lack of contribution is substantiated, then the concerned students will receive a minimum of mark reduction of 10%, with the reduction being proportionate to the lack of contribution.

· The final recorded presentation should be submitted on Canvas by 5 February 2025, 12pm.

Grading Criteria / Marking Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following criteria:

1.  Addresses the task/question(s) that was set and structure of arguments (20%)

2. Make appropriate use of relevant literature, theoretical frameworks, tools and concepts discussed during the module (20%)

3. Understanding / Critical thinking (20%)

4. Conclusions /recommendations grounded in analysis (20%)

5. Video presentation skills /teamwork /presentation/Referencing (20%)

See the marking rubric at the end of the remit for more information on how your work will be marked and graded.