代做EC203 Empirical Economics Problem Set #2代做留学生SQL 程序

2025-02-07 代做EC203 Empirical Economics Problem Set #2代做留学生SQL 程序

EC203 Empirical Economics

Problem Set #2

10) JacketRatings.  OutdoorGearLab is an organization that tests outdoor gear used for climbing, camping, mountaineering, and backpacking. Suppose that the following data show the ratings of hardshell jackets based on the breathability, durability, versatility, features, mobility, and weight of each jacket. The ratings range from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest).

a) Compute the mean, median, and mode.

b) Compute the first and third quartiles.

c) Compute and interpret the 90th percentile.

28) VarattaSales. Varatta Enterprises sells industrial plumbing valves. The following table lists the annual sales amounts for the different salespeople in the organization for the mostrecent fiscal year.

a) Compute the mean, variance, and standard deviation for these annual sales values.

b) In the previous fiscal year, the average annual sales amount was $300,000 with a standard deviation of $95,000. Discuss any differences you observe between the annual sales amount in the mostrecent and previous fiscal years.

45) iPads. The New York Times reported that Apple has unveiled a new iPad marketed

specifically to school districts for use by students (The New York Times website). The 9.7-inch iPads will have faster processors and a cheaper price point in an effort to take market share away from Google Chromebooks in public school districts. Suppose that the following data represent   the percentages of students currently using Apple iPads for a sample of 18 U.S. public school districts.

a) Compute the mean and median percentage of students currently using Apple iPads.

b) Compare the first and third quartiles for these data.

c) Compute the range and interquartile range for these data.

d) Compute the variance and standard deviation for these data.

e) Are there any outliers in these data?

f) Based on your calculated values, what can we say about the percentage of students using iPads in public school districts?

57) StockComparison. The file StockComparison contains monthly adjusted stock prices for technology company Apple, Inc., and consumer-goods company Procter & Gamble (P&G) from 2013–2018.

a) Develop a scatter diagram with Apple stock price on the horizontal axis and P&G stock price on the vertical axis.

b) What appears to be the relationship between these two stock prices?

c) Compute and interpret the sample covariance.

d) Compute the sample correlation coefficient. What does this value indicate about the relationship between the stock price of Apple and the stock price of P&G?

61) BestPrivateColleges. A random sample of 30 colleges from Kiplinger’s list of the best values in private college provided the data shown in the file BestPrivateColleges (Kiplinger website).

The variable named Admit Rate (%) shows the percentage of students that applied to the college  and were admitted, and the variable named 4-yr Grad. Rate (%) shows the percentage of students that were admitted and graduated in four years.

a) Develop a scatter diagram with Admit Rate (%) as the independent variable. What does the scatter diagram indicate about the relationship between the two variables?

b)Compute the sample correlation coefficient. What does the value of the sample correlation coefficient indicate about the relationship between the Admit Rate (%) and the 4-yr Grad. Rate (%)?