代写BUSM2562 Assessment 2: Preparation of business materials代写Processing

2025-02-28 代写BUSM2562 Assessment 2: Preparation of business materials代写Processing

Assessment 2: Preparation of business materials

Assessment Brief


Assume following on from Assessment 1: Job interview, you were successful in securing your simulated new job position at your nominated organisation. (Congratulations!)

Working under the instruction and guidance of your new manager, your first project in your new role will be to complete a series of deliverable tasks to compile a report for the up-coming Executive Planning Day that will help the organisation develop a new Strategic Plan.

You are required to follow a set of instructions from your manager and complete a series of (7) seven deliverable work tasks. To deliver on the (7) seven tasks you'll need to apply a range of skills and demonstrate competency in: setting up a project plan, sourcing academic articles, summarising findings, preparing diagrams (and interpreting them), providing recommendations, and applying evidence to support arguments.

The purpose of this assessment is to introduce you to the world of work. We have replicated the types of tasks and activities that the typical business graduate would be expected to complete. The work tasks you've been assigned in this assessment reflect the nexus between policy and business practice - something which is vital for oganisations operating within the within economy to understand through support they get from employees who are business analysts and understand economic principles.

This individual assessment task is the second part of your three-part assessment journey in Understanding the Business Environment.

Learning Outcomes

The targeted Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for this assessment are:

CLO2: Design conceptual models to make sense of the environment in which business operate.

CLO3: Evaluate the impact of governments and their role in responding to varying domestic and global challenges.

CLO4: Apply digital literacy to navigate practical situations in a modern environment.

Marking Criteria

This assessment will measure your ability to:

Design and present a project plan that outlines the project's deliverable work tasks.

Source relevant academic articles using Google Scholar, selecting reputable papers and sources that can help inform. strategic discussion.

Review academic articles, summarise and apply key findings, while following a word count.

Prepare and interpret demand and supply diagrams including the ability to summarise key facts stemming from the application of this simple yet powerful analytical tool.

Use evidence to support an argument.

For help on how to approach the tasks and preparing your assessment submission, see the Learning Resources tab below. There are several useful videos there.

Assessment details - The set of tasks

Congratulations! You were successful in your job search and interview and have now secured a paid position within the organisation you targeted in Assessment 1. Your first project with your new employer will be to complete a series of deliverable tasks for the up-coming Executive Planning Day your organisation will be holding shortly.

The purpose of the Executive Planning Day is to understand past and current performance of the organisation you now work for, with a focus upon how the business environment is now expected to impact the organization over the next five years. You will be taking instructions and guidance directly from your manager. This is reflected in the description of project tasks outlined in the Assessment Workbook provided below.

As such, to get you started your new manager has assigned a series of tasks which you will need to address as requirements for this Assessment.

Download the Assessment 2 Workbook , and closely follow the instructions outlining each of the seven (7) compulsory Tasks.

Support materials and tips for success

When citing and references the selected articles please use RMIT Harvard referencing style. .

For Task 3 the article by Tol is accessible to download via the link:

Tol, R.S.J., 2009. The economic effects of climate change. Journal of economic perspectives, 23(2), pp.29-51.

The Task Workbook is to be submitted electronically using the file naming conventions First_Name_student number_Assessment 2. The assessment file must be submitted in Canvas as either a PDF or Word document. Note: Please take care to ensure all diagrams/graphics are in working order before submission. Corrupted images that markers cannot interpret will be penalised without exception.

Please ensure your work is presented in a way that is easy to follow and includes all relevant information including the task name as per the layout provided in the Assessment 2 Workbook. (For Task 1 you may add some design flair, branding and colours to your project plan (Task 1) but remember to keep the presented look and feel professional).

To assist you further RMIT Assignment Planner may also be useful.

Quick Links

Assessment 2 Workbook

Submission Details

This assessment requires you to submit the Assessment 2 Workbook which contains the following:

Task 1: Project plan (prepared in Word OR as a screen grab from what you've prepared using other software.

Note: you have freedom to choose the design and layout of your project plan but it must look professional and comply with instructions provided within the Workbook).

Task 2: Literature review (source articles and explain their relevance for inclusion).

Task 3: Written summary and relevant recommendations of selected article findings.

Task 4: Written explanation of the demand and supply diagram with a tax.

Task 5: Written reflection on client profit.

Task 6: Written summary of negative externalities.

Task 7: Written summary of positive externalities.