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SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
This pack must be used in conjunction with a copy of the Graded Unit specification
which details the standard of performance expected of the learner. A copy of the
Graded Unit specification can be obtained from SQA.
This pack supplements the instructions for designing the assessment task and
assessing learners for the Graded Unit specification. It aims to provide an example of
assessment that is valid, reliable and practicable. The assessment task(s) detailed in
this pack corresponds to the instructions for designing the assessment task outlined
in the Graded Unit specification.
Whilst the example provided is intended for guidance, it may also be used as an
assessment instrument, as long as the centre ensures the integrity and confidentiality
of the assessment in the first and subsequent years of use and between centres. It
may be used in a variety of ways including, for example:
as an assessment instrument, in whole or in part
to exemplify the standard of performance expected of learners achieving the
Graded Unit, ie as a benchmark
to help you develop your own assessment for the Graded Unit
to help you develop a valid and practicable assessment for the Graded Unit
within the subject area of the Group Award to which it contributes
to give you new ideas
as a staff development tool
It is important that you make sure that the Assessment Support Pack is used in a
context appropriate to the delivery of the Graded Unit and to the Group Award of
which it forms a part. Although the content of this pack has been prior verified as a
suitable Instrument of Assessment, you should note that using this pack does not
automatically guarantee successful external verification. It is still your responsibility to
make sure that all the appropriate internal quality assurance procedures are
satisfactorily completed. For example, a valid, effective and approved internal
verification system must be in use at your centre.
Scottish Qualifications Authority 3
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Recommended reading
Before using this material you might find it useful to look at some of our other
publications, in particular:
Guide to Assessment
Assessment Arrangements Explained: A Guide for Centres
Quality Assurance of Assessment Arrangements in Internal and External
Assessments: Information for Colleges
Details of these and other SQA publications are available on our website. Most
publications can be downloaded free of charge from our website at:
Other related Units
This Graded Unit has been validated as part of the SQA Advanced Diploma in
Computing: Software Development at level 8 within the Scottish Credit and
Qualifications Framework (SCQF)1
. Centres are required to develop the assessment
instrument in accordance with the validated Unit specification.
It is recommended that the learner should have completed, or be in the process of
completing, the following Units, which relate to the specific aims of the Group Award,
prior to undertaking this Graded Unit:
1 The SCQF provides the national common framework for describing all relevant programmes of
learning qualifications in Scotland. The level a qualification is assigned within the framework is an
indication of how hard it is to achieve. There are 12 levels, from level 1 for National 1 through to level
12 for doctorates. For further information on the level and credit rating see the Unit specification. For
further information on SCQF go to
Scottish Qualifications Authority 4
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Unit code SCQF level Title
HP1R 47 7 Developing Software: Introduction
HP29 47 7 Professionalism and Ethics in Computing
HP1T 47 7 Computer Systems Fundamentals
HP1V 47 7 Troubleshooting Computing Problems
HP1X 47 7 Team Working in Computing
HP2L 48 8 Software Development: Object Oriented
HP2M 48 8 Systems Development: Object Oriented
Analysis and Design
HP2K 48 8 Software Development: Data Structures
It may also prove beneficial for the learner to have completed the following unit
HP21 47 7 Computing: Introduction to Project
Core Skills
The Unit specification will detail the Core Skills covered within the Unit.
Where Core Skills have been embedded in a Unit specification and an assessor
wishes to use an alternative method of assessment, s/he must ensure that the
assessment generates the necessary evidence as specified by the Evidence
Requirements in the Unit specification. It is recommended that the centre seek prior
verification for the alternative method to ensure that the Core Skill is still covered.
The Core Skill of Problem Solving at SCQF level 6 is embedded in this Graded Unit.
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SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
How to generate evidence
The Scottish Qualifications Authority’s system of assessment measures the evidence
of a learner’s attainment of knowledge, understanding and skills against defined
criteria. The assessment process must allow for evidence of each learner’s
performance to be generated and collected. This evidence must then be judged
against the standards set out in the Graded Unit specification. To achieve the Graded
Unit the learner must successfully meet the standards and there must be evidence to
prove this.
The Graded Unit specification defines the criteria you need to use to judge whether
or not the learner has met the standards. All Graded Units have the following:
Instructions for designing the task
These tell you what the learner actually has to do.
Recommended prior knowledge and/or skills
This section details the recommended knowledge and skills which the learner should
have completed or be in the process of completing prior to undertaking the Graded
Assessment guidelines
This section should give guidance on how best to conduct the assessment to
generate the evidence required.
It is important to realise that it is up to the assessor to judge when and if the learner
has satisfactorily met the standards. This decision should be based on the quality
and correct quantity of evidence collected, set against the standards in the Graded
The assessment instrument in this pack should not create any unnecessary barriers
to achievement for open/distance learning delivery and the additional support needs
of individual learners should be taken into account. You may need to adapt it so that
you can assess learners with additional support needs or learners who are
undertaking the Graded Unit on an open/distance learning basis. However, whilst
taking into account the needs of the learner concerned, the methods of assessment
you choose must still be valid, reliable and practicable. If you have any questions or
problems, or if you are in any doubt as to whether or not the alternative assessment
you have chosen is still valid, please contact the Business Development and
Customer Support Team on telephone 44 (0) 141 500 5030 or 0345 279 1000.
Scottish Qualifications Authority 6
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
External verification — Guidance on best practice
In order to increase the likelihood of successful external verification it is strongly
recommended that:
a You read the guidance documents on SQA’s website.
b Centres have their question papers with marking instructions prior verified by
SQA. Centres are advised to put the materials through an internal verification
process before submission to SQA. Materials should be submitted not less than
eight weeks before their intended use to Qualifications Approval and Verification,
Scottish Qualifications Authority, The Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street,
Glasgow, G2 8DQ or by e-mail to:
Scottish Qualifications Authority 7
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
The following information indicates how the assessment task is to be marked and
also shows the evidence which should be retained for external verification.
Practical assignment
This project-based Graded Unit is in the form of a practical assignment and will be
marked out of 100. Assessors will aggregate the marks achieved by the learner for
each stage to arrive at an overall mark for the project. Assessors will then assign a
grade to the learner for this Graded Unit based on the following grade boundaries.
A = 70%–100%
B = 60%–69%
C = 50%–59%
Suggested evidence to be retained
All learner evidence to be retained.
All checklists to be completed and retained.
Scottish Qualifications Authority 8
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Conditions of assessment
The learner should be given a date for completion of the practical assignment.
However, the instructions for the assessment task should be distributed to allow the
learner sufficient time to assimilate the details and carry out the assessment task.
During the time between the distribution of the assessment task instructions and the
completion date, assessors may answer questions, provide clarification, guidance
and reasonable assistance.
Reasonable assistance is the term used by SQA to describe the difference between
providing learners with some direction to generate the required evidence for
assessment and providing too much support, which would compromise the integrity
of the assessment. Reasonable assistance is part of all learning and teaching
processes. In relation to the assessment of Higher National project-based Graded
Units, assessors may provide advice, clarification, and guidance during the time
between the distribution of the project instructions and the completion date, ie at
each stage of the project.
Remediation allows an assessor to clarify learner responses, either by requiring a
written amendment or by oral questioning, where there is a minor shortfall or
omission in evidence requirements. In either case, such instances must be formally
noted by the assessor, either in writing or recording, and be made available to the
internal and external verifier. In relation to Higher National project-based Graded
Units, learners must be given the opportunity for remediation at each stage of the
The evidence for a Higher National project-based Graded Unit is generated over time
and involves three distinct stages, each of which has to be achieved before the next
is undertaken. This means that any re-assessment of stages must be undertaken
before proceeding to the next stage. The overall grade is derived from the total
number of marks across all sections, and should reflect the ability of the learner to
work autonomously and the amount of support required. In relation to Higher National
project-based Graded Units, learners who have failed any stage of the project and
have been unable to provide the necessary evidence through remediation must be
given the opportunity for re-assessment of that stage.
The assessment task(s) should be marked as soon as possible after the completion
date for each stage. The final grading given should reflect the quality of the learner’s
evidence at the time of the completion date.
The practical assignment will be based on the development of a solution for a real
client or on a scenario supplied by the centre. If the method selected by a centre is a
scenario given to a number of learners, then the centre must ensure the originality
and uniqueness of each learner submission, through a formal authentication
If a learner is found to have plagiarised or to have gained an unfair advantage by
other means, the centre should have in place procedures for dealing with this,
including the authority to deem that the learner has failed the assessment. Learners
Scottish Qualifications Authority 9
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
should provide references in the form of footnotes and/or bibliography for any
materials used and/or accessed which is not their own.
Each centre must ensure that the project is the authenticated work of the individual
learner. For example, centres may wish to informally question learners at various
stages on their knowledge and understanding of the project on which they have
embarked. Centres should ensure that where research etc, is carried out in other
establishments or under the supervision of others, that the learner does not receive
unreasonable assistance.
Scottish Qualifications Authority 10
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Instructions for designing the assessment task
The assessment task is a project. The project undertaken by the learner must be a
complex task which involves:
variables which are complex or unfamiliar
relationships which need to be clarified
a context which may be familiar or unfamiliar to the learner
The assessment task must require the learner to:
analyse the task and decide on a course of action for undertaking the project
identify the requirements for the project
plan the solution for the project assignment
organise work through to project completion
develop the product to meet the solution
track and document work undertaken through to project completion
reflect on what has been done and draw conclusions for the future
produce an evaluation with critical analysis to cover the product that has been
produced and an individual reflective analysis of their activities
produce evidence of meeting the aims which this Group Award Graded Unit has
been designed to cover
Instructions for writing the Project Brief (assignment task)
The assessment task is a project. The project undertaken by the learner must be a
complex task which involves:
1 Variables which are complex or unfamiliar.
2 Relationships which need to be clarified.
3 A context which may be familiar or unfamiliar to the learner.
The project brief should either be provided to the learner in the form of a case study
or an external client’s brief. The learner may provide their own external client’s brief
providing it meets the criteria of the project and is approved by the assessor.
Each learner should undertake an individual project and the context envisaged is that
the learner will carry out a project which encompasses all of the knowledge and skills
which would be required to complete a small scale project. The assessment should
be based on the product, its evaluation and the process.
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SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Instructions for assessing learners
A learner must:
interpret the needs of the brief
gather information to clarify the brief
decide upon and develop a design approach
carry out development
evaluate the product and process
evaluate their own performance
The Unit will be project-based and should allow the learner the flexibility to select
from a variety of different project briefs which are representative of the Software
Development Role, eg the development of a number of use cases for a larger
system, the development of a relatively small application for an external client or the
development of a user oriented small scale application such as a mobile app or web
based application. If the learner chooses to develop an application based on their
own ideas, they should use user centred analysis to interpret the needs and clarify
the brief.
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SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Guidance on grading learners for a project-based Graded Unit
Learners who meet the minimum Evidence Requirements will have their achievement
graded as C (competent), A (highly competent), or B (somewhere between A and C).
Examples of grade-related criteria for a project-based Graded Unit are given in the
table below:
Grade-related criteria
Grade A (70% — 100%) Grade C (50% — 59%)
Is a seamless, coherent piece of work
Is a co-ordinated piece of work which:
has sufficient evidence for all three
stages of the project produced to a
high standard, and is quite clearly
has sufficient evidence for all three
stages of the project and is produced
overall to an adequate standard
demonstrates an accurate and
insightful interpretation of the
project brief
demonstrates an acceptable
interpretation of the project brief
is highly focused and relevant to
the tasks associated with the
project brief
is focused and relevant to the tasks
associated with the project brief
is clear and well-structured
throughout and the language used
is of a uniformly high standard in
terms of level, accuracy and
technical content
is satisfactorily structured and the
language used is adequate in terms of
level, accuracy and technical content
effectively consolidates and
integrates the required knowledge
and skills
consolidates and integrates knowledge
and skills but this may lack some
continuity and consistency
demonstrates the learner’s ability
to work autonomously with
minimum support or revision
has required additional support and
revision during the project
All allocated marks will be aggregated to arrive at an overall mark for the project. The
final grading given should reflect the quality of the candidate’s evidence at the time
of the Unit completion date and must take into account the grade levels indicated in
each of the three stages by reference to the table above.
Assessors will assign an overall grade to the candidate for this Graded Unit based on
the following grade boundaries.
A = 70%–100%
B = 60%–69%
C = 50%–59%
Scottish Qualifications Authority 13
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Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Any candidate who has failed their graded unit or wishes to upgrade their award must
be given a re-assessment opportunity, or in exceptional circumstances, two reassessment opportunities. In the case of project-based graded units, this must be
done using a substantially different project.
The final grading given must reflect the quality of the candidate’s evidence at the time
of the completion of the graded unit. Candidates must be awarded the highest grade
achieved — whether through first submission or through any re-assessment,
remediation, and/or reasonable assistance provided.
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Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Assessment task
This assignment covers the three stages of your project
Stage 1 — Planning
Stage 2 — Developing
Stage 3 — Evaluating
You are required to develop a prototype application that can be based on one of the
a brief supplied by an external client
a brief supplied by your assessor
a brief based on your own idea which should be discussed with your assessor. If
this option is selected, the development must involve user analysis
You are required to undertake an individual project-based on a brief which is
representative of the Software Development Role. This may involve you developing a
number of use cases for a larger system, developing a relatively small application for
an external client or developing a user oriented small scale application such as a
mobile app or web based application. If you to choose to use a brief based on your
own ideas, you should use user centred analysis to interpret the needs and clarify the
The project is an individual project and as such, you should be aware that you will
gain more marks for autonomous work and that unreasonable assistance from
assessors/supervisors/lecturers/clients and/or third parties will affect your grade.
You must achieve the minimum evidence requirements for each stage before
progressing to the next stage.
Stage 1 — Planning (40% of final mark)
This assignment covers Stage 1 (Planning) of your project. This forms a maximum of
40% of your final mark. Dependent on the development approach selected for your
project, it is highly likely that this stage will need to be split into two parts with the
solution planning running concurrent with the development stage of your project.
Part A — Inception phase planning (20% of final mark)
In this phase you need to think about what needs to be achieved, identify the main
functional and non-functional requirements, decide on an appropriate approach and
produce an initial project plan.
You are required to read the supplied brief and then prepare for and carry out fact
finding task(s) to ascertain further information about the scenario. When you have
completed this task you are required to produce an action plan report that contains
the following:
Scottish Qualifications Authority 15
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
An analysis of the project assignment brief (up to 14 marks)
Which should include but not be restricted to the following:
Interpretation of the project assignment brief.
Initial functional and non-functional requirements and initial top level use case
Information gathered to clarify the brief, eg background research, such as looking
at similar problems.
Aims of the project assignment.
Identification of resources, and materials required and how they will be
accessed/obtained, eg development environment.
Identification of information sources to be used.
Project plan (up to 6 marks)
Production of a formal plan to undertake the project with realistic timescales and
schedules for each stage and overall completion
milestones and deliverables
main tasks
The plan for the development stage should reflect an appropriate software
development methodology.
At the end of the inception phase planning, you should produce a top level
conceptual model (eg top level class diagram) of the business domain and then
arrange a meeting with your assessor to ascertain which use cases you should
take forward to the solution planning and development stage.
Part B — Solution planning (20% of final mark)
Dependent on the development approach adopted, this planning phase is highly
likely to run concurrent with the development stage. If this is the case, you might
want to include the evidence for your solution planning with your development report.
You must however, ensure that you have met the minimum evidence requirements
for Planning Stage before progressing onto the development stage.
This stage involves you analysing the use cases identified at the end of the inception
phase, designing both dynamic and static models of the business model and
designing appropriate user interfaces for the proposed application. The static and
dynamic modelling should be undertaken using an appropriate UML case tool.
When you have completed this task you are required to produce a report that
contains the following:
Scottish Qualifications Authority 16
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Analysis and design
Business model
Undertaking the analysis using appropriate techniques — this may include:
identification of classes, methods and attributes
top level use case model
any other appropriate information
Evidence for the analysis and design of the prototype application for the given brief
— this may include:
static model class diagrams using UML. Inheritance and/or interfaces should be
shown as appropriate to the scenario
dynamic model (eg use case models, sequence diagrams)
any other relevant information
View model
Undertaking the analysis using appropriate techniques — this may include
User analysis to try to ensure the HCI designed meets the needs of the potential
Any other relevant information
Evidence for the analysis and design of the prototype application for the given brief
— this may include
UI design – this should be justified using appropriate design principles
any other relevant information
You must successfully achieve the minimum evidence requirements for the planning
stage before progressing to the development stage. However, depending on the
approach you adopt you may not be able to fully complete the solution plan until you
have worked on the prototype in Stage 2. At a minimum you must successfully
complete the top level dynamic and static models for the solution planning before
progressing to the development stage. In this case, the final mark for the solution
plan won’t be awarded until it is fully complete. This is the only evidence requirement
of the Graded Unit which this applies to.
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Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Stage 2 — Development stage (40% of final mark)
This stage involves you developing a prototype application that encapsulates the use
cases decided upon within the planning stage. You are required to:
Develop the business model
You should implement and test the business model you have designed in the
solution planning. This may well also involve updating the business model design
to reflect any errors you have encountered. Remember, you only need to develop
the parts of the business model required for the prototype application identified at
the end of the inception phase planning.
Develop the view model
You should implement and test the view model (HCI for the prototype application)
you have designed in the solution planning. This may well also involve updating
the view model design to reflect any feedback you might have obtained from the
client or potential users. The binding used to link the view model to the business
model should be clearly identifiable.
During the implementation of both the business model and view model, you should
ensure that the internal documentation abides by an appropriate standard and that
you document the test strategy, test plans and test runs used to test both the
business and view model.
You should ensure that you document the sources you have used to research the
use of unfamiliar libraries and/or constructs.
You will be required to submit an electronic version of the working application and a
portfolio of evidence that includes the following:
Production of application (up to 25 marks for the production) you should include:
Business Model Code Listings — up to 5 marks for the implementation of the
problem domain.
View Model Code Listings — up to 5 for marks for the implementation of the
UI domain.
Use of unfamiliar libraries and/or constructs — up to 5 marks for the
appropriate use of libraries and/or constructs which have been introduced
through your own self-research.
Error handling up to five marks for coding error handling and/or error
prevention, eg use of exceptions, and/or validation methods.
Internal Documentation — up to 5 marks for the use of appropriate standard
documentation (eg using XML documentation in Visual Studio or JavaDoc in
Eclipse), naming conventions and appropriate use of indentation.
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Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Testing — up to 10 marks
Test plan — up to 5 marks for a report highlighting the strategy you adopted
and how you designed your test plan and test cases. This may include the
development of test harnesses.
Test runs — up to 5 marks for running, documenting and evaluating test
Documentation – up to 5 marks
User documentation which may also include online help features
The evidence may be recorded using appropriate techniques such as software,
screenshots, listings, logbooks (electronic, manual or both), work diaries, reports, etc.
You should have successfully completed (obtained a minimum of 50% of the
available marks) the development stage before progressing to the evaluation stage.
Stage 3 — Evaluation (20% of final mark)
You are required to continue the scenario introduced for Stage 2 — Developing.
Now that Stage 2 — Developing is complete you are expected to produce a formal
report evaluating the effectiveness of the approach/strategy taken over the whole of
the project. All essential information is to be included: the original project plan,
analysis of the current system, design of proposed system, implementation planning,
implementation, testing and documentation.
Your evaluation will be graded on all activities and the degree of autonomy in coming
to your conclusions. Your evaluation of the product should consider the following:
an outline of the assignment and to what extent the solution met the original
requirements of the assignment brief
an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the outputs of the practical
recommendations for any future development of the solution and reasons for
these recommendations
a summary of any modifications to the project plan, solution design and/or
implementation, that were made during the project. Including reference to any
unforeseen events and how they were handled
identification of any knowledge and skills which have been gained or developed
while carrying out the project assignment and how the actions/process of carrying
out the project could have been improved
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Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Suggested solution and making an assessment decision
The suggested solution below should be used as guidelines rather than a completed
working project and as such contains samples of some of the minimum evidence
requirements. The scenario is based on a real software development project for an
external client but could equally well be applied to a case study.
In this sample solution, the learner has identified that the scenario is best suited to an
iterative development approach which means that the solution plan will be updated
during the development stage. The learner must achieve the minimum evidence
requirements for the planning stage before progressing to the development stage but
the final mark for the planning stage should only be awarded once the solution plan is
complete. The development stage must be completed before progressing to the
evaluation stage.
The following documentation from the client is used to illustrate some of the
documentation required for the Graded Unit.
Instrument of Assessment — Initial brief from client
Simply Rugby are a Scottish based rugby club who have squads playing at all of the
age grades currently supported by the Scottish Rugby Union (SRU). These include
teams playing at mini, midi and senior levels. Each junior team is run by a group of
coaches who are normally parents of players in the squad.
They are looking for a new computerised system that will allow their coaches to keep
track of:
player details for each squad
player skill development
game details
training session details
The membership secretary also wants to be able to store details of all members both
for legal reasons and to allow relevant information to be sent to all members. They
will use the computerised system to keep track of their members and their player
training profiles.
Further details relating to the proposed system can be obtained from the club
chairman, who will be available for a discussion in a fortnight’s time.
The assessor may have to take on the role of the club chairman.
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Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Clarifying the brief
The initial brief from the client is relatively limited meaning that the learner would
need to adopt one or more fact finding techniques to clarify the exact requirements.
The learner should be informed of specific dates and times that the club chairman is
available for interview. Ideally the learner should request additional documentation
from the client but if this is not requested, the learner should be supplied with this
after the interview with the client. A learner who has requested the documentation
should be awarded extra credit as compared to one who has not.
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Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Additional documentation from client
Club overview
Simply Rugby are a Scottish based rugby club who have teams playing at all of the
age grades currently supported by the SRU. These include squads playing at junior
and senior levels. Each squad is run by a group of coaches who are normally parents
of players in teams.
The club has a large membership consisting of non-playing members, senior playing
members and junior playing members. All playing members have to be registered
with the SRU to ensure that they are adequately covered by the SRU’s insurance
schemes. Junior members must also have a consent form signed every season by
one of their legal guardians.
A coach or parent in every age group keeps track of all the player details in that age
group including doctor and next of kin/guardian details. Each section (junior and
senior) also has a chairman and fixture secretary who is responsible for organising
The coaches keep records of player profiles for their squads which they use to help
organise appropriate training sessions. These profiles include details of the training
that players have undertaken and an estimate of the level of skills acquired in various
aspects of rugby. They also record training session activities and game details
including how each player performed in the games as well as the scoring details.
They also use these profiles to help judge which players should be put forward for
pathway development trials and to help ensure that they plan appropriate
development activities to allow each player to achieve their potential. This is
particularly important in rugby where different positions require different skill sets.
The most appropriate position for a player may not manifest itself until after many
years of playing at different positions.
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Player member form
Name SRU number
Address Date of birth
Tel number
Mobile number
Postcode E-mail
Next of kin Doctor
Tel Tel
Known health issues
Wing Centre Fly half Scrum
Hooker Prop 2nd row Back
List of seasons and subs paid on a separate sheet.
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Junior player member form
Name SRU number
Address Date of birth
Tel number
Mobile number
Postcode E-mail
Guardian 1 Guardian 2
Relationship Relationship
Address Address
Tel Tel
Doctors name Tel
Known health issues
Wing Centre Fly half Scrum
Hooker Prop 2nd row Back
In addition a parental consent form must be signed each season along with the
appropriate yearly subs.
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Non-player member form
Name SRU number
Address Date of birth
Tel number
Mobile number
Postcode E-mail
List of seasons and subs paid on a separate sheet.
Scottish Qualifications Authority 25
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Player profile sheet (partial)
Name Squad
Category Skill Skill level Comments
1 2 3 4 5
Passing Standard
Tackling Front
Kicking Drop
Scottish Qualifications Authority 26
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Game record sheet
Opposition name Date of match
Location Home/Away K/O time: __________
Result Won/Lost/Drew Score
First half
Simply Rugby Opposition
Scores and comments
Points for Points against
Second half
Simply Rugby Opposition
Scores and comments
Points for Points against
Scottish Qualifications Authority 27
SQA Advanced Assessment Support Pack/HP2R 48/ASP001/AQ (Second Edition)
Computing: Software Development: Graded Unit 2 October 2018
Training record sheet
Coach organising Date
Location Time
Skills and activities undertaken
Players present