CISC2001 Lab Project Assignment
Nov, 2023
1 Reminder
• Deadline: Before the final exam
2 Assembly Programming Project
2.1 Task Description
Design, code and test/debug an Aarch64 assembly program that performs the following:
1. Read in a line of character which contains from 1 to 100 bytes;
2. The characters/bytes represent UTF-8 encoding of Unicode Character;
3. Count the number of Unicode characters in the input stream;
4. The result of the count should return as the exit code of the program with the following code:
1 . . .
2 // Read i n the s t r i n g with s y s c a l l to read (fd , ∗ b uff e r , l e n )
3 mov x0 , #0 // f d f o r s t di n
4 l d r x1 , =b uff e r // loa d the a d d r e s s of b uff e r to x1
5 mov x2 , #200 // number of c h a r a c t e r to be read
6 mov w8 , #63 // s y s c a l l# f o r read
7 s vc #0 // in vo ke the s y s c a l l
9 // a f t e r the c a l l , the number of by te read i n should s t o r e d i n x0
10 // and the i n p u t b y t e s a r e s t o r e i n b uff e r
11 // This i s the pa r t t ha t you should work on your magic
13 // i . e . , count the number of Unicode c h a r a c t e r i n the b uff e r
14 // Af t e r that , assumed t ha t the r e s u l t was found and s t o r e d i n x1
15 mov x0 , x1 // sa ve the r e s u l t a s e x i t code i n x0
16 mov w8 , #93 // s e r v i c e # f o r e x i t
17 s vc #0
Note: Since UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding scheme, the number of Unicode characters will
not be the same as the number of bytes in the input string.
2.2 Testing
• To test your program, you can
1. download the file in the attachment files;
2. copy the file to your emulator in the same directory as your source file, using the scp
command; (path-1 means the path of under emulator (windows/macOS))
1 scp −P 8022 path−1 ubun tu@localho s t : / home/ ubuntu/
3. run the following
1 unzip t e s t −t o o l s . zi p
2 chmod +x t e s t e r . sh
3 . / t e s t e r . sh yourprogram
Where yourprogram is the name of your assembly program. For the first two instructions,
you only need to run them once. After that, each time you modify your source code, you
only need to run the last instruction to test your updated program.
• If the unzip program is not available in your system, you need to first install it with:
1 sudo apt i n s t a l l unzip
• Note:
– The is now the final version. It has all the 9 seen test cases. When grading
your assignment, an additional unseen test case will be added to the test system.
– For some of the test data, you can see the actual content if you open them in a text
editor. Just keep in mind that there is an invisible ”\n” at the end of each data file. So,
the number of characters in the data should be one more than what you see inside the
2.3 Requirements
• The project should be completed by at most two students in a group;
• Write the complete information about your group members at the beginning of your source
as remarks:
1 // Group Members:
2 // 1 . A−B0−1357−9 Chan Tai Man
3 // 2 . A−B0−2468−0 Li e Kai Ian
• Submissions that fail to achieve any one of the following will receive 0 marks:
– The submission must be made on or before the deadline;
– The submission must be the source code file of the assembled language program; (i.e.:
– The program must be free of syntax error and must be able to be assembled and linked
successfully by the test system;
– The program must pass at least one of the test cases in the test system;
• Marking
– Please fully document your code;
– Your final mark is directly proportional to the number of test cases that your program
can pass;
2.4 Files to be submitted
• Source code file (i.e.: filename.s);
• Project report (including screenshots of experimental results.).